Definitions of variables included in the data files File S1: "Bird" = bird ID "sex" = sex where 1 = male and 2 = female "Natal_nest" = ID of the nest in which the chick hatched "Treatment" = brood size treatment group "Nestmates_above" = number of heavier competitors on d15 "Weight_D11" = weight in g on d11 "AvTarsus_D55" = average tarsus length in mm on d55 "TLday4" = T/S ratio on d4 "TLday55" = T/S ratio on d55 "Weight_CB_in" = weight in g at start of cognitive bias experiment "LFTrialsFlip" = number of trials to learn to lid flip "DTDaysCritMW" = number of sessions to learn POS/NEG discrimination "TEpropNgo" = proportion of NEG trials with a go response in testing "POS_mean" = mean latency to probe in POS test trials "NEG_mean" = mean latency to probe in NEG test trials "MazurK" = impulsivity measure from Bateson et al. 2015 paper File S2: "Date" = date on which data were collected "Replicate" = experimental replicate (1-4) "Phase" = phase of the experiment (TE = test phase) "Trial" = trial number "Bird" = bird ID "Valence" = type of trial (1-5) "Reinforcement" = whether trial was reinforced where 1 = yes and 0 = no "LatencyAttack" = latency to probe lid in s