Metabolic Profiling of Geobacter sulfurreducens during Industrial Bioprocess Scale-Up

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Additional materials/methods and components required for preparation of NBAF (Table S1), list of the top 17 significant metabolites identified by CCA (Table S2), bioreactor and serum bottles used for cultivation (Fig. S1), PC-DF1 loadings plot of the FT-IR spectra from the first 48-h samples collected from both cultivation conditions (Fig. S2), comparison of the intensity of significant FT-IR vibrations (Fig. S3), growth curves of G. sulfurreducens (Fig. S4), and the cycle of inductive approach to knowledge discovery employed as the main strategy in this study for identification of growth-limiting metabolites during the scale-up process and use of these findings towards optimization and enhancement of the bioprocess (Fig. S5).

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