Files in this Data Supplement:
Fig. S1 (β8 integrin subcellular localization and primary amino acid sequence), S2 (FRET imaging components), S3 (PTP-PEST and MEF migration), S4 (Integrin-mediated neural cell migration ex vivo), S5 (Neuroblast migration defects), S6 (Inhibition of PTP-PEST catalytic activities and cell migration ex vivo), S7 (Inhibition of Tiam1 and cell migration defects), S8 (β8 integrin and perivascular neural cell migration), and S9 (Cell migration in the RMS); legends to Movies S1 to S4; and supplemental text
PDF, 4.9M
Movie S1 (Suppression of Cdc42 activation)
AVI, 633K
Movie S2 (β8 integrin and Rac activation)
AVI, 670K
Movie S3 (β8 integrin and Cdc42 activation)
AVI, 2.1M
Movie S4 (β8 integrin and Rac activation)
AVI, 3.7M