PlantaeRanunculalesBerberidaceaeZhangYanjunDangHaishanLiShengyuLiJianqiangWangYingFive new synonyms in Epimedium (Berberidaceae) from ChinaPhytoKeys224201520154911210.3897/phytokeys.49.8768 Epimedium dolichostemon StearnEpimedium dolichostemon Stearn, Kew Bull., 45(4): 685. 1990. Type: China. Chongqing: Shizhu, alt. 150 m, Ogisu s. n. (holotype, K!).Epimedium dewuense S.Z. He, Probst & W.F. Xu, Acta Bot. Yunnan. 25(3): 281. 2003. Syn. nov. Type: China. Guizhou: Dejiang, in thickets on slopes, alt. 1350 m, 19 Apr. 2002, S.Z. He & W.F. Xu 2419 (holotype, GZTM!; isotype, KUN!).Description.

Herbs 30–50 cm tall. Rhizome compact. Leaves basal or cauline, trifoliolate; leaflets narrowly ovate or lanceolate, 8–10 × 3–4.5 cm, apex long acuminate, margin spinous-serrate with the spines 0.5–1.5 mm, base deeply cordate with lobes acute or rounded, those of lateral leaflets very oblique, leathery, adaxially glabrous or pubescent, abaxially glaucous, glabrous or pubescent. Flowering stem with 2 opposite or rarely alternate leaves. Inflorescence paniculate, 15–20 cm long, 35–70-flowered, glabrous or glandular pubescent; pedicels 1–3 cm. Flowers ca. 2 cm in diam. with spreading inner sepals. Outer sepals purplish with margin white, outer pair ovate-oblong, 3.5–4.5 × 1.2–2.5 mm, apex obtuse, inner pair ovate, 4–5.5 × 2.8–3.5 mm, apex obtuse. Inner sepals white, narrowly elliptic or lanceolate, 8–14 × 2.5–5.5 mm, apex acuminate. Petals reddish purple, cucullate, much shorter than inner sepals, 3–4 mm, with blunt incurved spur and slight lamina base. Stamens conspicuously prolonged, ca. 8 mm; anthers ca. 2.5 mm; filaments 4.5–5 mm.

Distribution and habitat.

Epimedium dolichostemon is distributed in Chongqing, northeastern Guizhou, and western Hubei, and usually occurs in forests, thickets, and weedy slopes, at elevations of 800 to 1400 m.


Epimedium dolichostemon flowers from March to April, and fruits from April to May.

IUCN Red List category.

Epimedium dolichostemon should be designated as nearly threatened (NT) according to IUCN Red List criteria (IUCN 2013), because of exploitation for medicinal use.


He and Xu (2003) recognized Epimedium dewuense as a new species based only on the comparison with Epimedium sagittatum but not with Epimedium dolichostemon. According to the protologue of Epimedium dolichostemon and Epimedium dewuense, the two species can be distinguished by the shape and indumentum of leaflets: Epimedium dolichostemon bears narrowly ovate leaves glabrous on both sides, while Epimedium dewuense has wider leaves pubescent on both sides (Stearn 1990; He and Xu 2003). Based on investigations in herbaria and the field, morphological variation of leaflets between the two species is continuous, and Epimedium dewuense is here treated as a new synonym of Epimedium dolichostemon.

Specimens examined.

China. Chongqing: Shizhu, Y. Chen 59 (CDBI). Guizhou: Dejiang, B.L. Guo A78 (IMD), Y.J. Zhang 163 (HIB), 249 (HIB), 339 (HIB); Wuchuan, S.Z. He et al. 405001 (GZTM), 405002 (GZTM), Y.J. Zhang 165 (HIB), 170 (HIB), 171 (HIB). Hubei: Jianshi, Y.M. Wang 15 (HIB); Lichuan, B.L. Guo A51 (IMD), 89008 (IMD), 89010 (IMD), H.J. Li 11029 (HIB), R.H. Huang 3725 (HIB), Y.J. Zhang 247 (HIB), 248 (HIB), 334 (HIB), Z.E. Zhao & Y.H. Wang 3201 (HIB); Xianfeng, X.S. Zou 74009 (HIB).

IUCN (2013) The IUCN red list of threatened species, version 2013.9. IUCN Red List Unit, Cambridge, U.K. [accessed: 6 June 2014]HeSZXuWF (2003) A new species of Epimedium (Berberidaceae) from Guizhou, China.Acta Botanica Yunnanica25: 281282.StearnWT (1990) Epimedium dolichostemon (Berberidaceae) and other Chinese species of Epimedium.Kew Bulletin45(4): 682692. doi: 10.2307/4113877