Supplemental Table 1 Methods implemented in the PathVisioRPC application programming interface (API). These functions can be called from any programming interface included in RPC. addDataNode( pathwayfilepath,  datanodename,  datanodetype,  datanodeid,  datanodesource) Adds a DataNode to a pathway GPML file saved on disk and saves it in the result directory addDataNodeByURI( uri,  datanodename,  datanodetype,  datanodeid,  datanodesource,  resultdirectory,  reference,  comment) Adds a DataNode to a Pathway GPML file downloaded by it's Wikipathwas ID and saves it in the result directory addInteraction( pathwayfilepath,  linename,  startdatanode,  enddatanode,  startarrowtype,  endarrowtype) Adds an Interaction to a Pathway GPML saved on disk, connecting two DataNodes specified by the names of the two DataNodes and saves the changed pathway GPML file in the result directory addInteractionByID( pathwayfilepath,  linename,  startdatanodegraphid,  enddatanodegraphid,  startarrowtype,  endarrowtype) Adds a Line to a Pathway GPML saved on disk, connecting two DataNodes specified by the unique Graph IDs of the two DataNodes and saves the changed pathway GPML file in the result directory addInteractionByIDByURI( uri,  linename,  startdatanodegraphid,  enddatanodegraphid,  startarrowtype,  endarrowtype,  lineid,  linesource,  resultdirectory) Adds a Line to a Pathway GPML downloaded from Wikipathways by it's Wikipathways ID, connecting two DataNodes specified by the unique Graph IDs of the two DataNodes and saves the changed pathway GPML file in the result directory addInteractionByURI( uri,  linename,  startdatanode,  enddatanode,  startarrowtype,  endarrowtype,  lineid,  linesource,  resultdirectory) Adds a Line to a Pathway GPML downloaded from Wikipathways by it's Wikipathways ID, connecting two DataNodes specified by the names of the two DataNodes and saves the changed pathway GPML file in the result directory addMappers( dbFile) Function to add loaded id mappers annotateElement( pathwayfilepath,  elementname,  elementid,  elementsource) Annotates DataNodes in a pathway GPML file saved on disk, with an identifier and data source and saves the pathway GPML file in the result directory Annotation can also be added while adding DataNodes and Lines annotateElementByURI( uri,  elementname,  elementid,  elementsource,  resultdirectory) Annotates DataNodes in a Wikipathways pathway downloaded by it's Wikipathways ID, with an identifier and data source and saves the pathway GPML file in the result directory. calculatePathwayStatistics( gexfilepath,  dbdirectory,  pathwaydirectory,  criteria,  resultdirectory) Calculate Pathway statistics - over representation analysis And exports results as a hyperlinked html page containing a list of all the pathways ranked according to their z score, a folder of images and a folder containing backpages createPathway( pathwayname,  pathwayauthor,  organism,  resultdirectory) Creates a new empty pathway GPML file and saves it in the result directory createVisualization( gexfilepath,  gsample,  gcolors,  gvalues,  rexpressions,  rcolors) Create a Visualization XML file for DataNodes Contains color gradients and rules exportPathway( pathwayfilepath,  exportfiletype,  resultdirectory) Exports the image of a pathway GPML saved on disk and saves it in the result directory exportPathwayByte( pathwayfilepath,  filetype) Exports a byte array of the image of a pathway GPML file saved on disk exportPathwayByteFromURI( uri,  exportfiletype) Exports a byte array of the image of a Wikipathways pathway downloaded by it's Wikipathways ID exportPathwayFromURI( uri,  exportfiletype,  resultdirectory) Exports a pathway image of a Wikipathways pathway, provided it's WikiPathways ID in png, svg or pdf formats exportPathwayHtml( pathwayfilepath,  dbdirectory,  resultdirectory) Exports a pathway GPML file along with backpages in html format exportPathwayHtmlFromURI( uri,  dbdirectory,  resultdirectory) Exports a Wikipathways pathway file along with backpages in html format, provided it's WikiPathways ID getAllFunctions() Function to display all PathVisioRPC functions that can be called by the client getDataNodeTypes() Function to display the different types of DataNodes that can be drawn using PathVisio getGraphIDs( pathwayfilepath,  elementname) Function to display GpraphIDs for the element in the pathway getInteractionTypes() Function to display the types of basic interactions that can be drawn using PathVisio getMIMInteractionTypes() Functions to display the types of MIM interactions that can be drawn using PathVisio getPathwayStatList( pathwaydirectory,  gexfilepath,  dbdirectory,  criteria,  resultdirectory) Exports a list of Pathways ranked according to Z score importData( inputfilepath,  IdColNum,  SysCode,  SysColNum,  gexFileName,  dbDirectory,  resultdirectorypath) Imports tab delimited data and creates a PGEX file listMappers() Function to display all loaded id mappers removeElement( pathwayfilepath,  elementname) Removes a DataNode or Line by it's name from a pathway GPML saved on disk and saves it in the result directory. removeElementById( pathwayfilepath,  elementgraphid) Removes a DataNode or Line by it's unique Graph ID from a pathway GPML file saved on disk and saves it in the result directory removeElementByIdByURI( uri,  elementgraphid,  resultdirectory) Removes a DataNode or Line by it's unique Graph ID from a pathway GPML file downloaded from Wikipathways using it's Wikipathways ID and saves it in the result directory removeElementByURI( uri,  elementname,  resultdirectory) Removes a DataNode or Line by it's name from a Wikipathways pathway GPML file downloaded using it's Wikipathways ID and saves it in the result directory. removeMappers() Function to delete all loaded idmappers setDefaultColours( Colour1,  colour2) Function to set default colors (no rule matched, no data found) test() Test the server client connection visualizeData( pathwayfilepath,  gexfilepath,  dbdirectory,  resultdirectory) Data is visualized on the pathway GPML file saved on disk and the results are saved on the result directory visualizeDataByURI( uri,  gexfilepath,  dbdirectory,  resultdirectory) Data is visualized on the pathway GPML downloaded from Wikipathways using it's Wikipathways ID and the results and saved in the result directory