Identification of Anthraquinone-Degrading Bacteria in Soil Contaminated with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Supplemental material

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  • Supplemental file 1 -

    1H NMR (Fig. S1), 13C NMR (Fig. S2), and total ion gas chromatogram and electron-impact mass spectrum (Fig. S3) of [U-13C]anthracene-9,10-dione, initial and final amounts of added substrates in incubations (Fig. S4), DGGE reverse image and DNA concentration in each fraction from duplicate incubations of unlabeled (Fig. S5) and 13C-labeled (Fig. S6) anthraquinone in feed soil, DGGE reverse image and DNA concentration in each fraction from duplicate incubations of unlabeled (Fig. S7) and 13C-labeled (Fig. S8) anthraquinone in bioreactor-treated soil, DGGE reverse image and DNA concentration in each fraction from duplicate incubations of unlabeled (Fig. S9) and 13C-labeled (Fig. S10) anthracene in feed soil, summary of clone library results (Table S1), quantification of major anthracene- or anthraquinone-degrading groups in ultracentrifuge fractions for incubations (Fig. S11), and relative abundances of sequences representing the major anthraquinone and anthracene degraders in pyrosequencing libraries of bioreactor-treated soil and untreated feed soil samples (Table S2).

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