Published March 2, 2015 // JCB vol. 208 no. 5 533-544
The Rockefeller University Press, doi: 10.1083/jcb.201407105

PolyQ-dependent RNA–protein assemblies control symmetry breaking

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental Material (PDF)
  • Video 3 -
    Hyphal growth pauses and restarts in whi3Δ. Phase images were taken every 10 min for 10 h using a time-lapse wide-field microscope (AxioImager-M1; Carl Zeiss). An arrowhead appears when growth pauses.
  • Video 2 -
    Isotropic growth of whi3Δ at 30°C. A whi3Δ hypha (phase image by AxioImager-M1) grows out from a spore on a microscopic slide with an agarose gel pad. Frames were taken every 10 min for 24 h.
  • Macros (Zipped) - All MATLAB codes and ImageJ macros are available in a single zip file.
  • Video 1 -
    Concentrated Whi3 on polarization sites. Whi3-GFP (gray) was imaged in A. gossypii using a time-lapse wide-field microscope (AxioImager-M1; Carl Zeiss). Frames were taken every 3 min for 30 min. Asterisks indicate concentrated Whi3. Arrowheads indicate emergence of a new branch.