#NEXUS [Nexus_File_S1.nex] BEGIN DATA; DIMENSIONS NTAX=13 NCHAR=72; FORMAT MISSING=? SYMBOLS="0~2"; CHARLABELS [1]SizeDorsProcessMaxilla [0:long, 1:short, 2:vestigial] [2]ShapeDorsalProcessMaxilla [0:narrow, 1:broad] [3]GrooveDorsalProcessMaxilla [0:absent, 1:present] [4]DistalArmMaxilla [0:narrow to slightly widened, 1:distinctively widened] [5]AlveolarArmExpansionPMX [0:absent, 1:present] [6]IndentationPMX [0:absent, 1:present] [7]PosteriorBorderPMX [0:indented, 1:straight] [8]AscendingProcess [0:uncurved, 1:curved] [9]SizeAscendingProcess [0:long, 1:shortened] [10]ShapePMX [0:robust, 1:elongate] [11]ShapeAscendingProcess [0:unwidened, 1:widened] [12]Dentary [0:slender, 1:deep] [13]PosteroventralProcessDentary [0:unreduced, 1:reduced] [14]Retroarticular [0:short, 1:long] [15]AnguloarticularProcess [0:short, 1:median, 2:expanded] [16]CoronoidProcessAnguloarticular [0:unreduced, 1:reduced] [17]CoronoidProcessDentary [0:broad, 1:narrow] [18]IndentationAnguloarticular [0:absent, 1:present] [19]Teeth [0:conical, 1:tricuspid] [20]AutopalatinumHeadPosition [0:continuous, 1:bent] [21]VentralPortionAutopalatinum [0:overlapping, 1:short] [22]AngleQuadratum [0:90-130, 1:140-160] [23]Mesopterygoid [0:expanded, 1:reduced] [24]Mesopterygoid [0:large posterior tip, 1:not contacting meta] [25]ConcavityQuadratum [0:absent, 1:present] [26]Metapterygoid [0:present, 1:absent] [27]Preoperculum [0:robust, L-shaped, 1:thin, C-shaped] [28]ShapeNeurocranium [0:not flattened, 1:flattened] [29]FrontalRim [0:well-developed, 1:shortened] [30]Lacrimal [0:flat, posterior rim wide, 1:slightly twisted, 2:very twisted] [31]PectoralInsertion [0:lateral, 1:ventrolateral] [32]PectoralRadials [0:robust, cubical, 1:thin, scale-like] [33]FourthPectoralRadial [0:not expanded, 1:expanded] [34]ShapeSupracleithrum [0:narrow, 1:extremely broad] [35]Supracleithrum [0:short, 1:long] [36]FusionSCLPTT [0:absent, 1:present] [37]NotchCL [0:absent, 1:present] [38]ConcavityCo [0:moderate, 1:deep] [39]MedialProcessPelvic [0:long, 1:short] [40]PelvicFinRays [0:5 or 6, 1:7 or 8] [41]AnteromedialProcessPelvic [0:present, 1:absent] [42]PelvicInsertion [0:V 8-11, 1:V3-6] [43]CaudalSymmetry [0:asymmetrical, 1:symmetrical] [44]ShapeCaudalFin [0:forked, 1:truncate to rounded] [45]HiatusCaudalFinRays [0:separated, 1:continuous] [46]UpperHypuralsPU1Fusion [0:attached, 1:complete ankylosis] [47]UpperLowerHypuralsFusion [0:unfused, 1:partially fused, 2:completely fused] [48]Hypurals45Fusion [0:unfused, 1:fused] [49]TerminalCentrumProcess [0:absent, 1:present] [50]Stegural [0:well-developed, 1:minute] [51]SteguralLateralProcess [0:absent, 1:present] [52]Parhypural [0:overlapped, 1:not overlapped] [53]EpuralsNumber [0:three or two, 1:one] [54]EpuralShape [0:rod-like, 1:blade-like] [55]EpuralProximalRegion [0:wider to slightly narrower, 1:conspiciously narrower] [56]FirstDorsalFinRay [0:first long ray not preceded by short rays, 1: first long ray preceded by two short rays] [57]MedialAnalRadials [0:ossified, 1:cartilaginous] [58]FirstRib [0:third vertebra, 1:second vertebra] [59]EpipleuralRibs [0:rod-like, 1:bifid] [60]PrezygapophysesFirstVertebra [0:present, 1:absent] [61]NeuralspineFirstVertebra [0:absent, 1:present] [62]PrezygapophysesCaudalVertebrae [0:moderate, 1:vestigial or absent, 2:long] [63]PU2NeuralSpineWidth [0:about equal, 1:wider] [64]PU2NeuralSpine [0:absent, 1:well-developed] [65]PU2HaemalSpineConstriction [0:absent, 1:present] [66]PU2NeuralSpineConstriction [0:absent, 1:present] [67]PUNumber [0:4-5, 1:6] [68]BranchiostegalOpecularMembrane [0:separate, 1:united] [69]OrbitalRim [0:free, 1:attached ventrally, 2:completely attached] [70]Radii [0:4-6, 1:12-16, 2:20-25] [71]SquamationEye [0:densely scaled, 1:1-3 small scales or naked] [72]CaudalSquamation [0:extending on caudal fin, 1:abruptly interrupted] ; MATRIX [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 character number 12345 67890 12345 67890 12345 67890 12345 67890 12345 67890 12345 67890 12345 67890 12 ] Atheriniformes 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00 Belonoidei 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 0000{0,1} 00000 00000 000{0,1}0 00000 00 Aplocheilidae 10001 00100 00002 10000 00100 00100 {0,1}0000 10010 10111 1{0,2}{0,1}01 00110 00100 00110 00012 00 Nothobranchiidae 10001 00100 00002 10000 00100 00101 10000 10010 10111 1{0,2}{0,1}11 01110 10110 20110 00022 00 Rivulidae 10001 01000 0000{0,1,2} 11000 1{0,1}1{0,1}0 01112 1{0,1}{0,1}0{0,1} 0001{0,1} 10111 1{0,2}101 0111{0,1} 1{0,1}1{0,1}{0,1} {1,2}{0,1,2}110 00122 {0,1}{0,1} Fundulidae 2?001 10001 01000 00001 00100 10000 10000 00100 10111 12101 1{0,1}110 00100 00110 0{0,1}001 00 Profundulidae 2?001 10000 01000 00001 00101 10000 10010 01000 10111 1{1,2}101 10110 00100 00110 10001 00 Goodeidae 2?001 100{0,1}0 01000 00001 00101 10000 10010 01000 10111 12101 1{0,1}110 00100 00110 00001 00 Valenciidae 00001 10000 01000 00001 00100 10000 10000 00000 10111 12101 10110 00100 00110 00001 00 Cyprinodontidae 01101 10010 01000 00001 00100 10000 10000 00000 11111 12101 {0,1}1110 00100 0011{0,1} {0,1}{0,1}001 00 Anablepidae 01011 10010 11110 00011 00100 10000 10000 00000 10111 1{0,1}101 10110 00100 00110 1{0,1}001 00 Poecilidae 01011 10010 11110 00101 00100 10000 10000 00000 11111 1{0,1,2}101 10110 00100 00110 10001 00 Kenyanichthys 10001 01000 00002 1000{0,1} 0010{0,1} 0010{1,2} 100?? ?001{0,1} 10111 12101 0{0,1}1?0 10100 10{0,1}10 0{0,1}0?? ?1 ; END; BEGIN ASSUMPTIONS; END; BEGIN PAUP; SET MAXTREE=100; END;