Files in this data supplement:
- Supporting Information: Figures S1-S5 and File S1 (PDF, 220 KB)
- Figure S1: Expression of the GFP-tagged SP proteins in flies. (PDF, 128 KB)
- Figure S2: Comparison of amino acid sequences and gene structures of SP orthologs. (PDF, 90 KB)
- Figure S3: G-SP-binding ability to female reproductive organs of various Drosophila species. (PDF, 141 KB)
- Figure S4: Expression levels of SPR orthologs in the female reproductive organs of various Drosophila species. (PDF, 89 KB)
- Figure S5: Expression levels of SPR orthologs in whole-body of various Drosophila species. (PDF, 105 KB)
- File S1: Visualizing transfer of G-SP from male to female in vivo. The G-SP-expressing transgenic male (left) was mated with a wild-type female (right). (.mov, 430 KB)