Spatial Patterns of Carbonate Biomineralization in Biofilms

Supplemental material

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Supplemental text (biomineralization in killed and metabolically inert biofilms, EPS staining in PAO1 biofilms with calcite precipitation, biomineralization in PAO1 EPS mutant biofilms, pH change during biomineralization); calcium carbonate medium is nontoxic to P. aeruginosa cells in biofilm or batch culture (Fig. S1); laser reflection and calcein emission signals are highly colocalized in both abiotic precipitation and in situ biomineralization in biofilms (Fig. S2); biomineralized deposits in biofilms dissolve when exposed to acidic conditions (Fig. S3); time series of cross-sectional images of biomineralization at 0, 3, 4, 5, and 17 hours after introduction of calcium carbonate medium (Fig. S4); time series images showing that killed or metabolically inert biofilms do not precipitate calcium carbonate (Fig. S5); EPS staining in biofilms with calcite precipitation (Fig. S6); confocal images showing that PAO1 Δpel Δpsl biofilms do not precipitate calcium carbonate (Fig. S7); pH increases in PAO1 planktonic cell culture during incubation, and pH of flow cell effluent during biomineralization (Fig. S8).

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