Supporting Information for Ruesch et al., 2015
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supporting Information - Table S1 and Figures S1-S6 (PDF, 542 KB)
- Table S1 - Strain table. (PDF, 379 KB)
- Figure S1 - Control for DNA methylation in Δdim-5 and hpo. (PDF, 222 KB)
- Figure S2 - Supplemental H3K9me3 ChIP data. (PDF, 180 KB)
- Figure S3 - Synthetic affect between Δdim-5 and ras-1bd. (PDF, 228 KB)
- Figure S4 - Molecular Rhythms in Δdim-5. (PDF, 222 KB)
- Figure S5 - Molecular Rhythms in hpo. (PDF, 207 KB)
- Figure S6 - DIM-5 is not required for wc-1 expression. (PDF, 215 KB)