graphics opengl dim 2 species Mem F Ri Ra Si Sa P Rear Amp Xi Xa L # The species of the model and their diffusivities (roughly, in um^2/s) are as follows: # These species describe the F-actin circuit difc Mem(back) 0 # Discrete points on the membrane difc F(back) 0.3 # F-actin barbed ends at the boundary; diffusion describes the lateral spread of the network due to Arp2/3-mediated branching difc Ri(back) 0.01 # Inactive receptors at the boundary (e.g., unligated chemokine receptors or integrins) difc Ra(back) 0.01 # Active receptors at the boundary (e.g., ligated chemokine receptors or adhesions) difc Si 30 # Inactive signaling molecule in the cytosol (fast diffusion) difc Sa 0.3 # Active signaling molecule in the cytosol (slower diffusion due to transient binding) difc P(back) 0.01 # 'Poison' molecule at the boundary (e.g., bound to active receptors) # These species form the rear of the cell, which opposes F-actin polymerization difc Rear(back) 0.3 # Marker of cell rear difc Amp(back) 0.01 # Amplifier of rear genesis difc Xi 100 # Inactive 'messenger' for rear genesis (arbitrarily fast diffusion) difc Xa 0.3 # Active 'messenger' for rear genesis (slower diffusion) difc L 3 # Long-range inhibitor of the rear generated by F-actin color F(back) green color Ra(back) orange color Si blue color Sa cyan color P(back) red color Rear(back) brown color L magenta # These species may be shown if desired; otherwise set display size to zero display_size F(back) 12 display_size Ra(back) 3 display_size Si 2 display_size Sa 4 display_size P(back) 6 display_size Rear(back) 12 display_size L 0 # These species are generally not shown; to change this, assign them a color display_size Mem(back) 0 display_size Ri(back) 0 display_size Amp(back) 0 display_size Xi 0 display_size Xa 0 time_start 0 time_stop 10000 time_step 0.05 # Export tiff images, one for every 10 time steps tiff_iter 10 tiff_name Tcell/tcell tiff_max 3000 # Export positions of actin and myosin molecules at every 10 time points output_root Tcell/ output_files actinout.txt cmd n 10 molpos F(back) actinout.txt output_files myosinout.txt cmd n 10 molpos Rear(back) myosinout.txt boundaries 0 0 30 boundaries 1 0 30 frame_thickness 1 # The boundary is a circle of radius 10 start_surface membrane action both all reflect color both 0 0 0 thickness 1 panel sphere 15 15 10 100 s1 end_surface # Populate the membrane with the species Mem and Ri surface_mol 2000 Mem(back) membrane sphere s1 surface_mol 2000 Ri(back) membrane sphere s1 start_compartment cell surface membrane point 15 15 end_compartment # Populate the cell interior with the inactive cytosolic species, Si and Xi compartment_mol 1000 Si cell compartment_mol 100 Xi cell # The lower number here allows for faster simulations. # The following are the reactions of the F-actin circuit reaction r1 Mem(back) -> Mem(back) + F(back) 0.00001 # Spontaneous formation of F-actin (rare event, required to begin 'protrusion') reaction r2 F(back) -> 0 0.02 # Loss of F-actin barbed ends, e.g. by capping. Set to approximately 1/min reaction r3 F(back) + Ri(back) -> F(back) + Ra(back) 0.0000001 # Protrusion promotes receptor activation, e.g. by spreading over immobilized ligands on the surface reaction r4 Ra(back) -> Ri(back) 1 # Inactivation or desensitization of receptors reaction r5 Ra(back) + Si(bsoln) -> Ra(back) + Sa(bsoln) 100 # Efficient activation of the signaling molecule by active receptors reaction r6 Sa(soln) -> Si(soln) 1 # Inactivation of the signaling molecule reaction r7 Sa(bsoln) + F(back) -> Sa(bsoln) + F(back) + F(back) 0.3 # Autocatalytic generation of F-actin barbed ends, promoted by the active signaling molecule reaction r8 Ra(back) -> Ra(back) + P(back) 0.3 # Active receptors also generate a poison reaction r9 P(back) + F(back) -> P(back) 1 # The poison consumes F-actin reaction r10 P(back) -> 0 0.2 # The poison has a finite lifetime # The following are the reactions governing the cell rear; commenting them out removes the rear reaction r11 Mem(back) -> Mem(back) + Rear(back) 0.00001 # Spontaneous formation of 'rear marker' (rare event) reaction r12 Rear(back) -> 0 1 # The rear marker has a finite lifetime reaction r13 Rear(back) + Mem(back) -> Rear(back) + Amp(back) 0.0000001 # The rear generates an amplifier molecule at the boundary reaction r14 Amp(back) -> Mem(back) 1 # The amplifier molecule has a finite lifetime reaction r15 Amp(back) + Xi(bsoln) -> Amp(back) + Xa(bsoln) 10 # The amplifier molecule activates the rear 'messenger' reaction r16 Xa(soln) -> Xi(soln) 1 # Inactivation of the rear messenger reaction r17 Xa(bsoln) + Rear(back) -> Xa(bsoln) + Rear(back) + Rear(back) 1 # The active messenger promotes autocatalytic growth of the rear reaction r18 Rear(back) + F(back) -> Rear(back) 0.3 # The rear acts as a sink for F-actin that moves into it reaction r19 F(back) -> F(back) + L(bsoln) 1 # F-actin produces a long-range inhibitor reaction r20 L(soln) -> 0 1 # The long-range inhibitor has a finite lifetime reaction r21 L(bsoln) + Rear(back) -> L(bsoln) 0.2 # The long-range inhibitor consumes the rear, effectively moving it in tandem with the wave(s) of protrusion end_file