February 9, 2015 //
JEM vol. 212 no. 2 267-280 The Rockefeller University Press, doi:
10.1084/jem.20140508Moesin and myosin phosphatase confine neutrophil orientation in a chemotactic gradient
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental Material (PDF)
- Video 1 -
Left untreated, HL60 cells migrated toward a point source of fMLF (10 µM, from a micropipette). - Video 2 -
Y27632-treated HL60 cells migrated toward a point source of fMLF (10 µM, from a micropipette). - Video 3 -
Moesin RNAi–treated HL60 cells migrated toward a point source of fMLF (10 µM, from a micropipette).