%% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk. %% http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/ %% Created for Balthasar Bickel at 2014-07-04 14:13:28 +0200 %% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8) @unpublished{Kerr2012Pronominal, Author = {Kerr, Harland B.}, Note = {http://www.sil.org/pacific/png/abstract.asp?id=928474543866}, Title = {The pronominal systems of Wik-Munkan, Burera, Lenakol and Kunimaipa: specific and generic function}, Year = {2012}} @unpublished{Heath2011BenTey, Author = {Heath, Jeffrey}, Title = {A grammar of Ben Tey (Dogon of Beni)}, Year = {2011}} @unpublished{Heath2011Grammar, Author = {Heath, Jeffrey}, Title = {A grammar of Najamba Dogon}, Year = {2011}} @unpublished{Heath2011Nanga, Author = {Heath, Jeffrey}, Title = {A grammar of Nanga}, Year = {2011}} @unpublished{Heath2011Togo, Author = {Heath, Jeffrey}, Title = {A grammar of Togo Kan}, Year = {2011}} @book{jones2011grammar, Author = {Jones, Bob Morris}, Publisher = {Pacific Linguistics}, Series = {Pacific linguistics}, Title = {A Grammar of Wangkajunga: A Language of the Great Sandy Desert of North Western Australia}, Year = {2011}} @article{Donohue2011Case, Author = {Donohue, Mark}, Journal = {Morphology}, Pages = {499-513}, Title = {Case and configurationality: scrambling or mapping?}, Volume = {21}, Year = {2011}} @book{Forster2011Paya, Author = {FORSTER, D. Keith}, Publisher = {SIL Language and Culture Documentation and Description}, Title = {PAYA KUNA: AN INTRODUCTORY GRAMMAR}, Year = {2011}} @phdthesis{Fried2010Grammar, Author = {Fried, Robert Wayne}, School = {University of Buffalo}, Title = {A Grammar of Bao'an Tu, a Mongolic language of Northwest China}, Year = {2010}} @phdthesis{Forker2010Grammar, Author = {Forker, Diana}, School = {University of Leipzig}, Title = {A Grammar of Hinuq}, Year = {2010}} @book{Davies2010Grammar, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Davies, William D.}, Publisher = {{Mouton de Gruyter}}, Title = {A grammar of Madurese}, Year = {2010}} @phdthesis{Hellenthal2010Grammar, Author = {Hellenthal, Anneke Christine}, School = {University of Leiden}, Title = {A grammar of Sheko}, Year = {2010}} @book{Klamer2010Grammar, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Klamer, Marian}, Publisher = {{Mouton de Gruyter}}, Title = {{A grammar of {T}eiwa}}, Year = {2010}} @book{Andvik2010Grammar, Address = {Leiden}, Author = {Andvik, Erik E.}, Publisher = {Brill}, Series = {Brill's Tibetan Studies Library}, Title = {A grammar of Tshangla}, Year = {2010}} @mastersthesis{ElHannouche2010Arabic, Author = {El Hannouche, Jamal}, School = {University of Leiden}, Title = {Arabic Influence in Ghomara Berber}, Year = {2010}} @inproceedings{Gerdts2010Ditransitive, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Gerdts, Donna B.}, Booktitle = {Studies in ditransitive constructions: a comparative handbook}, Editor = {Malchukov, Andrej L. and Haspelmath Martin and Comrie, Bernard}, Pages = {563--610}, Title = {Ditransitive constructions in Halkomelem Salish: a direct object/oblique object language}, Year = {2010}} @incollection{Bickeletal2010Ditransitives, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Bickel, Balthasar and Rai, Manoj and Paudyal, Netra and Banjade, Goma and Bhatta, Toya Nath and Gaenszle, Martin and Lieven, Elena and Rai, Iccha Purna and Rai, Novel K. and Stoll, Sabine}, Booktitle = {Studies in ditransitive constructions. {A} comparative handbook}, Editor = {Malchukov, Andrej and Haspelmath, Martin and Comrie, Bernard}, Pages = {382--408}, Publisher = {de Gruyter Mouton}, Title = {{Ditransitives and three-argument verbs in Chintang and Belhare (Southeastern Kiranti)}}, Year = {2010}} @incollection{Hynum2010Ergative, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Hynum, David}, Booktitle = {Papers on six languages of Papua New Guinea}, Editor = {Hooley, Joan}, Pages = {129--156}, Publisher = {Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University}, Series = {Pacific Linguistics}, Title = {Ergative in Numanggang}, Volume = {616}, Year = {2010}} @article{Escandell-Vidal2009Differential, Author = {Escandell-Vidal, Victoria}, Journal = {Studies in Language}, Number = {4}, Pages = {832--885}, Title = {Differential object marking and topicality: the case of {Balearic Catalan}}, Volume = {33}, Year = {December 2009}} @phdthesis{vanBreugel2009Grammar, Author = {van Breugel, Seino}, School = {La Trobe University}, Title = {A grammar of Atong}, Year = {2009}} @phdthesis{Doornenbal2009Grammar, Author = {Marius Albert Doornenbal}, School = {University of Leiden}, Title = {A grammar of {B}antawa}, Year = {2009}} @phdthesis{Khalilova2009Grammar, Author = {Khalilova, Zaira}, School = {University of Leiden}, Title = {A grammar of Khwarshi}, Year = {2009}} @phdthesis{Loughnane2009Grammar, Author = {Loughnane, Robyn}, School = {The University of Melbourne}, Title = {A grammar of Oksapmin}, Year = {2009}} @book{Dum-Tragut2009Armenian, Address = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia}, Author = {Jasmine Dum-Tragut}, Publisher = {John Benjamins}, Series = {London Oriental and African Language Library 14}, Title = {Armenian}, Year = {2009}} @book{Jany2009Chimariko, Address = {Berkeley}, Author = {Jany, Carmen}, Publisher = {University of California Press}, Series = {University of California Publications in Linguistics}, Title = {Chimariko grammar: Areal and typological perspective}, Year = {2009}} @incollection{Amberber2009Differential, Address = {Oxford}, Author = {Amberber, Mengistu}, Booktitle = {The Oxford handbook of case}, Editor = {Malchukov, Andrej and Spencer, Andrew}, Pages = {742--755}, Publisher = {{O}xford {U}niversity {P}ress}, Title = {Differential case marking of arguments in Amharic}, Year = {2009}} @book{Fagan2009German, Address = {New York}, Author = {Fagan, Sarah M. B.}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {German: A linguistic introduction}, Year = {2009}} @book{Authier2009Grammaire, Address = {Paris}, Author = {Authier, Gilles}, Publisher = {Peeters}, Title = {Grammaire kryz (langue caucasique d'Azerba\"idjan, dialecte d'Alik)}, Year = {2009}} @article{Lahaussois2009Koyi, Author = {Lahaussois, Aim{\'e}e}, Journal = {Himalayan Linguistics Archive}, Pages = {1--33}, Title = {Koyi Rai: an initial grammatical sketch}, Volume = {4}, Year = {2009}} @incollection{Klump2009Variation, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Klumpp, Gerson}, Booktitle = {Describing and modeling variation in grammar}, Editor = {Dufter, Andreas and Fleischer, J{\"u}rg and Seiler, Guido}, Pages = {325---359}, Publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, Series = {Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs}, Title = {Variation in {K}omi object marking}, Year = {2009}} @book{Guillaume2008Grammar, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Antoine Guillaume}, Publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, Series = {Mouton Grammar Library [MGL] 44}, Title = {A grammar of Cavine{\~n}a}, Year = {2008}} @book{Heath2008Grammar, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Jeffrey Heath}, Publisher = {{Mouton de Gruyter}}, Title = {A grammar of Jamsay}, Year = {2008}} @book{Baird2008Grammar, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Baird, Louise}, Publisher = {Pacific Linguisics}, Title = {{A grammar of {K}lon, a Non-{A}ustronesian language of {A}lor, {I}ndonesia}}, Year = {2008}} @phdthesis{Dorvlo2008Grammar, Author = {Dorvlo, Kofi}, School = {Universiteit Leiden}, Title = {A grammar of Logba (Ikpana)}, Year = {2008}} @book{Hoffner2008Grammar1, Address = {Winona Lake}, Author = {Hoffner, Jr., Harry A. and Melchert, Craig H.}, Publisher = {Eisenbrauns}, Title = {A grammar of the Hittite language. Part 1: Reference grammar}, Year = {2008}} @mastersthesis{Berthold2008Sketch, Author = {Falko Berthold}, School = {University of Leipzig}, Title = {A sketch grammar of Melpa}, Year = {2008}} @article{Creissels2008Direct, Author = {Creissels, Denis}, Journal = {Folia Linguistica}, Number = {1}, Pages = {1--38}, Title = {Direct and indirect explanations of typological regularities: the case of alignment variations}, Volume = {42}, Year = {2008}} @article{Chamoreau2008Ditransitive, Author = {Chamoreau, Claudine}, Journal = {Amerindia}, Pages = {157-180.}, Title = {Ditransitive constructions in Purepecha: a hybrid type}, Volume = {31}, Year = {2008}} @inproceedings{Koch2008Focus, Address = {Somerville}, Author = {Koch, Karsten A.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics}, Editor = {Chang, Charles B. and Haynie, Hannah J.}, Pages = {348--356}, Publisher = {Cascadilla Proceedings Project}, Title = {Focus projection in Nɬeʔkepmxcin (Thompson River Salish)}, Year = {2008}} @incollection{Patnaik2008Juang, Address = {London}, Author = {Anderson, Gregory D. S. and Zide, Norman H,}, Booktitle = {The Munda languages}, Pages = {508--556}, Publisher = {Routledge}, Series = {Routledge language family series}, Title = {Juang}, Year = {2008}} @phdthesis{Campbell200Mood, Author = {Campbell, Dennis R. M.}, School = {University of Chicago}, Title = {Mood and modality in Hurrian}, Year = {2008}} @unpublished{Douradoetal2008Object, Author = {Dourado, Luciana and Gildea, Spike}, Note = {Paper presented at Syntax of the World's Languages III, September 25-28, 2008}, Title = {Object Relations in {P}anar{\'a} ({J}{\^e})}, Year = {2008}} @book{Barddal2008Productivity, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {Bar{\dh}dal, J{\'o}hanna}, Publisher = {Benjamins}, Title = {{Productivity: evidence from case and argument structure in {I}celandic}}, Year = {2008}} @book{Cowelletal2008Arapaho, Author = {Cowell, Andrew and Moss, Alonzo Sr.}, Publisher = {University Press of Colorado}, Title = {The Arapaho language}, Year = {2008}} @book{Aikhenvald2008Manambu, Address = {Oxford}, Author = {Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald}, Publisher = {Oxford University Press}, Title = {The {M}anambu language of {East Sepik, Papua New Guinea}}, Year = {2008}} @phdthesis{Kim2008Topics, Author = {Kim, Yuni}, School = {University of California at Berkeley}, Title = {Topics in the phonology and morphology of San Francisco del Mar Huave}, Year = {2008}} @phdthesis{Kung2007Descriptive, Author = {Kung, Susan Smythe}, School = {University of Texas at Austin}, Title = {A descriptive grammar of Huehuetla Tepehua}, Year = {2007}} @book{Genetti2007Grammar, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Genetti, Carol}, Publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, Title = {A grammar of {Dolakha Newar}}, Year = {2007}} @phdthesis{Filchenko2007Grammar, Address = {Huston}, Author = {Filchenko, Andrey}, School = {Rice University}, Title = {A grammar of Eastern Khanty}, Year = {2007}} @phdthesis{Graves2007Grammar, Author = {Graves, Thomas E.}, School = {State University of New York at Buffalo}, Title = {A grammar of Hile Sherpa}, Year = {2007}} @book{Enfield2007Grammar, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Enfield, Nicholas J.}, Publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, Title = {{A grammar of {L}ao}}, Year = {2007}} @phdthesis{Fedden2007Grammar, Address = {Melbourne}, Author = {Fedden, Sebastian}, School = {University of Melbourne}, Title = {A grammar of {M}ian, a {P}apuan language of {New Guinea}}, Year = {2007}} @book{Danielsen2007Baure, Author = {Swintha Danielsen}, Publisher = {{CNWS} Publications}, Series = {Indigenous Language of Latin America}, Title = {Baure: an Arawak language of Bolivia}, Year = {2007}} @incollection{Camargo2007Reciprocal, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {Camargo, Eliane}, Booktitle = {Reciprocal Constructions}, Editor = {Nedjalkov, Vladimir and (with the assistance of Geniu{\v s}ien{\.e}, Emma and Zlatka Guentch{\'e}va)}, Pages = {1865--1912}, Publisher = {Benjamins}, Title = {Reciprocal, response-reciprocal and distributive constructions in {C}ashinahua}, Year = {2007}} @book{Hargus2007Witsuwit, Author = {Hargus, Sharon}, Publisher = {UBC Press}, Series = {First Nations Languages}, Title = {Witsuwit'en grammar: phonetics, phonology, morphology}, Year = {2007}} @book{Broadwell2006Choctaw, Address = {Lincoln}, Author = {Broadwell, Georg Aaron}, Publisher = {University of Nebraska Press}, Title = {A {C}hoctaw reference grammar}, Year = {2006}} @phdthesis{Gaby2006Grammar, Address = {Melbourne}, Author = {Gaby, Alice Rose}, School = {University of Melbourne}, Title = {A grammar of Kuuk Thaayorre}, Year = {2006}} @phdthesis{Lachler2006Grammar, Author = {Lachler, Jordan}, School = {University of New Mexico}, Title = {A grammar of Laguna Keres}, Year = {2006}} @phdthesis{vanGijn2006Grammar, Author = {van Gijn, Erik}, School = {Radboud University}, Title = {A grammar of {Y}urakar{\'e}}, Year = {2006}} @unpublished{Hepner2006Bargam, Author = {Hepner, Mark}, Note = {Summer Institute of Linguistics}, Title = {Bargam grammar sketch}, Year = {2006}} @phdthesis{vandenHeuvel2006Biak, Author = {Wilco van den Heuvel}, School = {University of Amsterdam}, Title = {Biak, description of an {A}ustronesian language of {P}apua}, Year = {2006}} @book{Fagyaletal2006French, Address = {New York}, Author = {Zsuzsanna Fagyal and Douglas A. Kibbee and Frederic Jenkins}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {French: A linguistic introduction}, Year = {2006}} @incollection{Cook2006Hawaiian, Address = {Amsterdam & Philadelphia}, Author = {Cook, Keneth William}, Booktitle = {Voice and grammatical relations: Festschrift for Masayoshi Shibatani}, Editor = {Tsunoda, Tasaku and Kageyema, Taro}, Pages = {1--15}, Publisher = {John Benjamins}, Title = {The {Hawaiian} passive/imperative particle}, Year = {2006}} @book{Brassettetal2006Tujia, Address = {Munich}, Author = {Brassett, Cecilia and Brassett, Philip and Lu, Meiyan}, Publisher = {Lincom Europa}, Title = {The Tujia Language}, Year = {2006}} @article{Deoetal2006Typological, Author = {Deo, Ashwini and Sharma, Devyani}, Journal = {Linguistic Typology}, Number = {3}, Pages = {369---418}, Title = {Typological variation in the ergative morphology of {I}ndo-{A}ryan languages}, Volume = {10}, Year = {2006}} @book{Chappelletal2005Grammar, Address = {Paris}, Author = {Chappell, Hilary and Lamarre, Christine}, Publisher = {\'Ecole des Hautes \'Etudes en Sciences Sociales}, Series = {Collection des cahiers de linguistique d'Asie orientale}, Title = {A grammar and lexicon of Hakka: historical materials from the Basel Mission library}, Volume = {8}, Year = {2005}} @phdthesis{Epps2005Grammar, Author = {Epps, Patience}, School = {University of Virginia}, Title = {A grammar of {H}up}, Year = {2005}} @book{Burenhult2005Grammar, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Burenhult, Niclas}, Publisher = {Pacific Linguistics}, Title = {A grammar of Jahai}, Year = {2005}} @phdthesis{FelixArmendariz2005Grammar, Author = {F{\'e}lix Armend{\'a}riz, Rolando}, Title = {A grammar of River Warihio}, Year = {2005}} @book{Heath2005Grammar, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Heath, Jeffrey}, Publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, Series = {Mouton grammar library}, Title = {A grammar of Tamashek (Tuareg of Mali)}, Volume = {35}, Year = {2005}} @phdthesis{Gonzalez2005Grammar, Address = {Pittsburgh}, Author = {Gonz{\'a}lez, Hebe Alicia}, School = {University of Pittsburgh}, Title = {A grammar of {T}apiete ({T}upi-{G}uarani)}, Year = {2005}} @book{Iwasakietal2005Reference, Address = {New York}, Author = {Iwasaki, Shoichi and Horie, Inkapiromu Puriya}, Publisher = {Cambridge Univ. Press}, Title = {A reference grammar of Thai}, Year = {2005}} @book{Dixon2005Semantic, Address = {Oxford}, Author = {Dixon, Robert M. W.}, Publisher = {Oxford University Press}, Title = {A semantic approach to {E}nglish grammar}, Year = {2005}} @article{Francois2005Typological, Author = {Fran\c{c}ois, Alexandre}, Journal = {Linguistic Typology}, Number = {1}, Pages = {115--146}, Title = {A typological overview of Mwotlap}, Volume = {9}, Year = {2005}} @mastersthesis{Beachy2005Overview, Author = {Beachy, Marvin Dean}, School = {University of Texas at Arlington}, Title = {An overview of {Central Dizin} phonology and morphology}, Year = {2005}} @book{Gallagheretal2005Bariai, Address = {Ukarumpa}, Author = {Gallagher, Steve and Baehr, Peirce}, Publisher = {Summer Institute of Linguistics}, Title = {Bariai grammar sketch}, Year = {2005}} @book{Ewing2005Grammar, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {Ewing, Michael C.}, Publisher = {John Benjamins}, Series = {Studies in Discourse and Grammar}, Title = {Grammar and inference in conversation: identifying clause structure in Spoken Javanese}, Year = {2005}} @phdthesis{Buell2005Issues, Author = {Leston Chandler Buell}, School = {University of California at Los Angeles}, Title = {Issues in {Z}ulu verbal morphosyntax}, Year = {2005}} @phdthesis{Goudswaard2005Begak, Author = {Goudswaard, Nelleke Elisabeth}, School = {University of Amsterdam}, Title = {The {B}egak ({I}da'an) language of {S}abah}, Year = {2005}} @book{Jenny2005Verb, Address = {Zurich}, Author = {Jenny, Mathias}, Publisher = {University of Zurich}, Series = {Arbeiten des Seminars f{\"u}r Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft}, Title = {The verb system of Mon}, Year = {2005}} @phdthesis{Beam2004Coatlan, Author = {Beam de Azcona, Rosemary Grace}, School = {University of California at Berkeley}, Title = {A Coatl\'an-Loxicha Zapotec grammar}, Year = {2004}} @book{Cook2004Grammar, Address = {Winnipeg}, Author = {Cook, Eung-Do}, Publisher = {University of Manitoba}, Series = {Algonquian and Iroquoian Linguistics: Memoir}, Title = {A grammar of D\"ene Sulin\'e (Chipewyan)}, Volume = {17}, Year = {2004}} @book{Kari2004Reference, Address = {Cologne}, Author = {Kari, Ethelbert E.}, Publisher = {R{\"u}diger K{\"o}ppe}, Series = {Grammatische Analysen afrikanischer Sprachen}, Title = {A reference grammar of Degema}, Volume = {22}, Year = {2004}} @incollection{Huehnergardetal2004Akkadian, Author = {Huehnergard, John and Woods, Christopher}, Booktitle = {The Cambridge encyclopedia of the world's ancient languages}, Editor = {Woodard, Roger D.}, Pages = {218--287}, Title = {Akkadian and Eblaite}, Year = {2004}} @misc{Gerstner-link2004Kilmeri, Author = {Gerstner-Link, Claudia}, Howpublished = {Habilitationsschrift, Institut f\"ur Allgemeine und Typologische Sprachwissenschaft, L\"udwig-Maximilan-Universit\"at Munich}, Title = {Das Kilmeri: Typologische Ann\"aherung an eine Sprache Neuguineas: Puwani-river, Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea}, Year = {2004}} @book{Breen2004Innamincka, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Breen, Gavan}, Publisher = {Pacific Linguistics}, Title = {Innamincka talk: a grammar of the Innamincka Dialect of Yandruwandha with notes on other dialects}, Year = {2004}} @book{Granberry2004Modern, Address = {Munich}, Author = {Granberry, Julian}, Publisher = {Lincom Europa}, Series = {Languages of the World: Materials}, Title = {Modern Chitimacha (Sitimaxa)}, Year = {2004}} @incollection{Comrie2004Oblique, Author = {Comrie, Bernard}, Booktitle = {{Non-Nominative subjects}}, Editor = {Bhaskararao, Peri and Subbarao, Karumuri Venkata}, Pages = {113--128}, Publisher = {Benjamins}, Title = {Oblique-case subjects in {Tsez}}, Volume = {1}, Year = {2004}} @book{Friesen2004Moloko, Author = {Friesen, Dianne and Mamalis, Megan}, Publisher = {SIL International}, Series = {SIL Electronic Working Papers}, Title = {The Moloko verb phrase}, Year = {2004}} @phdthesis{Guerrero2004Syntax-semantic, Author = {Guerrero, Lilian}, School = {The State University of New York at Buffalo}, Title = {The syntax-semantic interface in Yaqui complex constructions, a Role and Reference Grammar analysis}, Year = {2004}} @phdthesis{Brown2004Topics, Author = {Brown, Mark C.}, School = {University of Texas at Austin}, Title = {Topics in Iquito syntax: word order, possession, and nominal discontinuity}, Year = {2004}} @book{Hualdeetal2003Grammar, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Hualde, Jos{\'{e}} Ignacio and Ortiz de Urbina, Jon}, Publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, Title = {A grammar of Basque}, Year = {2003}} @phdthesis{Coelho2003Grammar, Author = {Coelho, Gail Maria}, School = {The University of Texas at Austin}, Title = {A grammar of Betta Kurumba}, Year = {2003}} @phdthesis{Fleck2003Grammar, Author = {Fleck, David W.}, School = {Rice University}, Title = {A grammar of Matses}, Year = {2003}} @book{LaPolla2003Grammar, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {LaPolla, Randy J. with Chenglong Huang}, Publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, Title = {A grammar of Qiang with annotated texts and glossary}, Year = {2003}} @book{Aikhenvald2003Grammar, Address = {Cambridge}, Author = {Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y.}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {{A grammar of {T}ariana}}, Year = {2003}} @book{Chirikba2003Abkhaz, Address = {M{\"u}nchen}, Author = {Chirikba, Viacheslav A.}, Publisher = {Lincom Europa}, Series = {Languages of the World: Materials}, Title = {Abkhaz}, Year = {2003}} @incollection{Hyman2003Basaa, Address = {London \& New York}, Author = {Hyman, Larry M.}, Booktitle = {The Bantu Languages}, Editor = {Nurse, Derek and Philippson, G\'erard}, Pages = {257--282}, Publisher = {Routledge}, Series = {Routledge Language Family Series}, Title = {Basa\'a}, Year = {2003}} @incollection{Bickel2003Belhare, Address = {London}, Author = {Bickel, Balthasar}, Booktitle = {The Sino-Tibetan languages}, Editor = {Thurgood, Graham and LaPolla, Randy J.}, Pages = {546--570}, Publisher = {Routledge}, Title = {Belhare}, Year = {2003}} @book{Evans2003Bininj1, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Nicholas Evans}, Publisher = {Pacific Linguistics}, Title = {{Bininj Gun-Wok: A pan-dialectal grammar of Mayali, Kunwinjku and Kune}}, Volume = {1}, Year = {2003}} @incollection{Baueretal2003Cantonese, Author = {Bauer, Robert S. and Matthews, Stephen}, Booktitle = {The Sino-Tibetan languages}, Editor = {Thurgood, Graham and LaPolla, Randy J.}, Pages = {146--155}, Publisher = {Curzon Press}, Title = {Cantonese}, Year = {2003}} @incollection{LaPolla2003Dulong, Address = {London}, Author = {LaPolla, Randy J.}, Booktitle = {The Sino-Tibetan languages}, Editor = {Thurgood, Graham and LaPolla, Randy J.}, Pages = {674--682}, Publisher = {Routledge}, Title = {Dulong}, Year = {2003}} @book{Fabre2003Samba, Address = {Munich}, Author = {Fabre, Anne Gwena{\"{e}}lle}, Publisher = {Lincom Europa}, Title = {{\'{E}}tude du Samba Leko parler d'Allani}, Year = {2003}} @incollection{Burling2003Garo, Address = {London}, Author = {Burling, Robbins}, Booktitle = {The Sino-Tibetan languages}, Editor = {Thurgood, Graham and LaPolla, Randy J.}, Pages = {387--400}, Publisher = {Curzon Press}, Title = {Garo}, Year = {2003}} @book{Enrico2003Haida, Address = {Lincoln}, Author = {Enrico, John}, Publisher = {University of Nebraska Press}, Title = {Haida syntax}, Volume = {1}, Year = {2003}} @incollection{Hargreaves2003Kathmandu, Address = {London}, Author = {Hargreaves, David}, Booktitle = {The Sino-Tibetan languages}, Editor = {Thurgood, Graham and LaPolla, Randy J.}, Pages = {371--384}, Publisher = {Routledge}, Title = {Kathmandu Newar}, Year = {2003}} @incollection{Janhunen2003Khamnigan, Address = {London}, Author = {Janhunen, Juha}, Booktitle = {The Mongolic languages}, Editor = {Janhunen, Juha}, Pages = {83--101}, Publisher = {Routledge}, Title = {Khamnigan Mongol}, Year = {2003}} @incollection{Jones2003Marked, Author = {Jones, Linda K.}, Booktitle = {Language and life: essays in memory of Kenneth L. Pike}, Editor = {Mary Ruth Wise and Thomas N. Headland and Ruth M. Brend}, Pages = {411--428}, Publisher = {SIL International and University of Texas at Arlington}, Series = {SIL International and The University of Texas at Arlington Publications in Linguistics}, Title = {Marked transitivity in Yawa discourse}, Volume = {139}, Year = {2003}} @incollection{Georg2003Ordos, Address = {London}, Author = {Georg, Stefan}, Booktitle = {The Mongolic languages}, Editor = {Janhunen, Juha}, Pages = {193--209}, Publisher = {Routledge}, Title = {Ordos}, Year = {2003}} @incollection{Ding2003Prinmi, Address = {London}, Author = {Ding, Picus Sizhi}, Booktitle = {The Sino-Tibetan languages}, Editor = {Thurgood, Graham and LaPolla, Randy J.}, Pages = {588--601}, Publisher = {Routledge}, Title = {Prinmi: a sketch of Niuwozi}, Year = {2003}} @article{Callaghan2003Proto-Utian, Author = {Callaghan, Catherine¬†A.}, Journal = {International Journal of American Linguistics}, Number = {1}, Title = {Proto-Utian (Miwok-Costanoan) Case System}, Volume = {69}, Year = {2003}} @book{Krishnamurti2003Dravidian, Address = {Cambridge}, Author = {Krishnamurti, Bhadriraju}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {The Dravidian languages}, Year = {2003}} @book{Costa2003Miami, Author = {Costa, D.J.}, Publisher = {Unp - Nebraska}, Series = {Studies in the Native Languages of the Americas Series}, Title = {The Miami-Illinois Language}, Year = {2003}} @book{Holton2003Tobelo, Address = {Munich}, Author = {Holton, Gary}, Publisher = {Lincom Europa}, Title = {Tobelo}, Year = {2003}} @phdthesis{Bruno2003Waimiri, Author = {Bruno, Ana Carla}, School = {University of Arizona}, Title = {Waimiri Atroari grammar: some phonological, morphological, and syntactic aspects}, Year = {2003}} @book{Lefebvreetal2002Grammar, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Lefebvre, Claire and Brousseau, Anne-Marie}, Publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, Title = {A grammar of Fongbe}, Year = {2002}} @book{Frajzyngier2002Grammar, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Frajzyngier, Zygmunt with Erin Shay}, Publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, Title = {A grammar of Hdi}, Year = {2002}} @book{Francois2002Araki, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Fran{\c{c}}ois, Alexandre}, Publisher = {Australian National University}, Series = {Pacific Linguistics}, Title = {{Araki: a disappearing language of Vanuatu}}, Year = {2002}} @phdthesis{Lahaussois2002Aspects, Author = {Lahaussois, Aim{\'e}e}, School = {University of California at Berkeley}, Title = {Aspects of the grammar of {T}hulung {R}ai, an endangered {H}imalayan language}, Year = {2002}} @phdthesis{Dickinson2002Complex, Author = {Dickinson, Connie}, School = {University of Oregon}, Title = {Complex predicates in Tsafiki}, Year = {2002}} @book{Gorelova2002Manchu, Address = {Leiden}, Author = {Gorelova, Liliya M.}, Publisher = {Brill}, Title = {Manchu grammar}, Year = {2002}} @article{Bobaljiketal2002Notes, Author = {Bobaljik, Jonathan David and Wurmbrand, Susi}, Journal = {Linguistic Discovery}, Number = {1}, Title = {Notes on agreement in Itelmen}, Volume = {1}, Year = {2002}} @mastersthesis{Hettich2002Ossetian, Author = {Hettich, bela G.}, School = {University of North Dakota}, Title = {Ossetian: revisiting inflectional morphology}, Year = {2002}} @book{Cubberley2002Russian, Address = {Cambridge}, Author = {Cubberley, Paul}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {Russian: A linguistic introduction}, Year = {2002}} @phdthesis{Davidson2002Studies, Address = {Buffalo, NY}, Author = {Davidson, Matthew}, School = {State University of New York at Buffalo}, Title = {{Studies in Southern Wakashan (Nootkan) grammar}}, Year = {2002}} @incollection{Donohue2002Tobati, Address = {Richmond}, Author = {Donohue, Mark}, Booktitle = {The Oceanic languages}, Editor = {Lynch, John and Ross, Malcolm and Crowley, Terry}, Pages = {186---203}, Publisher = {Curzon}, Title = {Tobati}, Year = {2002}} @phdthesis{Hayami-Allen2001Descriptive, Author = {Hayami-Allen, Rika}, School = {University of Pittsburgh}, Title = {A descriptive study of the language of Ternate, the northern Moluccas, Indonesia}, Year = {2001}} @phdthesis{Ingram2001Grammar, Author = {Ingram, Andrew}, School = {University of Sydney}, Title = {A grammar of Anamuxra: a language of Madang Province, Papua New Guinea}, Year = {2001}} @phdthesis{Linn2001Grammar, Author = {Linn, Mary Sarah}, School = {University of Kansas}, Title = {A Grammar of Euchee (Yuchi)}, Year = {2001}} @book{Frajzyngier2001Grammar, Address = {Stanford}, Author = {Frajzyngier, Zygmunt}, Publisher = {Center for the Study of Language and Information Publications}, Series = {Stanford Monographs in African Language}, Title = {A grammar of Lele}, Year = {2001}} @phdthesis{Brown2001Grammar, Author = {Brown, Lea}, School = {University of Sydney}, Title = {{A grammar of Nias Selatan}}, Year = {2001}} @incollection{Butt2001Reexamination, Address = {{Stanford, CA}}, Author = {Miriam Butt}, Booktitle = {Time over matter: Diachronic perspectives on morphosyntax}, Editor = {Butt, Miriam and King, Tracy Holloway}, Pages = {105--141}, Publisher = {{CSLI Publications}}, Title = {A reexamination of the accusative to ergative shift}, Year = {2001}} @book{Hardman2001Aymara, Address = {Munich}, Author = {Hardman, Martha J.}, Publisher = {Lincom Europa}, Series = {Lincom Studies in Native American Linguistics}, Title = {Aymara}, Volume = {35}, Year = {2001}} @article{Gerdtsetal2001Korean, Author = {Gerdts, Donna B. and Chenong Youn}, Journal = {Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics}, Pages = {317--327}, Title = {Korean dative experiencers: The evidence for their status as surface subjects}, Volume = {6}, Year = {2001}} @book{Kutscher2001Nomen, Address = {Munich}, Author = {Kutscher, Silvia}, Publisher = {Lincom Europa}, Title = {Nomen und nominales Syntagma im Lasischen. Eine deskriptive Analyse des Dialekts von Arde{\u{s}}en}, Volume = {17}, Year = {2001}} @article{Donohue2001Split, Author = {Donohue, Mark}, Journal = {Oceanic Linguistics}, Number = {2}, Pages = {291--306}, Title = {Split intransitivity and {S}aweru}, Volume = {40}, Year = {2001}} @phdthesis{Haan2001Grammar, Author = {Haan, Johnson Welem}, School = {University of Sydney}, Title = {The grammar of Adang: a Papuan language spoken on the Island of Alor, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia}, Year = {2001}} @book{Amha2001Maale, Address = {Leiden}, Author = {Amha, Azeb}, Publisher = {Research School of Asian, African and Amerindian Studies, University of Leiden}, Series = {CNWS Publications}, Title = {The Maale language}, Volume = {99}, Year = {2001}} @book{Layton2000Coptic, Address = {Wiesbaden}, Author = {Layton, Bentley}, Publisher = {Harrassowitz}, Title = {A Coptic grammar}, Year = {2000}} @phdthesis{Johnson2000Grammar, Author = {Johnson, Heidi}, School = {University of Texas at Arlington}, Title = {A grammar of San Miguel Chimalapa Zoque}, Year = {2000}} @phdthesis{Alves2000Pacoh, Author = {Alves, Mark John}, School = {University of Hawai'I at Manoa}, Title = {A Pacoh analytic grammar}, Year = {2000}} @book{Elders2000Grammaire, Address = {Leiden}, Author = {Elders, Stefan}, Publisher = {Research School of Asian, African and Amerindian Studies (CNWS), State University of Leiden}, Title = {Grammaire mundang}, Year = {2000}} @inproceedings{Donohue2000One, Author = {Donohue, Mark}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of ALS2k, the 2000 Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society}, Organization = {University of Melbourne}, Title = {One phrase structure}, Year = {2000}} @article{Carletonetal2000Pronominal, Author = {Carleton, Troi and Waksler, Rachelle}, Journal = {International Journal of American Linguistics}, Pages = {383--397}, Title = {Pronominal markers in Zenzontepec Chatino}, Volume = {66}, Year = {2000}} @phdthesis{Facundes2000Language, Author = {Facundes, Sidney da Silva}, School = {State University of New York, Buffalo}, Title = {The Language of the Apurin{\~{a}} People of Brazil (Maipure/Arawak)}, Year = {2000}} @phdthesis{Harrison2000Topics, Author = {Harrison, David}, School = {Yale University}, Title = {Topics in the phonology and morphology of Tuvan}, Year = {2000}} @incollection{Amberber2000Valency, Address = {Cambridge}, Author = {Amberber, Mengistu}, Booktitle = {Changing valency}, Editor = {Dixon, R. M. W. and Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y.}, Pages = {312--332}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {Valency-changing and valency-encoding devices in Amharic}, Year = {2000}} @phdthesis{Dunn1999Grammar, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Dunn, Michael J.}, School = {Australian National University}, Title = {A grammar of {C}hukchi}, Year = {1999}} @book{Heath1999Koyraboro, Address = {Cologne}, Author = {Heath, Jeffrey}, Publisher = {R{\"u}diger K{\"o}ppe}, Series = {Westafrikanische Studien-19}, Title = {A grammar of Koyraboro (Koroboro) Senni}, Volume = {19}, Year = {1999}} @phdthesis{Dol1999Grammar, Address = {Leiden}, Author = {Dol, Philomena}, School = {University of Leiden}, Title = {A grammar of Maybrat: a language of the Bird's Head, Irian Jaya}, Year = {1999}} @book{Hercus1999Grammar, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Hercus, Luise A.}, Publisher = {Australian National University}, Series = {Pacific Linguistics, Series C}, Title = {A grammar of the Wirangu language from the West Coast of South Australia}, Volume = {150}, Year = {1999}} @phdthesis{Guirardello1999Reference, Address = {Houston}, Author = {Guirardello, Raquel}, School = {Rice University}, Title = {A reference grammar of {T}rumai}, Year = {1999}} @phdthesis{Bryant1999Aspects, Author = {Bryant, Michael Grayson}, School = {University of Texas at Arlington}, Title = {Aspects of Tirmaga grammar}, Year = {1999}} @book{Eatough1999Central, Address = {Berkeley}, Author = {Eatough, Andrew}, Publisher = {University of California Publications}, Series = {University of California Publications in Linguistics}, Title = {Central Hill Nisenan texts with grammatical sketch}, Volume = {132}, Year = {1999}} @book{Elliott1999Dictionary, Author = {Elliott, E.}, Publisher = {University of California, San Diego}, Title = {Dictionary of Rinc{\'o}n Luise{\~n}o}, Year = {1999}} @incollection{Davison1999Ergativity, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {Davison, Alice}, Booktitle = {{Functionalism and {F}ormalism in {L}inguistics, {V}olume {I}: {G}eneral {P}apers}}, Editor = {Darnell, Michael and Moravcsik, Edith and Newmeyer, Frederick and Noonan, Michael and Wheatley, Kathleen}, Publisher = {John Benjamins}, Title = {Ergativity: functional and forma issues}, Year = {1999}} @book{Holt1999Pech, Address = {M{\"{u}}nchen}, Author = {Holt, Dennis}, Publisher = {Lincom Europa}, Title = {Pech (Paya)}, Year = {1999}} @book{Farr1999The-interface, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Farr, Cynthia J.}, Publisher = {Pacific Linguistics}, Title = {The interface between syntax and discourse in Korafe, a Papuan language of Papua New Guinea}, Year = {1999}} @book{Boweetal199Yorta, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Bowe, Heather and Morey, Stephen}, Publisher = {Australian National University}, Series = {Pacific Linguistics, Series C}, Title = {The Yorta Yorta (Bangerang) language of the Murray Goulburn including Yabula Yabula}, Volume = {154}, Year = {1999}} @incollection{Baumgartner1998Grammar, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Baumgartner, Neil I.}, Booktitle = {Papers in Southeast Asianlinguistics. No. 15: Further Chamic Studies}, Editor = {Thomas, David}, Pages = {1--20}, Publisher = {Australian National University}, Series = {Pacific Linguistics, Series A}, Title = {A grammar sketch of Western (Cambodian) Cham}, Volume = {89}, Year = {1998}} @incollection{Lastetal1998Grammatical, Address = {Cologne}, Author = {Last, Marco and Lucassen, Deborah}, Booktitle = {Surmic languages and cultures}, Editor = {Dimmendaal, Gerrit J. and Last, Marco}, Pages = {375---436}, Publisher = {R{\"u}diger K{\"o}ppe}, Title = {A grammatical sketch of Chai, a Southeastern Surmic language}, Year = {1998}} @book{Cyffer1998Sketch, Address = {Cologne}, Author = {Cyffer, Norbert}, Publisher = {R{\"u}diger K{\"o}ppe}, Title = {A sketch of Kanuri}, Year = {1998}} @incollection{Hieda1998Sketch, Address = {Cologne}, Author = {Hieda, Osamu}, Booktitle = {Surmic languages and cultures}, Editor = {Dimmendaal, Gerrit J. and Last, Marco}, Pages = {345--373}, Publisher = {R{\"u}diger K{\"o}ppe}, Title = {A sketch of Koegu grammar: towards reconstructing Proto-Southeastern Surmic}, Year = {1998}} @book{Keneseietal1998Hungarian, Address = {London}, Author = {Kenesei, Istv{\'{a}}n and Vago, Robert M. and Fenyvesi, Anna}, Publisher = {Routledge}, Series = {Descriptive Grammars}, Title = {Hungarian}, Year = {1998}} @incollection{Annamalaietal1998Modern, Address = {London}, Author = {Annamalai, E. and Steever, Sanford B.}, Booktitle = {The Dravidian languages}, Editor = {Steever, Sanford B.}, Pages = {100--128}, Publisher = {Routledge}, Title = {Modern Tamil}, Year = {1998}} @incollection{Helimski1998Nganasan, Address = {London}, Author = {Helimski, Eugene}, Booktitle = {The Uralic languages}, Editor = {Abondolo, Daniel}, Pages = {480--515}, Publisher = {Routledge}, Title = {Nganasan}, Year = {1998}} @book{Gruzdeva1998Nivkh, Address = {Munich}, Author = {Gruzdeva, Ekaterina}, Publisher = {Lincom Europa}, Series = {Languages of the World: Materials}, Title = {Nivkh}, Volume = {111}, Year = {1998}} @book{Jones1998Boko, Address = {Munich}, Author = {Jones, Ross McCallum}, Publisher = {Lincom Europa}, Title = {The Boko / Busa language cluster}, Year = {1998}} @book{Longetal1998Dong, Address = {Dallas}, Author = {Long, Yaohong and Guoqiao, Zheng}, Publisher = {Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington}, Series = {Publications in Linguistics}, Title = {The Dong language in Guizhou Province, China}, Volume = {126}, Year = {1998}} @book{Khacikjan1998Elamite, Address = {Rome}, Author = {Kha{\v c}ikjan, Margaret}, Publisher = {Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Istituto per gli Studi Micenei ed Egeo-anatolici}, Series = {Documenta Asiana}, Title = {The {E}lamite language}, Year = {1998}} @incollection{Blakeetal1998Wathawurrung, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Blake, Ian Clark and Krishna-Pillay, Sharnthi}, Booktitle = {Wathawurrung and the Colac language of Southern Victoria}, Editor = {Blake, Barry}, Pages = {59--154}, Publisher = {Australian National University}, Series = {Pacific Linguistics, Series C}, Title = {Wathawurrung: the language of the Geelong-Ballarat area}, Volume = {147}, Year = {1998}} @book{Anderson1998Xakas, Address = {Munich}, Author = {Anderson, Gregory D. S.}, Publisher = {Lincom Europa}, Series = {Languages of the World: Materials}, Title = {Xakas}, Volume = {251}, Year = {1998}} @book{Dench1998Yingkarta, Address = {Munich}, Author = {Dench, Alan}, Publisher = {Lincom Europa}, Series = {Languages of the World: Materials}, Title = {Yingkarta}, Volume = {137}, Year = {1998}} @book{Ebert1997Grammar, Address = {Munich}, Author = {Ebert, Karen H.}, Publisher = {Lincom Europa}, Title = {A grammar of Athpare}, Year = {1997}} @phdthesis{Curnow1997Grammar, Author = {Curnow, Timothy Jowan}, School = {Australian National University}, Title = {{A grammar of Awa Pit (Cuaiquer): an indigenous language of South-Western Colombia}}, Year = {1997}} @book{Davisetal1997Grammar, Address = {Missoula, Montana}, Author = {Davis, Philip W. and Saunders, Ross}, Publisher = {University of Montana}, Series = {Occasional Papers in Linguistics}, Title = {A grammar of Bella Coola}, Volume = {13}, Year = {1997}} @phdthesis{Jauncey1997Grammar, Author = {Jauncey, Dorothy}, School = {Australian National University}, Title = {A grammar of Tamambo, the language of western Malo, Vanuatu}, Year = {1997}} @mastersthesis{Boyd1997Phonology, Author = {Boyd, Virginia L.}, School = {University of Texas at Arlington}, Title = {A phonology and grammar of Mbodomo}, Year = {1997}} @book{Ebert1997Camling, Address = {Munchen}, Author = {Ebert, Karen H.}, Publisher = {Lincom Europa}, Title = {Camling (Chamling)}, Year = {1997}} @book{Duff1997Gramatica, Author = {Duff-Tripp, Martha}, Publisher = {Ministerio de Educaci{\'o}n, Instituto Ling{\"u}{\'\i}stico de Verano}, Series = {Serie Ling{\"u}{\'\i}stica peruana}, Title = {Gram{\'a}tica del idioma yanesha' (amuesha)}, Year = {1997}} @book{Kossmann1997Grammaire, Address = {Louvain}, Author = {Kossmann, Maarten G.}, Publisher = {Peeters}, Title = {Grammaire du parler berb{\`e}re de Figuig (Maroc oriental)}, Year = {1997}} @article{Donohue1997Inverse, Author = {Donohue, Mark}, Journal = {Language and Linguistics in Melanesia}, Pages = {101--118}, Title = {Inverse in Tanglapui}, Volume = {27}, Year = {1997}} @book{Cincius1997Negidalskij, Address = {Moscow}, Author = {Cincius, V. I.}, Publisher = {Indrik}, Title = {Negidal'skij jazyk}, Year = {1997}} @book{Kordic1997Serbo-Croatian, Author = {Snje{\v z}ana Kordi{\'c}}, Publisher = {Lincom Europa}, Title = {Serbo-Croatian}, Year = {1997}} @book{vanEnketal1997Korowai, Address = {Oxford}, Author = {van Enk, Gerrit J. and de Vries, Lourens}, Publisher = {Oxford University Press}, Title = {The Korowai of Irian Jaya: their language in its cultural context}, Year = {1997}} @book{Bodomo997Structure, Address = {Stanford}, Author = {Bodomo, Adams}, Publisher = {Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI) at Stanford University}, Series = {Stanford Monographs in African Languages}, Title = {The structure of Dagaare}, Year = {1997}} @phdthesis{Houngues1997Topics, Author = {Houngues, D{\'e}sir{\'e} Mensanh Komi}, School = {Boston University}, Title = {Topics in the syntax of {M}ina}, Year = {1997}} @book{Kornfilt1997Turkish, Address = {London}, Author = {Jaklin Kornfilt}, Publisher = {Routledge}, Title = {Turkish}, Year = {1997}} @book{Kibrik1996Godoberi, Address = {Munich}, Author = {Anonymous,}, Editor = {Kibrik, Alexandr}, Publisher = {Lincom Europa}, Series = {Lincom Studies in Caucasian Linguistics}, Title = {Godoberi}, Year = {1996}} @book{Dryer1996Grammatical, Address = {Winnipeg}, Author = {Dryer, Matthew S.}, Publisher = {Voices of Rupert's Land}, Title = {{Grammatical Relations in Kutenai}}, Year = {1996}} @book{Dutton1996Koiari, Address = {Munich}, Author = {Dutton, Tom E.}, Publisher = {Lincom Europa}, Title = {Koiari}, Year = {1996}} @book{Bender1996Kunama, Address = {Munich}, Author = {Bender, M. Lionel}, Publisher = {Lincom Europa}, Series = {Languages of the World: Materials}, Title = {Kunama}, Year = {1996}} @book{Blecke1996Lexikalische, Address = {Cologne}, Author = {Blecke, Thomas}, Publisher = {R{\"u}diger K{\"o}ppe}, Title = {Lexikalische Kategorien und grammatische Strukturen im Tigemaxo (Bozo, Mande)}, Year = {1996}} @book{Estrada1996Pima, Address = {Munich}, Author = {Estrada Fern{\'{a}}ndez, Zarina}, Publisher = {Lincom Europa}, Series = {Languages of the World: Materials}, Title = {Pima Bajo}, Volume = {71}, Year = {1996}} @book{Dorleijn1996Decay, Address = {Tilburg}, Author = {Dorleijn, Margreet}, Publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, Title = {The decay of ergativity in Kurmanci}, Year = {1996}} @mastersthesis{Berry1995Description, Author = {Berry, Keith}, School = {La Trobe University}, Title = {A description of the Abun language}, Year = {1995}} @phdthesis{Green1995Grammar, Author = {Green, Rebecca}, School = {Australian National University}, Title = {A grammar of Gurr-goni (North Central Arnhem Land)}, Year = {1995}} @book{vandenBerg1995Grammar, Address = {Munich}, Author = {van den Berg, Helma}, Publisher = {Lincom Europa}, Series = {Lincom Studies in Caucasian Linguistics}, Title = {A Grammar of Hunzib}, Year = {1995}} @incollection{Abasetal1995Bugis, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Abas, Husen and Grimes, Charles E.}, Booktitle = {Comparative Austronesian dictionary}, Editor = {Tryon, Darrell T.}, Pages = {549--562}, Publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, Title = {Bugis}, Volume = {1}, Year = {1995}} @book{Feuillet1995Bulgare, Address = {Munich}, Author = {Feuillet, Jack}, Publisher = {Lincom Europa}, Series = {Languages of the World / Materials}, Title = {Bulgare}, Volume = {66}, Year = {1995}} @book{Carlson1994Grammar, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Carlson, Robert}, Publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, Title = {A grammar of Supyire}, Year = {1994}} @book{Hercus1994Grammar, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Hercus, Luise A.}, Publisher = {Australian National University}, Series = {Pacific Linguistics, Series C}, Title = {A grammar of the Arabana-Wangkangurru language, Lake Eyre Basin, South Australia}, Volume = {128}, Year = {1994}} @book{Harms1994Epena, Address = {Dallas / Arlington}, Author = {Harms, Philip Lee}, Publisher = {Summer Institute of Linguistics and University of Texas}, Series = {Studies in the Languages of Colombia}, Title = {Epena Pedee syntax}, Volume = {4}, Year = {1994}} @book{Dench1994Martuthunira, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Dench, Alan Charles}, Publisher = {Australia National University}, Series = {Pacific Linguistics, Series C}, Title = {Martuthunira: a language of the {P}ilbara region of {W}estern {A}ustralia}, Volume = {125}, Year = {1994}} @unpublished{Hoeletal1994Mende, Author = {Hanna Marie Hoel and Tarja Ik\"aheimonen and Michiyo Nozawa}, Note = {Unpublished manuscript, available at http://www.sil.org/pacific/png/abstract.asp?id=48482}, Title = {Mende grammar essentials}, Year = {1994}} @incollection{Holiskyetal1994Tsova-Tush, Address = {Delmar, NY}, Author = {Holisky, Dee Ann and Gagua, Rusudan}, Booktitle = {{The Indigenous languages of the Caucasus}}, Editor = {Smeets, Rieks}, Pages = {148--212}, Publisher = {Caravan Books}, Title = {{Tsova-Tush (Batsbi)}}, Volume = {4, part 2}, Year = {1994}} @book{Fagborun1994Yoruba, Author = {Fagb{\d o}run, J. Gbenda}, Publisher = {Virgocap Press}, Title = {Yor{\`u}b{\'a} verbs and their usage: an introductory handbook for learners}, Year = {1994}} @book{Granberry1993Grammar, Address = {Tuscaloosa}, Author = {Granberry, Julian}, Publisher = {University of Alabama Press}, Title = {A grammar and dictionary of the Timucua language}, Year = {1993}} @book{Driem1993Grammar, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {van Driem, George}, Publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, Title = {A grammar of {Dumi}}, Year = {1993}} @book{Haspelmath1993Lezgian, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Haspelmath, Martin}, Publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, Title = {A grammar of {L}ezgian}, Year = {1993}} @book{Frajzyngier1993Grammar, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Frajzyngier, Zygmunt}, Publisher = {Dietrich Reimer}, Title = {A grammar of Mupun}, Year = {1993}} @book{Cooketal1993Idioma, Address = {Santaf{\'{e}} de Bogot{\'{a}}}, Author = {Cook, Dorothy M. and Criswell, Linda L.}, Publisher = {Instituto Ling{\"{u}}{\'{\i}}stico de Verano}, Title = {El idioma koreguaje (tucano occidental)}, Year = {1993}} @book{Alhoniemi1993Grammatik, Address = {Hamburg}, Author = {Alhoniemi, Alho}, Publisher = {Helmut Buske}, Title = {Grammatik des Tscheremissischen (Mari)}, Year = {1993}} @incollection{Batalova1993Komi-permiatskij, Address = {Moskva}, Author = {Batalova, R. M.}, Booktitle = {Jazyki mira: ural'skie jazyki}, Editor = {Jarceva, V. N. and Gamkrelidze, T. V. and Neroznak, V. P. and Solncev, V. M. and Tolstoj, Z. I. and Kalygin, V. P.}, Pages = {229--239}, Publisher = {Nauka}, Title = {Komi-permiatskij jazyk}, Year = {1993}} @book{Bauer1993Maori, Address = {London}, Author = {Bauer, Winifred}, Publisher = {Routledge}, Title = {Maori}, Year = {1993}} @phdthesis{Chhangte1993Mizo, Author = {Chhangte, Lalnunthangi}, School = {University of Oregon}, Title = {Mizo syntax}, Year = {1993}} @book{Jones1993Sardinian, Author = {Jones, M.}, Publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, Series = {Romance Linguistics}, Title = {Sardinian Syntax}, Year = {1993}} @incollection{Comrie1993Some, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {Comrie, Bernard}, Booktitle = {{Causatives and transitivity}}, Editor = {Comrie, Bernard and Polinsky, Maria}, Pages = {315--325}, Publisher = {John Benjamins}, Title = {Some remarks on causatives and transitivity in Haruai}, Year = {1993}} @book{Crum1993Western, Address = {Boise, Idaho}, Author = {Crum, Beverly and Dayley, Jon P.}, Publisher = {Department of Anthropology, Boise State University}, Series = {Boise State University Occasional Papers and Monographs in Cultural Anthropology and Linguistics}, Title = {Western Shoshoni grammar}, Volume = {1}, Year = {1993}} @book{Bisang1992Verb, Author = {Bisang, Walter}, Publisher = {Narr}, Series = {Language universals series}, Title = {Das Verb im Chinesischen, Hmong, Vietnamesischen, Thai und Khmer: Vergleichende Grammatik im Rahmen der Verbserialisierung, der Grammatikalisierung und der Attraktorpositionen}, Year = {1992}} @unpublished{Henry1992Kombio, Author = {Henry, Joan}, Note = {Summer Institute of Linguisitcs}, Title = {Kombio grammar essentials}, Year = {1992}} @book{Feldpauschetal1992Namia, Address = {Ukarumpa via Lae}, Author = {Feldpausch, Tom and Feldpausch, Becky}, Editor = {Roberts, John}, Publisher = {Summer Institute of Linguistics}, Series = {Data Papers on Papua New Guinea Languages}, Title = {Namia grammar essentials}, Volume = {39}, Year = {1992}} @unpublished{Bradley1992Yanyuwa, Author = {Bradley, John}, Title = {Yanyuwa Wuka: language from Yanyuwa country}, Year = {1992}} @book{Conradetal1991Outline, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Conrad, Robert J. and Wogiga, Kepas}, Publisher = {Australian National University}, Series = {Pacific Linguistics, Series C}, Title = {An outline of Bukiyip grammar}, Volume = {113}, Year = {1991}} @book{Jonesetal1991Barasano, Address = {Dallas}, Author = {Jones, Wendell and Jones, Paula}, Publisher = {Summer Institute of Linguistics and The University of Texas at Arlington}, Series = {Publications in Linguistics}, Title = {Barasano syntax}, Volume = {101}, Year = {1991}} @book{Kimballetal1991Koasati, Address = {Lincoln}, Author = {Kimball, Geoffrey D. and Abbey, Bel}, Publisher = {University of Nebraska Press}, Title = {Koasati grammar}, Year = {1991}} @book{Dahlstrom1991Plains, Author = {Dahlstrom, Amy}, Publisher = {Garland Publishing}, Title = {Plains {C}ree morphosyntax}, Year = {1991}} @unpublished{Carlson1991Tainae, Author = {Terry Carlson}, Note = {Summer Institute of Linguistics}, Title = {Tainae grammar essentials}, Year = {1991}} @phdthesis{Eather1990Grammar, Author = {Eather, Bronwyn}, School = {Australian National University}, Title = {A grammar of {Nakkara (Central Arnhem Land coast)}}, Year = {1990}} @incollection{Hompa1990Grammatical, Address = {London}, Author = {Homp{\'{o}}, {\'{E}}va}, Booktitle = {Omotic Language Studies}, Editor = {Hayward, Richard J.}, Pages = {356--405}, Publisher = {School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London}, Title = {Grammatical relations in Gamo: a pilot study}, Year = {1990}} @book{Holes1990Gulf, Address = {London / New York}, Author = {Holes, Clive}, Publisher = {Routledge}, Series = {Croom Helm Descriptive Grammars}, Title = {Gulf Arabic}, Year = {1990}} @book{Harriehausen1990Hmong, Address = {T{\"u}bingen}, Author = {Harriehausen, Bettina}, Publisher = {Niemeyer}, Title = {Hmong Njua: Syntaktische Analyse einer gesprochenen Sprache mithilfe datenverarbeitungstechnischer Mittel und sprachvergleichende Beschreibung des s{\"u}dostasiatischen Sprachraumes}, Year = {1990}} @incollection{Harris1990Nend, Address = {Ukarumpa via Lae, Papua New Guinea}, Author = {Harris, Kyle}, Booktitle = {Two grammatical studies}, Editor = {Roberts, John R.}, Pages = {73--156}, Publisher = {Summer Institute of Linguistics}, Series = {Data Papers on Papua New Guinea Languages}, Title = {Nend grammar essentials}, Volume = {37}, Year = {1990}} @incollection{Borgman1990Sanuma, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Borgman, Donald M.}, Booktitle = {Handbook of Amazonian languages}, Editor = {Derbyshire, Desmond C. and Pullum, Geoffrey K.}, Pages = {15--248}, Publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, Title = {Sanuma}, Volume = {2}, Year = {1990}} @book{Creideretal1989Grammar, Address = {Hamburg}, Author = {Creider, Chet A. and Creider, Jane Tapsubei}, Publisher = {Helmut Buske Verlag}, Title = {A grammar of Nandi}, Year = {1989}} @book{Crawford1989Cocopa, Address = {Berkeley}, Author = {Crawford, James M.}, Publisher = {University of California Press}, Title = {Cocopa Dictionary}, Year = {1989}} @book{Anderson1989Comaltepec, Address = {Dallas}, Author = {Anderson, Judi Lynn}, Publisher = {Summer Institute of Linguistics}, Series = {Studies in Chinantec Languages}, Title = {Comaltepec Chinantec syntax}, Volume = {3}, Year = {1989}} @book{Glinert1989Grammar, Address = {Cambridge}, Author = {Glinert, Lewis}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {The grammar of Modern Hebrew}, Year = {1989}} @book{Dayley1989Tumpisa, Address = {Berkeley}, Author = {Dayley, Jon P.}, Publisher = {University of California Press}, Title = {{T{\"u}mpisa (Panamint) Shoshone grammar}}, Year = {1989}} @techreport{Grinevald1988Grammar, Author = {Grinevald, Colette G.}, Title = {A Grammar of Rama (Report to National Science Foundation BNS 8511156)}, Year = {1988}} @phdthesis{Abdel-Hafiz1998Reference, Author = {Abdel-Hafiz, Ahmed Sokarno}, School = {State University of New York at Buffalo}, Title = {A reference grammar of {K}unuz {N}ubian}, Year = {1988}} @phdthesis{Larsen1988Manifestations, Author = {Larsen, Thomas W.}, School = {University of Berkeley}, Title = {Manifestations of ergativity in Quich\'e grammar}, Year = {1988}} @book{Bonvini1988Predication, Address = {Paris}, Author = {Bonvini, Emilio}, Publisher = {Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique}, Title = {Pr{\'{e}}dication et {\'{e}}nonciation en k{\`{a}}sim}, Year = {1988}} @phdthesis{Hall1988Morphosyntax, Author = {Hall, Katherine L.}, School = {Washington University}, Title = {The morphosyntax of discourse in De'kwana Carib}, Year = {1988}} @phdthesis{Childs1988Phonology, Author = {Childs, George Tucker}, School = {University of California, Berkeley}, Title = {The phonology and morphology of Kisi}, Year = {1988}} @article{Brown1988Waris, Author = {Brown, Robert}, Journal = {Language and Linguistics in Melanesia}, Pages = {37--80}, Title = {Waris case system and verb classification}, Volume = {19}, Year = {1988}} @book{Driem1987Grammar, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {van Driem, George}, Publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, Title = {{A grammar of Limbu}}, Year = {1987}} @book{Buchholzetal1987Albanische, Address = {Leipzig}, Author = {Buchholz, Oda and Fiedler, Wilfried}, Publisher = {Enzyklop{\"{a}}die}, Title = {Albanische Grammatik}, Year = {1987}} @book{Coyaud1987Langues, Author = {Coyaud, Maurice}, Publisher = {Pour l'Analyse du folklore}, Series = {Document - P.A.F}, Title = {Les langues dans le monde chinois}, Volume = {2}, Year = {1987}} @book{Callaghan1987Northern, Address = {Berkeley}, Author = {Callaghan, Catherine A.}, Publisher = {University of California Press}, Title = {Northern Sierra Miwok Dictionary}, Year = {1987}} @book{Kropp1987Dangme, Address = {London}, Author = {Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther}, Publisher = {Macmillan}, Title = {The Dangme language: an introductory survey}, Year = {1987}} @book{Bateman1986Iau, Address = {Jakarta}, Author = {Bateman, Janet}, Publisher = {Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya}, Series = {NUSA: Linguistic Studies of Indonesian and Other Languages in Indonesia 26}, Title = {Iau verb morphology}, Year = {1986}} @book{Gordon1986Maricopa, Address = {Berkeley}, Author = {Gordon, Lynn}, Publisher = {University of California Press}, Series = {University of California Publications in Linguistics}, Title = {Maricopa morphology and syntax}, Volume = {108}, Year = {1986}} @incollection{Hercus1986Outline, Author = {Hercus, Luise A.}, Booktitle = {Victorian languages: a late survey}, Editor = {Hercus, Luise A.}, Pages = {3--71}, Publisher = {Pacific Linguistics}, Title = {Outline of the Wembawemba language}, Year = {1986}} @incollection{Everett1986Piraha, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Everett, Daniel L.}, Booktitle = {Handbook of Amazonian languages}, Editor = {Derbyshire, Desmond C. and Pullum, Geoffrey K.}, Pages = {200--326}, Publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, Title = {Pirah{\~{a}}}, Volume = {1}, Year = {1986}} @book{Durie1985Grammar, Address = {Dordrecht}, Author = {Durie, Mark}, Publisher = {Foris Publications}, Title = {A grammar of Acehnese on the basis of a dialect of north Aceh}, Year = {1985}} @book{Abraham1985Apatani, Address = {Manasagangotri, Mysore}, Author = {Abraham, P.T.}, Publisher = {Central Institute of Indian Languages}, Title = {Apatani grammar}, Year = {1985}} @phdthesis{Knowles1984Descriptive, Author = {Knowles, Susan Marie}, School = {Tulane University}, Title = {A descriptive grammar of Chontal Maya (San Carlos dialect)}, Year = {1984}} @incollection{Casad1984Cora, Address = {Dallas}, Author = {Casad, Eugene H.}, Booktitle = {Studies in Uto-Aztecan grammar}, Editor = {Langacker, Ronald W.}, Pages = {151--459}, Publisher = {Summer Institute of Linguistics}, Title = {Cora}, Volume = {4: Southern Uto-Aztecan grammatical sketches}, Year = {1984}} @book{Heath1984Functional, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Heath, Jeffrey}, Publisher = {Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies}, Title = {Functional grammar of {N}unggubuyu}, Year = {1984}} @book{Bruce1984Alamblak, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Bruce, Les}, Publisher = {Australian National University}, Series = {Pacific Linguistics, Series C}, Title = {The Alamblak language of Papua New Guinea (East Sepik)}, Volume = {81}, Year = {1984}} @phdthesis{Hoskinson1983Grammar, Author = {Hoskison, James T.}, School = {The Ohio State University}, Title = {A grammar and dictionary of the Gude language}, Year = {1983}} @book{Goddard1982Grammar, Address = {Alice Spings}, Author = {Goddard, Cliff}, Publisher = {Institute for Aboriginal Development}, Title = {A grammar of Yankunytjatjara}, Year = {1983}} @incollection{Dixon1983Nyawaygi, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {Dixon, Robert M. W.}, Booktitle = {Handbook of Australian languages}, Editor = {Dixon, R. M. W. and Blake, Barry J.}, Pages = {430--525}, Publisher = {John Benjamins}, Title = {Nyawaygi}, Volume = {3}, Year = {1983}} @phdthesis{DAlton1983Phonological, Author = {D'Alton, Paula A.}, School = {Universit{\'{e}} of Paris III}, Title = {Phonological and grammatical sketch of Palor, a Cangin language of Senegal}, Year = {1983}} @book{Dimmendaal1983Turkana, Address = {Dordrecht}, Author = {Dimmendaal, Gerrit}, Publisher = {Foris}, Title = {The {T}urkana language}, Year = {1983}} @incollection{Crowley1983Uradhi, Address = {Melbourne}, Author = {Crowley, Terry}, Booktitle = {The handbook of Australian languages}, Editor = {Dixon, R. M. W. and Blake, B.}, Pages = {307---430}, Publisher = {Oxford University Press Australia}, Title = {Uradhi}, Volume = {3}, Year = {1983}} @article{Hale1983Warlpiri, Author = {Hale, Ken}, Journal = {Natural Language and Linguistic Theory}, Number = {1}, Pages = {5--47}, Title = {Warlpiri and the grammar of non-configurational languages}, Volume = {1}, Year = {1983}} @book{Dougherty1983West, Address = {Berkeley}, Author = {Dougherty, Janet W. D.}, Publisher = {University of California Press}, Series = {University of California Publications in Linguistics}, Title = {West Futuna-Aniwa: an introduction to a Polynesian outlier language}, Volume = {102}, Year = {1983}} @incollection{Keen1983Yukulta, Author = {Keen, Sandra}, Booktitle = {Handbook of Australian languages}, Editor = {Dixon, Robert M. W. and Blake, Barry J.}, Pages = {190--304}, Publisher = {Benjamins}, Title = {Yukulta}, Volume = {3}, Year = {1983}} @incollection{Comrie1982Grammatical, Address = {New York}, Author = {Comrie, Bernard}, Booktitle = {Studies in transitivity, syntax and semantics 15}, Editor = {Hopper, Paul J. and Thompson, Sandra A.}, Publisher = {Academic Press}, Title = {Grammatical relations in {H}uichol}, Year = {1982}} @book{Cole1982Imbabura, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {Cole, Peter}, Publisher = {North-Holland}, Title = {{I}mbabura {Q}uechua}, Year = {1982}} @phdthesis{Boynton1982Mikasuki, Author = {Boynton, Sylvia S.}, School = {University of Florida}, Title = {Mikasuki grammar in outline}, Year = {1982}} @book{Arensen1982Murle, Address = {Juba, Sudan}, Author = {Arensen, Jonathan E.}, Publisher = {Summer Institute of Linguistics and University of Juba}, Series = {Occasional Papers in the Study of Sudanese Languages}, Title = {Murle grammar}, Volume = {2}, Year = {1982}} @book{caughley1982syntax, Author = {Caughley, R.C.}, Publisher = {Department of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University for the Linguistic Circle of Canberra}, Series = {Pacific Linguistics}, Title = {The Syntax and Morphology of the Verb in Chepang}, Year = {1982}} @book{Caughley1982Syntax, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Caughley, Ross C.}, Publisher = {Pacific Linguistics}, Series = {Series B}, Title = {The syntax and morphology of the verb in Chepang}, Volume = {84}, Year = {1982}} @book{Austin1981Grammar, Address = {Cambridge}, Author = {Austin, Peter}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {A grammar of {D}iyari, {S}outh {A}ustralia}, Year = {1981}} @book{Bromley1981Grammar, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Bromley, H. Myron}, Publisher = {Australian National University}, Series = {Pacific Linguistics, Series C}, Title = {A Grammar of Lower Grand Valley Dani}, Volume = {63}, Year = {1981}} @unpublished{Huisman1981AngaatahaNouns, Author = {Huisman, Ronald}, Note = {http://www.sil.org/pacific/png/abstract.asp?id=51607}, Title = {Angaataha nouns}, Year = {1981}} @article{Comrie1981Ergativity, Author = {Comrie, Bernard}, Journal = {Australian Journal of Linguistics}, Pages = {1--42}, Title = {Ergativity and grammatical relations in {K}alaw {L}agaw {Y}a ({S}aibai dialect)}, Volume = {1}, Year = {1981}} @book{Davies1981Kobon, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {Davies, John}, Publisher = {North Holland Publishing Co.}, Title = {Kobon}, Year = {1981}} @book{Lietal1981Mandarin, Address = {Berkeley}, Author = {Li, Charles N. and Thompson, Sandra A.}, Publisher = {University of California Press}, Title = {{M}andarin {C}hinese: a functional reference grammar}, Year = {1981}} @book{Breen1981Mayu, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Breen, Gavan}, Publisher = {Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies}, Title = {The {M}ayu languages of the {Q}ueensland {G}ulf {C}ountry}, Year = {1981}} @book{Leman1980Reference, Address = {Greeley}, Author = {Leman, Wayne}, Publisher = {Museum of Anthropology, University of Northern Colorado}, Series = {Occasional Publications in Anthropology}, Title = {A reference grammar of the Cheyenne language}, Volume = {1 and 2}, Year = {1980}} @book{Heath1980Basic, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Heath, Jeffrey}, Publisher = {Australian National University}, Series = {Pacific Linguistics, Series B}, Title = {Basic materials in Warndarang: Grammar, texts, and dictionary}, Volume = {72}, Year = {1980}} @article{Bybeeetal1980Explanation, Author = {Bybee, Joan L. and Brewer, Mary Alexandra}, Journal = {Lingua}, Pages = {201--242}, Title = {Explanation in morphophonemics: changes in Provencal and Spanish preterite forms}, Volume = {52}, Year = {1980}} @book{Haiman1980Hua, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {Haiman, John}, Publisher = {John Benjamins}, Title = {Hua: a {P}apuan language of the {E}astern {H}ighlands of {N}ew {G}uinea}, Year = {1980}} @incollection{Garland1980Mountain, Address = {Ukarumpa}, Author = {Garland, Susan}, Booktitle = {Grammatical studies in Fasu and Mt. Koiali}, Editor = {Hutchisson, Don}, Pages = {107--224}, Publisher = {Summer Institute of Linguistics}, Series = {Workpapers in Papua New Guinea Languages}, Title = {Mountain Koiali grammar: sentences, paragraphs, and discourses}, Volume = {27}, Year = {1980}} @book{Donaldson1980Ngiyambaa, Address = {Cambridge}, Author = {Donaldson, Tamsin}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {Ngiyambaa: the language of the {W}angaaybuwan}, Year = {1980}} @incollection{Goddard1980Notes, Author = {Goddard, Jean}, Booktitle = {Papers in New Guinea Linguistics 20}, Editor = {Boxwell, Maurice and Goddard, Jean and Ross, Malcolm and Sanders, Arden G. and Sanders, Joy and Davies, John}, Pages = {35--76}, Publisher = {Canberra}, Series = {Pacific Linguistics, Series A}, Title = {Notes on Agarabi grammar}, Volume = {56}, Year = {1980}} @book{Andronov1980Brahui, Address = {Moscow}, Author = {Andronov, Mikhail Sergeevich}, Publisher = {Nauka Pub. House}, Title = {The Brahui language}, Year = {1980}} @phdthesis{Crowell1979Grammar, Author = {Crowell, Thomas Harris}, School = {Cornell University}, Title = {A grammar of Bororo}, Year = {1979}} @book{Blake1979Kalkatungu, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Blake, Barry J.}, Publisher = {Pacific Linguistics}, Series = {Pacific Linguistics, Series B}, Title = {A Kalkatungu grammar}, Volume = {57}, Year = {1979}} @incollection{Flassyetal1979Note, Address = {Jakarta}, Author = {Don A. L. Flassy and W. A. L. Stokhof}, Booktitle = {Miscellaneous studies in Indonesian and languages in Indonesia: Part VI}, Editor = {Amran Halim}, Pages = {35--83}, Publisher = {Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya}, Series = {NUSA}, Title = {A note on Tehit (Bird's Head -- Irian Jaya)}, Volume = {7}, Year = {1979}} @incollection{Eades1979Gumbaynggir, Address = {Melbourne}, Author = {Eades, Diana}, Booktitle = {The handbook of Australian languages}, Editor = {Dixon, Robert M. W. and Blake, B.}, Pages = {245--362}, Publisher = {Oxford University Press Australia}, Title = {Gumbaynggir}, Volume = {1}, Year = {1979}} @incollection{Haviland1979Guugu, Author = {Haviland, John B.}, Booktitle = {Handbook of Australian languages}, Editor = {{Dixon, Robert M. W.} and Blake, Barry}, Pages = {365--393}, Publisher = {Canberra}, Title = {Guugu Yimidhirr}, Volume = {1}, Year = {1979}} @book{Derbyshire1979Hixkaryana, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {Desmond Derbyshire}, Publisher = {North Holland}, Title = {{Hixkaryana}}, Year = {1979}} @incollection{Brockway1979North, Address = {Dallas}, Author = {Brockway, Earl}, Booktitle = {Studies in Uto-Aztecan grammar}, Editor = {Langacker, Ronald W.}, Pages = {141--198}, Publisher = {Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington}, Series = {Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics}, Title = {North Puebla Nahuatl}, Volume = {2: Modern Aztec grammatical sketches}, Year = {1979}} @phdthesis{Jeanne1978Aspects, Address = {Cambridge, MA}, Author = {Jeanne, LaVerne Masayesva}, School = {MIT}, Title = {Aspects of {H}opi grammar}, Year = {1978}} @book{Heath1978Ngandi, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Heath, Jeffrey}, Publisher = {Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies}, Title = {Ngandi grammar, texts, and dictionary}, Year = {1978}} @article{Conrad1978Some, Author = {Alungum, John and Conrad, Robert J. and Lukas, Joshua}, Journal = {Workpapers in Papua New Guinea Languages}, Pages = {89--130}, Title = {Some Muhiang grammatical notes}, Volume = {25}, Year = {1978}} @book{Crowley1978Middle, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Crowley, Terry}, Publisher = {Australia Institute of Aboriginal Studies}, Title = {{The {M}iddle {C}larence dialects of {B}andjalang}}, Year = {1978}} @book{Barber1977Grammar, Address = {Aberdeen}, Author = {Barber, C. Clyde}, Publisher = {University of Aberdeen}, Series = {Occasional Publications}, Title = {A grammar of the Balinese language}, Volume = {3}, Year = {1977}} @book{Dixon1977Grammar, Address = {Cambridge}, Author = {Dixon, Robert M. W.}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {{A grammar of {Y}idiny}}, Year = {1977}} @book{Hagman1977Nama, Address = {Bloomington}, Author = {Hagman, Roy Stephen}, Publisher = {Indiana University Press}, Title = {Nama {H}ottentot grammar}, Year = {1977}} @unpublished{Larsen1977Orokaiva, Author = {Larsen, Bud}, Title = {Orokaiva grammar}, Year = {1977}} @book{Allin1976Grammar, Author = {Allin, Trevor R.}, Number = {v. 1}, Publisher = {Summer Institute of Linguistics}, Series = {A grammar of Res{\'\i}garo}, Title = {A grammar of Res{\'\i}garo}, Year = {1976}} @book{loving1976grammatical, Author = {Loving, R. and Summer Institute of Linguistics}, Publisher = {Summer Institute of Linguistics}, Series = {Workpapers in Papua New Guinea languages}, Title = {Grammatical Studies in Patep}, Year = {1976}} @book{Loving1976Grammatical, Address = {Ukarumpa}, Author = {Loving, Richard}, Publisher = {Summer Institute of Linguistics}, Series = {Workpapers in Papua New Guinea languages}, Title = {Grammatical studies in Suena and Iduna}, Volume = {15}, Year = {1976}} @unpublished{Dooley1976Participants, Author = {Dooley, Robert A.}, Note = {http://www.sil.org/americas/brasil/SILbpub.html}, Title = {Participants in Guarani narrative}, Year = {1976}} @book{Deibler1976Semantic, Address = {Norman}, Author = {Deibler, Ellis W.}, Publisher = {Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma}, Series = {Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics and Related Fields}, Title = {Semantic relationships of Gahuku verbs}, Volume = {48}, Year = {1976}} @book{Birk1976MalakMalak, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Birk, David B. W}, Publisher = {Australian National University}, Title = {The {M}alak{M}alak language, {D}aly {R}iver ({W}estern {A}rnhem {L}and)}, Year = {1976}} @incollection{Dutton1975Koita, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Dutton, Tom E.}, Booktitle = {Studies in languages of Central and South-East Papua}, Editor = {Dutton, T. E.}, Publisher = {Australian National University}, Series = {Pacific Linguistics, Series C}, Title = {A Koita grammar sketch and vocabulary}, Volume = {29}, Year = {1975}} @book{Bailey1975Abau, Address = {Ukarumpa}, Author = {Bailey, D. A.}, Publisher = {Summer Institute of Linguistics}, Series = {Workpapers in Papua New Guinea Languages}, Title = {Abau Language: Phonology and Grammar}, Volume = {9}, Year = {1975}} @incollection{Austingetal1975Highlights, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Austing, John and Upia, Randolph}, Booktitle = {Studies in languages of Central and South-East Papua}, Editor = {Dutton, Thomas E.}, Pages = {513--598}, Publisher = {Australian National University}, Series = {Pacific Linguistics, Series C}, Title = {Highlights of {\"{O}}mie morphology}, Volume = {29}, Year = {1975}} @incollection{Hudson1974Structural, Address = {London}, Author = {Hudson, Richard A.}, Booktitle = {African Language Studies}, Editor = {Arnott, D. W.}, Pages = {111--142}, Publisher = {School of Oriental and African Studies}, Title = {A structural sketch of Beja}, Year = {1974}} @book{Canu1974Description, Address = {Lille}, Author = {Canu, Gaston}, Publisher = {Service de reproduction des th{\`{e}}ses}, Title = {Description synchronique de la langue m{\`{o}}re}, Year = {1974}} @unpublished{Frantz1974Gadsup, Author = {Frantz, Chester}, Note = {Summer Institute of Linguistics}, Title = {Gadsup nominal phrases and included clause constructions}, Year = {1974}} @book{Bun1974Golin, Address = {Ukarumpa}, Author = {Bunn, Gordon}, Publisher = {Summer Institute of Linguistics}, Series = {Workpapers in Papua New Guinea Languages}, Title = {Golin grammar}, Volume = {5}, Year = {1974}} @book{Foreman1974Grammar, Address = {Ukarumpa, Papua New Guinea}, Author = {Foreman, Velma}, Publisher = {Summer Institute of Linguistics}, Series = {Language Data, Asian-Pacific Series}, Title = {Grammar of Yessan-Mayo}, Volume = {4}, Year = {1974}} @unpublished{Firchow1974Rotokas, Author = {Firchow, Irwin B.}, Title = {Rotokas grammar}, Year = {1974}} @book{Irwin1974Salt-Yui, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Irwin, Barry}, Publisher = {Linguistic Circle of Canberra}, Title = {Salt-Yui grammar}, Year = {1974}} @book{Glover1974Sememic, Address = {Norman, Oklahoma}, Author = {Glover, Warren W.}, Publisher = {Summer Institute of Linguistics}, Title = {Sememic and grammatical structures in Gurung (Nepal)}, Year = {1974}} @inbook{Kooyers1974Washkuk, Address = {Ukarumpa}, Author = {Kooyers, Orneal}, Publisher = {Summer Institute of Linguistics}, Title = {Washkuk grammar sketch}, Year = {1974}} @book{Bonvillain1973Grammar, Address = {Ottawa}, Author = {Bonvillain, Nancy}, Publisher = {National Museum of Man}, Series = {Ethnology Division Paper}, Title = {A grammar of Akwesasne Mohawk}, Volume = {8}, Year = {1973}} @book{Dixon1972Dyirbal, Address = {Cambridge}, Author = {Dixon, Robert M. W.}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {The {D}yirbal language of {North Queensland}}, Year = {1972}} @book{Franklin1971Grammar, Address = {Canberra}, Author = {Franklin, Karl J.}, Publisher = {Australian National University}, Series = {Pacific Linguistics, Series C}, Title = {A grammar of {Kewa, New Guinea}}, Volume = {16}, Year = {1971}} @phdthesis{Bhatt1971Grammar, Address = {Madison}, Author = {Bhatt, Sooda Lakshminarayan}, School = {University of Wisconsin, Madison}, Title = {A grammar of {T}ulu, a {D}ravidian language}, Year = {1971}} @book{Bearth1971Lenonce, Address = {Norman}, Author = {Bearth, Thomas}, Publisher = {SIL}, Title = {L'{\'e}nonc{\'e} Toura (C{\^o}te d'Ivoire)}, Year = {1971}} @phdthesis{Golla1970Hupa, Author = {Golla, Victor Karl}, School = {University of California at Berkeley}, Title = {Hupa grammar}, Year = {1970}} @book{Capelletal1970Maung, Address = {The Hague}, Author = {Capell, Arthur and Hinch, H. E.}, Publisher = {Mouton}, Title = {Maung grammar; texts and vocabulary}, Year = {1970}} @book{Chafe1967Seneca, Address = {Washington,}, Author = {Chafe, Wallace L.}, Publisher = {Smithsonian Press}, Title = {Seneca morphology and dictionary}, Year = {1967}} @book{Innes1966Introduction, Address = {London}, Author = {Innes, Gordon}, Publisher = {School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London}, Title = {An introduction to Grebo}, Year = {1966}} @book{Edelman1966Jazguljamskij, Address = {Moscow}, Author = {Edel'man, D\v{z}oy I.}, Publisher = {Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR}, Title = {Jazguljamskij jazyk}, Year = {1966}} @book{Levin1964Assiniboine, Address = {Bloomington}, Author = {Levin, Norman Balfour}, Publisher = {Indiana University Press}, Title = {The Assiniboine language}, Year = {1964}} @book{Broadbent1964Southern, Address = {Berkeley}, Author = {Broadbent, Sylvia M.}, Publisher = {University of California Press}, Title = {The Southern Sierra Miwok language}, Year = {1964}} @mastersthesis{Davis1964Wantoat, Address = {Bloomington}, Author = {Davis, Donald R.}, School = {University of Bloomington}, Title = {Wantoat clauses}, Year = {1964}} @book{Kuiper1962Nahali, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {Kuiper, Franciscus B. J.}, Publisher = {Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maatschappij}, Title = {Nahali: a comparative study}, Year = {1962}} @book{Krueger1962Yakut, Address = {Bloomington}, Author = {Krueger, John R.}, Publisher = {Indiana University}, Series = {Indiana University Publications, Uralic and Altaic Series}, Title = {Yakut manual}, Volume = {21}, Year = {1962}} @book{Krueger1961Chuvash, Address = {Bloomington}, Author = {Krueger, John R.}, Publisher = {Indiana University Press}, Series = {Indiana University Publications, Uralic and Altaic Series}, Title = {Chuvash manual: Introduction, grammar, reader, and vocabulary}, Year = {1961}} @book{Bright1957Karok, Address = {Berkeley}, Author = {Bright, William}, Publisher = {University of California Press}, Title = {The Karok language}, Year = {1957}} @book{Alphonse1956Guaymi, Address = {Washington}, Author = {Alphonse, Ephraim S.}, Publisher = {United States Government Printing Office}, Title = {Guaym{\'\i} grammar and dictionary}, Year = {1956}} @book{Boelaars1950Linguistic, Address = {Leiden}, Author = {Boelaars, J. H. M. C}, Publisher = {E. J. Brill}, Title = {The linguistic position of South-Western New Guinea}, Year = {1950}} @incollection{Haas1941Tunica, Address = {New York}, Author = {Hass, Mary R.}, Booktitle = {Handbook of {American Indian languages}}, Editor = {Boas, Franz}, Publisher = {J. J. Augustin}, Title = {Tunica}, Volume = {4}, Year = {1941}}