1 AppendixS1 Implications ofmultiplesources ofheterogeneityfor controlsuccess In themain paper weexploretheimplications for controlof key hosts thatexhibitonly one formof asymmetry (either super-abundant, super-infected or super-shedder). In reality however, hostspecies arelikely to show asymmetry in severalof theseaspects (seeempirical datain main paper). Hereweexploretheimplications of such mixed mechanisms for control success. Specifically, weassumethatspecies iis akey hostin thesensethatitcontributes a significantproportion, T, to overalltransmission, butitdoes so through theequal combination of two sources of asymmetry. Thatis, hostspecies iis akey hosteither dueto a combination of being super-abundantand super-infected, super-abundantand super-shedding or super-infected and super-shedding;in allcases both mechanisms areassumed to contribute equally to theoveralldegreeof asymmetry of thathost (seebelow). As in themain paper, for each key hostscenario weexplored theeffectof controlthatremoves acertain number of individuals of species i(Ci) under two controlpossibilities:(1) Untargeted control, whereCi individuals areremoved regardless of infection status and (2) Targeted control, whereonly infected individuals areremoved. Again, wequantified theimpact of controlas the proportion of theparasite's initialinfectious pool remaining after either targeted (ξT) or untargeted (ξU) control(Eqns 2 and 3, main paper). Assuming mechanisms ofasymmetryareequal Fromthemain paper weknow theoverallcontribution of hostspecies ito parasite transmission is given by: !! = !! !!! !!! ! ! = ! If weconsider thecasewherespecies iis akey hostthrough two mechanisms (e.g. !! ! and !! ! >> 1, !! ! = 1, wherex, yand z areeach oneof thethreemechanisms asymmetry), this becomes: 2 !! !!! ! ! = ! , or !! ! = !" !! ! . Hence, multiplecombinations of !! ! and !! ! (any pair of mechanisms) willallow hostspecies ito contributeaproportion T to overallparasitetransmission. For this reason, in what follows weassumeboth mechanisms contributeequally to transmission, such that: !! ! = !! ! = !" Eq S1, which provides asingle, uniquevaluefor themagnitudeof each asymmetry. Super-abundantand super-infected host Here!! !=1, so λ! = !!!!!!! !!!!! . Furthermore, since!! ! = !" (fromEq S1), p! = !" !!!!! !!! . Hence, fromEqs 2 and 3 in themain paper: ξ! = 1− !! !!!!! and ξ! = 1− !! !" !!! . Super-abundantand super-shedding host Here!! !=1, so p! = !!!!! !!! . Furthermore, since!! ! = !" (fromEq S1), λ! = !" !!!!!!! !!!!! . Hence ξ! = 1− !! !" !!!!! and ξ! = 1− !! !" !!! . 3 Super-infected and super-shedding host Here!! ! = !", soλ! = !" !!!!!!! !!!!! , and so: ξ! = 1− !! !" !!!!! Furthermore, since!! !!! ! = !", p!λ! = !" !!!!!!! !!! . Hence: ξ! = 1− !!!" !!! . Results FigureS1 illustrates theeffects of (a) untargeted and (b) targeted controlunder thesevarious scenarios (which can becompared to Fig.1, which assumed only singlemechanisms of asymmetry). In generaltheefficacy of agiven controleffortunder multiplesources of heterogeneity (Fig.S1) lies between thetwo extremes of therelevantsingle-sources of heterogeneity (Fig.1). For example, untargeted controlis moreeffective(fewer individuals need to betreated) for amixed super-abundantand super-infected key host(Fig.S1a, purple line) than an equivalentpurely super-abundantkey host(Fig.1a, black line). However, the samemixed key hostis harder to controlthan theequivalentpurely super-infected key host (Fig.1a, red line). Specifically, moving fromoneextremesinglemechanism(e.g. apure super-abundanthost) to theequalmixed case(e.g., an equally super-abundantand super- infected host) to theother extremesinglemechanism(e.g. apuresuper-infected host) alters theefficacy of controlby afactor !" each step(TableS1).