Published December 15, 2014 // JEM vol. 211 no. 13 2507-2517
The Rockefeller University Press, doi: 10.1084/jem.20140137

Thromboxane A2 acts as tonic immunoregulator by preferential disruption of low-avidity CD4+ T cell–dendritic cell interactions

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental Material (PDF)
  • Video 1 -
    2PM image sequence showing WT (blue) and TP−/− (red) OT-II CD4+ T cells and DCs (green) pulsed with 0.1 µM OVA. Selected WT and TP−/− OT-II CD4+ T cells tracks are shown in blue and red, respectively. HEVs are labeled brown. Time is shown in minutes and seconds. Bar, 25 µm
  • Video 2 -
    2PM image sequence showing WT (blue) and TP−/− (red) OT-II CD4+ T cells and DCs (green) pulsed with 10 µM OVA. Selected WT and TP−/− OT-II CD4+ T cells tracks are shown in blue and red, respectively. Time is shown in minutes and seconds. Bar, 30 µm.
  • Video 3 -
    2PM image sequence showing WT (blue) and TP−/− (red) OT-II CD4+ T cells interacting with DCs (green) pulsed with 0.1 µM OVA. Interactions with DCs are labeled with arrowheads for WT and arrows for TP−/− OT-II CD4+ T cells, respectively. An HEV (brown) is seen in the top left corner. Time is shown in minutes and seconds. Bar, 15 µm.
  • Video 4 -
    2PM image sequence showing WT (blue) and TP−/− (red) OT-II CD4+ T cells interacting with DCs (green) pulsed with 10 µM OVA. Interactions are labeled as in Video 3. An HEV (brown) is seen in the bottom. Time is shown in minutes and seconds. Bar, 15 µm.
  • Video 5 -
    2PM image sequence showing WT (blue) and TP−/− (red) OT-II CD4+ T cells and DCs (green) pulsed with 10 µM tOVA. Selected WT and TP−/− OT-II CD4+ T cells tracks are shown in blue and red, respectively. HEVs are labeled brown. Time is shown in minutes and seconds. Bar, 30 µm.
  • Video 6 -
    2PM image sequence showing WT (blue) and TP−/− (red) OT-II CD4+ T cells interacting with DCs (green) pulsed with 10 µM tOVA. Interactions are labeled as in video 3. Time is shown in minutes and seconds. Bar, 10 µm.