Effects of Trichothecene Production on the Plant Defense Response and Fungal Physiology: Overexpression of the Trichoderma arundinaceumtri4 Gene in T. harzianum

Supplemental material

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Oligonucleotides used for qPCR analysis of the tomato development genes (Table S1); representation of plasmid pb1Tatri4, and Southern blot of controls and tri4-overexpressing transformants (Fig. S1); calibration curves obtained for the genomic DNAs of the three T34-5.27 tri4-expressing transformants analyzed in the present work to calculate the number of tri4 gene copies integrated in the genome of each transformant (Fig. S2); B. cinerea pathogenicity on detached tomato leaves of the Marmande variety (Fig. S3); qPCR analysis of the relative level of expression of five tomato defense-related genes (PR1b1, PR-P2, PINI, PINII, and TomLoxA) and three development-related genes (SUCS, ACCS, and GA1) in leaves collected from tomato plants whose seeds were coated with conidia of strain T34-5.27-b1 or T34-5.27-tri4.2 (Fig. S4).

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