Variogram of model residuals for the Listeria spp. models containing predicted field risk and proximity to water and road, for Listeria monocytogenes models containing predicted field risk, and the model containing proximity to water and road (Fig. S1); representative isolates for Listeria spp. and L. monocytogenes-positive samples, the sample type, and the sigB allelic type for the representative isolate (Table S1); variables used for univariable analysis and model development (Table S2); allelic types isolated from Listeria spp. and L. monocytogenes-positive soil samples collected from spinach fields (Table S3); univariable analysis of risk factors that influence the likelihood of Listeria spp. and L. monocytogenes being detected in a produce field (based on testing of soil samples) given a cutoff P value of 0.2 (Table S4); principal components analysis including percent variance of component factors accounted for by the principal component and list of component factors (Table S5); final multivariable model for the likelihood of isolating Listeria spp. and L. monocytogenes from the produce field (based on testing of soil samples) when predicted field risk is not included as a potential covariate given a cutoff P value of 0.05 (Table S6).
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