additional data,,,,,,, Table 3 Demographic Characteristics and BACS z scorea of Schizophrenic and Normal Subjects ,,,,,,, ,,,Normal (n=10),Schizophrenia (n=29),statistics,df,P Sex (male/female),,,5ŒŽ5“ú,13/16,ƒÔ2=44.4,1,0.93 "Age, y",,,27.3 (2.3),50.7 (14.3),Z=-0.40,,<0.01 "Education, y",,,18.2 (1.5),12.9 (1.7),Z=4.57,,<0.01 Scores of BACS,,,,,,, Verbal memory,,,0.72 (1.09),-1.64 (1.34),Z=3.98,,<0.01 Digit sequencing task,,,0.51 (0.58),-1.39 (1.10),Z=3.99,,<0.01 Token motor task,,,0.66 (0.41),-2.78 (1.95),Z=4.56,,<0.01 Word fluency,,,1.12 (0.68),-1.18 (1.28),Z=4.36,,<0.01 Symbol coding,,,0.91 (1.25),-2.17 (1.44),Z=4.36,,<0.01 Tower of London,,,0.28 (0.55),-1.31 (1.57),Z=3.61,,<0.01 Composite Score,,,0.70 (0.47),-1.71 (1.12),Z=4.58,,<0.01 Values are expressed as the mean (SD) unless otherwise indicated.,,,,,,, Results of each test were standardized using the mean of the normal data set to zero and the standard deviation set to one. ,,,,,,, Differences in 2 groups with P values calculated by the Wilcoxon test or the ƒÔ2 test (sex ),,,,,,,