Comparison of T7E1 and Surveyor Mismatch Cleavage Assays to Detect Mutations Triggered by Engineered Nucleases

Supporting Information for Vouillot, Thélie, and Pollet, 2015

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supporting Information - Figures S1-S4 and Tables S1-S2 (PDF, 334 KB)
  • Figure S1 - Structure of the PCR products corresponding to smn exon 2a, exon 3 and exon 6. (PDF, 415 KB)
  • Figure S2 - This graph shows the fraction of cleaved products from all products (y axis) in a mixture composed of various quantities of deletion mutants of exon 2a, 3 and 6 in a population of mutant and wild-type DNA molecules (x axis). (PDF, 336 KB)
  • Figure S3 - Predicted cleavage map of all mismatches between D15 and wild-type smn exon 2a alleles. (PDF, 423 KB)
  • Figure S4 - Predicted cleavage map of all mismatches between D19 and wild-type smn exon 2a alleles. (PDF, 425 KB)
  • Table S1 - Sequence of primers used in this work. (PDF, 130 KB)
  • Table S2 - List of fragments obtained after T7E1 or Surveyor assays on D15 and D19 clones. (PDF, 103 KB)