pH Influences the Importance of Niche-Related and Neutral Processes in Lacustrine Bacterioplankton Assembly

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Relative abundances of the dominant bacterial taxa in all lakes combined and divided into different pH categories (Fig. S1), Pearson’s correlation resulting from the Mantel correlogram between the pairwise matrix of OTU niche distances and OTU phylogenetic distances (Fig. S2), heat map describing the number of OTUs within each main lineage or clade of bacterioplankton communities across the pH gradient (Fig. S3), summary of the relevant site characteristics of the investigated lakes and of the pyrosequencing results (Table S1), relative weight of the predictor environmental variables to the relative abundances of the different phyla in multiple regression (Table S2), and multiple regression on distance matrices of community composition relative to geographical distance and distance of standardized environmental parameters (Table S3).

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