The article by McDermott et al, entitled "Survival, Durable Response, and Long-Term Safety in Patients With Previously Treated Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma Receiving Nivolumab" (J Clin Oncol 10.1200/JCO.2014.58.1041), was published online on March 23, 2015, with errors.
In the Abstract, the Patients and Methods section gave the dose for intravenous nivolumab as twice per week, whereas it should have been once every two weeks, as follows:
"A total of 34 patients with previously treated advanced RCC, enrolled between 2008 and 2012, received intravenous nivolumab (1 or 10 mg/kg) in an outpatient setting once every two weeks for up to 96 weeks and were observed for survival and duration of response after treatment discontinuation."
In Figure 1C, the label for the black bar was given as 1.0 mg/kg nivolumab, whereas it should have been 10.0 mg/kg nivolumab.
In the table accompanying Figure 3B, "28/34" was inadvertently repeated under the heading "Median, months," and should have appeared only under the heading "Events/ Dosed."
In the sidebar, Hans J. Hammers was inadvertently acknowledged as a funding recipient, whereas Michael B. Atkins should have been acknowledged, and funding information was given incorrectly; this information should have read as follows:
"Supported by Bristol-Myers Squibb, which also funded writing assistance provided by StemScientific; by Ono Pharmaceutical; and by the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health, and a Specialized Programs of Research Excellence grant under award number P50CA101942 (D.F.M., T.K.C., M.B.A., and F.S.H)."
These changes have been made as of March 30, 2015.