# Annotation Total Genes With Ann Your Genes (With Ann) Your Genes (No Ann) Genome (With Ann) Genome (No Ann) ln(Bayes factor) neg ln(p value) FE: neg ln(p value) FE: neg ln(FDR) Genes 1 GO:0007154 [3]: cell communication 1 1 25 3474 8779 3.03 6.49 0.0 0.0 FADD 2 GO:0006200 [7]: ATP catabolism 1 1 25 0 12253 2.87 6.29 6.16 2.55 ACLY 3 GO:0009143 [7]: nucleoside triphosphate catabolism 1 1 25 0 12253 2.87 6.29 6.16 2.55 ACLY 4 GO:0009146 [8]: purine nucleoside triphosphate catabolism 1 1 25 0 12253 2.87 6.29 6.16 2.55 ACLY 5 GO:0009203 [8]: ribonucleoside triphosphate catabolism 1 1 25 0 12253 2.87 6.29 6.16 2.55 ACLY 6 GO:0009207 [9]: purine ribonucleoside triphosphate catabolism 1 1 25 0 12253 2.87 6.29 6.16 2.55 ACLY 7 GO:0006730 [5]: one-carbon compound metabolism 2 2 24 34 12219 2.68 6.07 5.95 2.55 AHCY SHMT2 8 GO:0043283 [4]: biopolymer metabolism 9 9 17 1602 10651 2.43 5.8 5.44 2.55 CHD8 HNRPA0 HNRPF MCM7 POLD2 PSMB3 RNASET2 SF3B2 USP7 9 GO:0042267 [7]: natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity 1 1 25 1 12252 2.17 5.47 5.47 2.55 TUBB 10 GO:0001909 [6]: immune cell mediated cytotoxicity 1 1 25 1 12252 2.17 5.47 5.47 2.55 TUBB 11 GO:0006101 [7]: citrate metabolism 1 1 25 1 12252 2.17 5.47 5.47 2.55 ACLY 12 GO:0006195 [7]: purine nucleotide catabolism 1 1 25 1 12252 2.17 5.47 5.47 2.55 ACLY 13 GO:0009154 [8]: purine ribonucleotide catabolism 1 1 25 1 12252 2.17 5.47 5.47 2.55 ACLY 14 GO:0009261 [7]: ribonucleotide catabolism 1 1 25 2 12251 1.77 5.06 5.06 2.25 ACLY 15 GO:0048193 [6]: Golgi vesicle transport 2 2 24 61 12192 1.6 4.91 4.86 2.25 COPG SEC31L1 16 GO:0009144 [8]: purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolism 2 2 24 65 12188 1.49 4.74 4.74 2.25 ACLY NME1 17 GO:0009199 [8]: ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolism 2 2 24 65 12188 1.49 4.74 4.74 2.25 ACLY NME1 18 GO:0009205 [9]: purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolism 2 2 24 65 12188 1.49 4.74 4.74 2.25 ACLY NME1 19 GO:0001906 [5]: cell killing 1 1 25 3 12250 1.48 4.74 4.77 2.25 TUBB 20 GO:0007165 [4]: signal transduction 1 1 25 2825 9428 1.46 4.74 0.0 0.0 FADD 21 GO:0009141 [7]: nucleoside triphosphate metabolism 2 2 24 68 12185 1.4 4.69 4.65 2.22 ACLY NME1 22 GO:0009150 [8]: purine ribonucleotide metabolism 2 2 24 77 12176 1.18 4.47 4.42 2.06 ACLY NME1 23 GO:0016070 [5]: RNA metabolism 4 4 22 447 11806 1.14 4.47 4.26 2.06 HNRPA0 HNRPF RNASET2 SF3B2 24 GO:0006163 [7]: purine nucleotide metabolism 2 2 24 81 12172 1.09 4.41 4.33 2.06 ACLY NME1 25 GO:0015936 [8]: coenzyme A metabolism 1 1 25 5 12248 1.08 4.35 4.37 2.06 ACLY 26 GO:0009259 [7]: ribonucleotide metabolism 2 2 24 84 12169 1.02 4.31 4.26 2.06 ACLY NME1 27 GO:0015804 [7]: neutral amino acid transport 1 1 25 6 12247 0.93 4.25 4.22 2.06 SLC38A1 28 GO:0050875 [3]: cellular physiological process 24 24 2 9071 3182 0.83 4.16 3.9 1.9 ACLY AHCY CHD8 CKS2 COPG FADD HNRPA0 HNRPF HSPA9B ITGB4BP MCM7 NDUFV1 NME1 POLD2 PSMB3 RNASET2 RPN1 SEC31L1 SF3B2 SHMT2 SLC38A1 SSRP1 TUBB USP7 29 GO:0008625 [10]: induction of apoptosis via death domain receptors 1 1 25 8 12245 0.69 4.01 3.97 1.9 FADD 30 GO:0009166 [6]: nucleotide catabolism 1 1 25 8 12245 0.69 4.01 3.97 1.9 ACLY 31 GO:0044237 [4]: cellular metabolism 19 19 7 6546 5707 0.56 3.91 3.4 1.9 ACLY AHCY CHD8 HNRPA0 HNRPF HSPA9B ITGB4BP MCM7 NDUFV1 NME1 POLD2 PSMB3 RNASET2 RPN1 SF3B2 SHMT2 SSRP1 TUBB USP7 32 GO:0019941 [9]: modification-dependent protein catabolism 2 2 24 112 12141 0.51 3.87 3.73 1.9 PSMB3 USP7 33 GO:0006511 [10]: ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolism 2 2 24 112 12141 0.51 3.87 3.73 1.9 PSMB3 USP7 34 GO:0012502 [7]: induction of programmed cell death 2 2 24 121 12132 0.37 3.7 3.59 1.9 FADD TUBB 35 GO:0006917 [8]: induction of apoptosis 2 2 24 121 12132 0.37 3.7 3.59 1.9 FADD TUBB 36 GO:0046036 [10]: CTP metabolism 1 1 25 12 12241 0.32 3.65 3.6 1.9 NME1 37 GO:0046051 [10]: UTP metabolism 1 1 25 12 12241 0.32 3.65 3.6 1.9 NME1 38 GO:0006228 [10]: UTP biosynthesis 1 1 25 12 12241 0.32 3.65 3.6 1.9 NME1 39 GO:0006241 [10]: CTP biosynthesis 1 1 25 12 12241 0.32 3.65 3.6 1.9 NME1 40 GO:0006544 [8]: glycine metabolism 1 1 25 12 12241 0.32 3.65 3.6 1.9 SHMT2 41 GO:0006563 [8]: L-serine metabolism 1 1 25 12 12241 0.32 3.65 3.6 1.9 SHMT2 42 GO:0009208 [9]: pyrimidine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolism 1 1 25 12 12241 0.32 3.65 3.6 1.9 NME1 43 GO:0009209 [9]: pyrimidine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthesis 1 1 25 12 12241 0.32 3.65 3.6 1.9 NME1 44 GO:0043065 [7]: positive regulation of apoptosis 2 2 24 128 12125 0.28 3.6 3.49 1.9 FADD TUBB 45 GO:0043068 [6]: positive regulation of programmed cell death 2 2 24 129 12124 0.26 3.6 3.47 1.9 FADD TUBB 46 GO:0006890 [6]: retrograde transport, Golgi to ER 1 1 25 13 12240 0.24 3.55 3.53 1.9 COPG 47 GO:0046039 [10]: GTP metabolism 1 1 25 14 12239 0.18 3.5 3.46 1.9 NME1 48 GO:0006183 [10]: GTP biosynthesis 1 1 25 14 12239 0.18 3.5 3.46 1.9 NME1 49 GO:0045045 [5]: secretory pathway 2 2 24 138 12115 0.15 3.45 3.35 1.88 COPG SEC31L1 50 GO:0009147 [8]: pyrimidine nucleoside triphosphate metabolism 1 1 25 15 12238 0.12 3.45 3.4 1.9 NME1 51 GO:0009220 [8]: pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 1 1 25 15 12238 0.12 3.45 3.4 1.9 NME1 52 GO:0006260 [6]: DNA replication 2 2 24 142 12111 0.1 3.45 3.3 1.86 MCM7 POLD2 53 GO:0006396 [6]: RNA processing 3 3 23 365 11888 0.07 3.4 3.18 1.77 HNRPA0 HNRPF SF3B2 54 GO:0009218 [8]: pyrimidine ribonucleotide metabolism 1 1 25 16 12237 0.06 3.4 3.34 1.88 NME1 55 GO:0006270 [8]: DNA replication initiation 1 1 25 18 12235 -0.05 0.0 3.23 1.81 MCM7 56 GO:0008152 [3]: metabolism 19 19 7 6946 5307 -0.06 0.0 2.71 1.54 ACLY AHCY CHD8 HNRPA0 HNRPF HSPA9B ITGB4BP MCM7 NDUFV1 NME1 POLD2 PSMB3 RNASET2 RPN1 SF3B2 SHMT2 SSRP1 TUBB USP7 57 GO:0006100 [8]: tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediate metabolism 1 1 25 20 12233 -0.15 0.0 3.13 1.76 ACLY 58 GO:0006139 [5]: nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolism 10 10 16 2957 9296 -0.15 0.0 2.59 1.46 ACLY CHD8 HNRPA0 HNRPF MCM7 NME1 POLD2 RNASET2 SF3B2 SSRP1 59 GO:0046785 [8]: microtubule polymerization 1 1 25 21 12232 -0.19 0.0 3.09 1.76 TUBB 60 GO:0006221 [7]: pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis 1 1 25 21 12232 -0.19 0.0 3.09 1.76 NME1 61 GO:0006891 [6]: intra-Golgi transport 1 1 25 21 12232 -0.19 0.0 3.09 1.76 COPG 62 GO:0007049 [5]: cell cycle 4 4 22 709 11544 -0.21 0.0 2.8 1.6 CKS2 MCM7 NME1 POLD2 63 GO:0006888 [6]: ER to Golgi transport 1 1 25 22 12231 -0.23 0.0 3.04 1.73 SEC31L1 64 GO:0006401 [6]: RNA catabolism 1 1 25 23 12230 -0.27 0.0 3.0 1.71 RNASET2 65 GO:0000067 [6]: DNA replication and chromosome cycle 2 2 24 183 12070 -0.32 0.0 2.85 1.6 MCM7 POLD2 66 GO:0009117 [6]: nucleotide metabolism 2 2 24 183 12070 -0.32 0.0 2.85 1.6 ACLY NME1 67 GO:0044238 [4]: primary metabolism 17 17 9 6269 5984 -0.41 0.0 2.26 1.31 ACLY CHD8 HNRPA0 HNRPF HSPA9B ITGB4BP MCM7 NME1 POLD2 PSMB3 RNASET2 RPN1 SF3B2 SHMT2 SSRP1 TUBB USP7 68 GO:0006120 [9]: mitochondrial electron transport, NADH to ubiquinone 1 1 25 28 12225 -0.44 0.0 2.82 1.6 NDUFV1 69 GO:0008624 [9]: induction of apoptosis by extracellular signals 1 1 25 28 12225 -0.44 0.0 2.82 1.6 FADD 70 GO:0006220 [7]: pyrimidine nucleotide metabolism 1 1 25 29 12224 -0.48 0.0 2.79 1.6 NME1 71 GO:0009069 [7]: serine family amino acid metabolism 1 1 25 29 12224 -0.48 0.0 2.79 1.6 SHMT2 72 GO:0044248 [5]: cellular catabolism 4 4 22 831 11422 -0.6 0.0 2.34 1.31 ACLY PSMB3 RNASET2 USP7 73 GO:0046907 [5]: intracellular transport 3 3 23 502 11751 -0.62 0.0 2.41 1.36 COPG SEC31L1 TUBB 74 GO:0007582 [2]: physiological process 25 25 1 10437 1816 -0.64 0.0 2.46 1.37 ACLY AHCY CHD8 CKS2 COPG FADD HNRPA0 HNRPF HSPA9B ILF2 ITGB4BP MCM7 NDUFV1 NME1 POLD2 PSMB3 RNASET2 RPN1 SEC31L1 SF3B2 SHMT2 SLC38A1 SSRP1 TUBB USP7 75 GO:0042775 [8]: ATP synthesis coupled electron transport (sensu Eukaryota) 1 1 25 35 12218 -0.65 0.0 2.61 1.46 NDUFV1 76 GO:0042773 [7]: ATP synthesis coupled electron transport 1 1 25 36 12217 -0.67 0.0 2.58 1.46 NDUFV1 77 GO:0006397 [7]: mRNA processing 2 2 24 235 12018 -0.71 0.0 2.42 1.36 HNRPA0 SF3B2 78 GO:0051258 [7]: protein polymerization 1 1 25 38 12215 -0.72 0.0 2.53 1.43 TUBB 79 GO:0000079 [5]: regulation of cyclin dependent protein kinase activity 1 1 25 38 12215 -0.72 0.0 2.53 1.43 CKS2 80 GO:0006259 [5]: DNA metabolism 3 3 23 535 11718 -0.74 0.0 2.27 1.31 CHD8 MCM7 POLD2 81 GO:0042981 [6]: regulation of apoptosis 2 2 24 248 12005 -0.8 0.0 2.33 1.31 FADD TUBB 82 GO:0009056 [4]: catabolism 4 4 22 905 11348 -0.81 0.0 2.1 1.24 ACLY PSMB3 RNASET2 USP7 83 GO:0043067 [5]: regulation of programmed cell death 2 2 24 250 12003 -0.81 0.0 2.31 1.31 FADD TUBB 84 GO:0016071 [6]: mRNA metabolism 2 2 24 254 11999 -0.83 0.0 2.29 1.31 HNRPA0 SF3B2 85 GO:0051244 [4]: regulation of cellular physiological process 3 3 23 564 11689 -0.85 0.0 2.15 1.25 FADD NME1 TUBB 86 GO:0051242 [5]: positive regulation of cellular physiological process 2 2 24 259 11994 -0.86 0.0 2.26 1.31 FADD TUBB 87 GO:0000086 [7]: G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle 1 1 25 45 12208 -0.87 0.0 2.37 1.33 CKS2 88 GO:0046034 [6]: ATP metabolism 1 1 25 51 12202 -0.98 0.0 2.26 1.31 ACLY 89 GO:0006413 [8]: translational initiation 1 1 25 53 12200 -1.02 0.0 2.22 1.29 ITGB4BP 90 GO:0016192 [5]: vesicle-mediated transport 2 2 24 297 11956 -1.06 0.0 2.03 1.22 COPG SEC31L1 91 GO:0000082 [7]: G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle 1 1 25 56 12197 -1.07 0.0 2.17 1.26 CKS2 92 GO:0006865 [6]: amino acid transport 1 1 25 56 12197 -1.07 0.0 2.17 1.26 SLC38A1 93 GO:0008283 [4]: cell proliferation 4 4 22 1054 11199 -1.12 0.0 1.71 1.08 CKS2 MCM7 NME1 POLD2 94 GO:0009145 [8]: purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthesis 1 1 25 62 12191 -1.15 0.0 2.08 1.24 NME1 95 GO:0009201 [8]: ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthesis 1 1 25 62 12191 -1.15 0.0 2.08 1.24 NME1 96 GO:0009206 [9]: purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthesis 1 1 25 62 12191 -1.15 0.0 2.08 1.24 NME1 97 GO:0015837 [5]: amine transport 1 1 25 63 12190 -1.17 0.0 2.06 1.24 SLC38A1 98 GO:0006752 [7]: group transfer coenzyme metabolism 1 1 25 63 12190 -1.17 0.0 2.06 1.24 ACLY 99 GO:0009142 [7]: nucleoside triphosphate biosynthesis 1 1 25 63 12190 -1.17 0.0 2.06 1.24 NME1 100 GO:0044265 [6]: cellular macromolecule catabolism 3 3 23 692 11561 -1.21 0.0 1.72 1.08 PSMB3 RNASET2 USP7 101 GO:0043119 [4]: positive regulation of physiological process 2 2 24 335 11918 -1.22 0.0 1.84 1.12 FADD TUBB 102 GO:0009057 [5]: macromolecule catabolism 3 3 23 707 11546 -1.24 0.0 1.67 1.06 PSMB3 RNASET2 USP7 103 GO:0050896 [3]: response to stimulus 2 2 24 1942 10311 -1.26 0.0 0.07 0.05 FADD ILF2 104 GO:0015849 [5]: organic acid transport 1 1 25 72 12181 -1.28 0.0 1.94 1.15 SLC38A1 105 GO:0046942 [6]: carboxylic acid transport 1 1 25 72 12181 -1.28 0.0 1.94 1.15 SLC38A1 106 GO:0006261 [7]: DNA-dependent DNA replication 1 1 25 74 12179 -1.3 0.0 1.91 1.13 MCM7 107 GO:0009152 [8]: purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 1 1 25 75 12178 -1.31 0.0 1.9 1.13 NME1 108 GO:0007166 [5]: cell surface receptor linked signal transduction 1 1 25 1420 10833 -1.32 0.0 0.04 0.03 FADD 109 GO:0043170 [4]: macromolecule metabolism 8 8 18 3138 9115 -1.33 0.0 1.07 0.73 ACLY HSPA9B ITGB4BP PSMB3 RNASET2 RPN1 TUBB USP7 110 GO:0043123 [6]: positive regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB cascade 1 1 25 78 12175 -1.35 0.0 1.87 1.12 FADD 111 GO:0006164 [7]: purine nucleotide biosynthesis 1 1 25 79 12174 -1.36 0.0 1.86 1.12 NME1 112 GO:0050874 [3]: organismal physiological process 2 2 24 1842 10411 -1.38 0.0 0.08 0.06 FADD ILF2 113 GO:0043122 [5]: regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB cascade 1 1 25 81 12172 -1.38 0.0 1.83 1.12 FADD 114 GO:0006119 [6]: oxidative phosphorylation 1 1 25 81 12172 -1.38 0.0 1.83 1.12 NDUFV1 115 GO:0009260 [7]: ribonucleotide biosynthesis 1 1 25 81 12172 -1.38 0.0 1.83 1.12 NME1 116 GO:0050794 [3]: regulation of cellular process 3 3 23 789 11464 -1.41 0.0 1.45 0.94 FADD NME1 TUBB 117 GO:0019735 [7]: antimicrobial humoral response (sensu Vertebrata) 1 1 25 84 12169 -1.41 0.0 1.8 1.1 FADD 118 GO:0030705 [6]: cytoskeleton-dependent intracellular transport 1 1 25 85 12168 -1.41 0.0 1.79 1.1 TUBB 119 GO:0007018 [7]: microtubule-based movement 1 1 25 85 12168 -1.41 0.0 1.79 1.1 TUBB 120 GO:0019730 [6]: antimicrobial humoral response 1 1 25 86 12167 -1.43 0.0 1.78 1.1 FADD 121 GO:0000074 [6]: regulation of cell cycle 2 2 24 396 11857 -1.43 0.0 1.58 1.0 CKS2 NME1 122 GO:0009967 [5]: positive regulation of signal transduction 1 1 25 89 12164 -1.45 0.0 1.75 1.09 FADD 123 GO:0045786 [7]: negative regulation of cell cycle 1 1 25 89 12164 -1.45 0.0 1.75 1.09 NME1 124 GO:0050789 [2]: regulation of biological process 7 7 19 2860 9393 -1.46 0.0 0.9 0.64 CHD8 CKS2 FADD MCM7 NME1 SSRP1 TUBB 125 GO:0019752 [6]: carboxylic acid metabolism 2 2 24 410 11843 -1.47 0.0 1.53 0.98 ACLY SHMT2 126 GO:0006082 [5]: organic acid metabolism 2 2 24 412 11841 -1.47 0.0 1.52 0.98 ACLY SHMT2 127 GO:0006092 [7]: main pathways of carbohydrate metabolism 1 1 25 92 12161 -1.48 0.0 1.72 1.08 ACLY 128 GO:0044260 [5]: cellular macromolecule metabolism 7 7 19 2979 9274 -1.5 0.0 0.79 0.58 ACLY HSPA9B ITGB4BP PSMB3 RPN1 TUBB USP7 129 GO:0045859 [4]: regulation of protein kinase activity 1 1 25 95 12158 -1.51 0.0 1.69 1.07 CKS2 130 GO:0016568 [8]: chromatin modification 1 1 25 99 12154 -1.54 0.0 1.65 1.05 CHD8 131 GO:0006915 [6]: apoptosis 2 2 24 438 11815 -1.55 0.0 1.43 0.93 FADD TUBB 132 GO:0012501 [5]: programmed cell death 2 2 24 440 11813 -1.55 0.0 1.43 0.93 FADD TUBB 133 GO:0050791 [3]: regulation of physiological process 6 6 20 2547 9706 -1.56 0.0 0.77 0.56 CHD8 FADD MCM7 NME1 SSRP1 TUBB 134 GO:0006333 [8]: chromatin assembly or disassembly 1 1 25 102 12151 -1.56 0.0 1.63 1.03 CHD8 135 GO:0009605 [4]: response to external stimulus 1 1 25 1262 10991 -1.57 0.0 0.06 0.05 FADD 136 GO:0019538 [5]: protein metabolism 6 6 20 2802 9451 -1.6 0.0 0.57 0.41 HSPA9B ITGB4BP PSMB3 RPN1 TUBB USP7 137 GO:0044267 [6]: cellular protein metabolism 6 6 20 2781 9472 -1.6 0.0 0.58 0.42 HSPA9B ITGB4BP PSMB3 RPN1 TUBB USP7 138 GO:0019222 [4]: regulation of metabolism 3 3 23 2035 10218 -1.6 0.0 0.19 0.14 CHD8 MCM7 SSRP1 139 GO:0007249 [7]: I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB cascade 1 1 25 108 12145 -1.6 0.0 1.57 1.0 FADD 140 GO:0006486 [8]: protein amino acid glycosylation 1 1 25 109 12144 -1.61 0.0 1.57 1.0 RPN1 141 GO:0008219 [4]: cell death 2 2 24 468 11785 -1.62 0.0 1.34 0.89 FADD TUBB 142 GO:0016265 [3]: death 2 2 24 472 11781 -1.62 0.0 1.33 0.89 FADD TUBB 143 GO:0044249 [5]: cellular biosynthesis 3 3 23 941 11312 -1.63 0.0 1.13 0.75 ITGB4BP NME1 RPN1 144 GO:0006350 [6]: transcription 3 3 23 1966 10287 -1.65 0.0 0.21 0.15 CHD8 MCM7 SSRP1 145 GO:0000910 [5]: cytokinesis 1 1 25 115 12138 -1.66 0.0 1.52 0.98 CKS2 146 GO:0009101 [7]: glycoprotein biosynthesis 1 1 25 115 12138 -1.66 0.0 1.52 0.98 RPN1 147 GO:0009058 [4]: biosynthesis 3 3 23 986 11267 -1.67 0.0 1.05 0.73 ITGB4BP NME1 RPN1 148 GO:0016064 [6]: humoral defense mechanism (sensu Vertebrata) 1 1 25 118 12135 -1.68 0.0 1.5 0.97 FADD 149 GO:0006732 [6]: coenzyme metabolism 1 1 25 119 12134 -1.68 0.0 1.49 0.97 ACLY 150 GO:0019219 [5]: regulation of nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolism 3 3 23 1900 10353 -1.69 0.0 0.23 0.17 CHD8 MCM7 SSRP1 151 GO:0045449 [6]: regulation of transcription 3 3 23 1874 10379 -1.71 0.0 0.25 0.18 CHD8 MCM7 SSRP1 152 GO:0006351 [7]: transcription, DNA-dependent 3 3 23 1866 10387 -1.71 0.0 0.25 0.18 CHD8 MCM7 SSRP1 153 GO:0006464 [7]: protein modification 2 2 24 1507 10746 -1.73 0.0 0.17 0.13 RPN1 USP7 154 GO:0051179 [3]: localization 4 4 22 1981 10272 -1.74 0.0 0.47 0.35 COPG SEC31L1 SLC38A1 TUBB 155 GO:0008285 [6]: negative regulation of cell proliferation 1 1 25 130 12123 -1.74 0.0 1.41 0.92 NME1 156 GO:0006810 [4]: transport 4 4 22 1971 10282 -1.74 0.0 0.48 0.35 COPG SEC31L1 SLC38A1 TUBB 157 GO:0006355 [7]: regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent 3 3 23 1810 10443 -1.74 0.0 0.27 0.2 CHD8 MCM7 SSRP1 158 GO:0006412 [6]: protein biosynthesis 2 2 24 529 11724 -1.74 0.0 1.17 0.78 ITGB4BP RPN1 159 GO:0051234 [4]: establishment of localization 4 4 22 1973 10280 -1.75 0.0 0.48 0.35 COPG SEC31L1 SLC38A1 TUBB 160 GO:0009100 [7]: glycoprotein metabolism 1 1 25 132 12121 -1.76 0.0 1.4 0.92 RPN1 161 GO:0009165 [6]: nucleotide biosynthesis 1 1 25 132 12121 -1.76 0.0 1.4 0.92 NME1 162 GO:0015980 [6]: energy derivation by oxidation of organic compounds 1 1 25 137 12116 -1.79 0.0 1.37 0.9 ACLY 163 GO:0006091 [5]: generation of precursor metabolites and energy 2 2 24 567 11686 -1.8 0.0 1.08 0.73 ACLY NDUFV1 164 GO:0051186 [5]: cofactor metabolism 1 1 25 143 12110 -1.81 0.0 1.33 0.89 ACLY 165 GO:0007017 [7]: microtubule-based process 1 1 25 143 12110 -1.81 0.0 1.33 0.89 TUBB 166 GO:0044257 [7]: cellular protein catabolism 2 2 24 582 11671 -1.82 0.0 1.04 0.73 PSMB3 USP7 167 GO:0006508 [8]: proteolysis and peptidolysis 2 2 24 582 11671 -1.82 0.0 1.04 0.73 PSMB3 USP7 168 GO:0009059 [5]: macromolecule biosynthesis 2 2 24 591 11662 -1.82 0.0 1.02 0.72 ITGB4BP RPN1 169 GO:0030163 [6]: protein catabolism 2 2 24 597 11656 -1.84 0.0 1.01 0.71 PSMB3 USP7 170 GO:0043285 [5]: biopolymer catabolism 2 2 24 604 11649 -1.84 0.0 0.99 0.7 PSMB3 USP7 171 GO:0009987 [2]: cellular process 24 24 2 10923 1330 -1.88 0.0 0.79 0.58 ACLY AHCY CHD8 CKS2 COPG FADD HNRPA0 HNRPF HSPA9B ITGB4BP MCM7 NDUFV1 NME1 POLD2 PSMB3 RNASET2 RPN1 SEC31L1 SF3B2 SHMT2 SLC38A1 SSRP1 TUBB USP7 172 GO:0043037 [7]: translation 1 1 25 162 12091 -1.9 0.0 1.22 0.8 ITGB4BP 173 GO:0006959 [5]: humoral immune response 1 1 25 162 12091 -1.9 0.0 1.22 0.8 FADD 174 GO:0006996 [5]: organelle organization and biogenesis 2 2 24 672 11581 -1.92 0.0 0.86 0.61 CHD8 TUBB 175 GO:0009966 [4]: regulation of signal transduction 1 1 25 169 12084 -1.93 0.0 1.19 0.79 FADD 176 GO:0000375 [8]: RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions 1 1 25 169 12084 -1.93 0.0 1.19 0.79 SF3B2 177 GO:0000377 [9]: RNA splicing, via transesterification reactions with bulged adenosine as nucleophile 1 1 25 169 12084 -1.93 0.0 1.19 0.79 SF3B2 178 GO:0000398 [8]: nuclear mRNA splicing, via spliceosome 1 1 25 169 12084 -1.93 0.0 1.19 0.79 SF3B2 179 GO:0007242 [5]: intracellular signaling cascade 1 1 25 990 11263 -1.94 0.0 0.12 0.09 FADD 180 GO:0050790 [3]: regulation of enzyme activity 1 1 25 181 12072 -1.97 0.0 1.13 0.75 CKS2 181 GO:0006955 [4]: immune response 2 2 24 745 11508 -1.97 0.0 0.74 0.54 FADD ILF2 182 GO:0016043 [4]: cell organization and biogenesis 2 2 24 823 11430 -2.01 0.0 0.64 0.45 CHD8 TUBB 183 GO:0000278 [6]: mitotic cell cycle 1 1 25 195 12058 -2.01 0.0 1.07 0.73 CKS2 184 GO:0006325 [7]: establishment and/or maintenance of chromatin architecture 1 1 25 195 12058 -2.01 0.0 1.07 0.73 CHD8 185 GO:0006952 [5]: defense response 2 2 24 836 11417 -2.02 0.0 0.62 0.45 FADD ILF2 186 GO:0008380 [7]: RNA splicing 1 1 25 197 12056 -2.02 0.0 1.06 0.73 SF3B2 187 GO:0009607 [4]: response to biotic stimulus 2 2 24 956 11297 -2.03 0.0 0.49 0.35 FADD ILF2 188 GO:0008610 [6]: lipid biosynthesis 1 1 25 200 12053 -2.03 0.0 1.05 0.73 ACLY 189 GO:0006323 [6]: DNA packaging 1 1 25 203 12050 -2.04 0.0 1.04 0.73 CHD8 190 GO:0006457 [7]: protein folding 1 1 25 216 12037 -2.07 0.0 0.99 0.7 HSPA9B 191 GO:0006950 [4]: response to stress 1 1 25 849 11404 -2.1 0.0 0.17 0.13 FADD 192 GO:0006520 [6]: amino acid metabolism 1 1 25 225 12028 -2.1 0.0 0.96 0.68 SHMT2 193 GO:0007001 [7]: chromosome organization and biogenesis (sensu Eukaryota) 1 1 25 230 12023 -2.11 0.0 0.94 0.67 CHD8 194 GO:0051276 [6]: chromosome organization and biogenesis 1 1 25 236 12017 -2.12 0.0 0.92 0.65 CHD8 195 GO:0006793 [5]: phosphorus metabolism 1 1 25 781 11472 -2.15 0.0 0.2 0.15 NDUFV1 196 GO:0006796 [6]: phosphate metabolism 1 1 25 781 11472 -2.15 0.0 0.2 0.15 NDUFV1 197 GO:0007243 [6]: protein kinase cascade 1 1 25 251 12002 -2.15 0.0 0.87 0.62 FADD 198 GO:0042127 [5]: regulation of cell proliferation 1 1 25 259 11994 -2.16 0.0 0.85 0.61 NME1 199 GO:0044262 [6]: cellular carbohydrate metabolism 1 1 25 257 11996 -2.16 0.0 0.86 0.61 ACLY 200 GO:0051243 [5]: negative regulation of cellular physiological process 1 1 25 264 11989 -2.17 0.0 0.84 0.61 NME1 201 GO:0006519 [5]: amino acid and derivative metabolism 1 1 25 264 11989 -2.17 0.0 0.84 0.61 SHMT2 202 GO:0009308 [5]: amine metabolism 1 1 25 310 11943 -2.23 0.0 0.72 0.52 SHMT2 203 GO:0007010 [6]: cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis 1 1 25 325 11928 -2.25 0.0 0.69 0.49 TUBB 204 GO:0016310 [7]: phosphorylation 1 1 25 636 11617 -2.27 0.0 0.29 0.21 NDUFV1 205 GO:0000004 [2]: biological_process unknown 1 1 25 354 11899 -2.28 0.0 0.63 0.45 PRCC 206 GO:0006118 [6]: electron transport 1 1 25 354 11899 -2.28 0.0 0.63 0.45 NDUFV1 207 GO:0006629 [5]: lipid metabolism 1 1 25 552 11701 -2.3 0.0 0.36 0.27 ACLY 208 GO:0005975 [5]: carbohydrate metabolism 1 1 25 407 11846 -2.3 0.0 0.54 0.38 ACLY 209 GO:0006512 [8]: ubiquitin cycle 1 1 25 546 11707 -2.3 0.0 0.36 0.27 USP7 210 GO:0043118 [4]: negative regulation of physiological process 1 1 25 418 11835 -2.31 0.0 0.52 0.37 NME1 211 GO:0044255 [5]: cellular lipid metabolism 1 1 25 428 11825 -2.31 0.0 0.5 0.36 ACLY 212 GO:0043207 [5]: response to external biotic stimulus 1 1 25 501 11752 -2.31 0.0 0.41 0.31 FADD 213 GO:0008104 [4]: protein localization 1 1 25 491 11762 -2.31 0.0 0.42 0.32 COPG 214 GO:0015031 [5]: protein transport 1 1 25 476 11777 -2.32 0.0 0.44 0.33 COPG 215 GO:0009613 [5]: response to pest, pathogen or parasite 1 1 25 470 11783 -2.32 0.0 0.45 0.33 FADD 216 GO:0045184 [5]: establishment of protein localization 1 1 25 478 11775 -2.32 0.0 0.44 0.33 COPG