Files in this Data Supplement:
Table S1 (Primers, probes, and cloned target regions.)
XLS, 31K
Table S2 (sRNA reads derived from VA RNAs I and II.)
XLS, 68K
Table S3 (Read counts for cellular miRNAs and other small RNAs.)
XLS, 183K
Table S4 (Changes in gene expression and in the enrichment of RNAs in RISC upon transfection of cells with mivaRI or mivaRI or upon infection with Ad5.)
XLS, 7.5M
Table S5 (Putative targets of 3′ mivaRNAI-138.)
XLS, 87K
Table S6 (Changes of miRNA levels in input and IP fractions upon Ad5 infection.)
XLS, 78K