Disclaimer: According to the Terms of Use by Apple (https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/terms/site.html) and the GooglePlay (https://play.google.com/intl/en_us/about/play-terms.html), we claim our work is exclusively for research and non-commercial informational purpose. To comply with the websites Terms of Use by Apple and GooglePlay, we now restrict the public anonymous access to the data repository. Instead, the URL link for downloading the most updated dataset will only be sent to the users upon request, and is limited for personal & non-commercial use only. When sending your request, please indicate your school or institute, the version you need, and use the subject such as ¡°Request mHealthApps 2014Q4 version¡± with an email to: komunling@gmail.com, or Yin.liu@uth.tmc.edu.