Patterns of Endemism and Habitat Selection in Coalbed Microbial Communities

Supplemental material

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Rarefaction curves for coal samples collected using different sampling methods (Fig. S1), Bray-Curtis dissimilarities between coal samples (microbial communities) across all sampling locations based on nonmetric multidimensional scaling (Fig. S2), distribution of indicator values and P values for all OTUs in the data set and numbers of abundant, intermediate, and rare indicator OTUs for each indicator group (Fig. S3), sample information (Table S1), sample diversity estimates for pyrotag data sets (Table S2), metagenomic binning statistics (Table S3), and aromatic compound degradation coding sequences annotated in the Celeribacter sp. population genome (Table S4).

    PDF, 768K

  • Supplemental file 2 -

    Bin 1 ORF annotations (File S1).

    XLSX, 2.2M

  • Supplemental file 3 -

    MetaCyc pathways (File S2).

    XLSX, 171K

  • Supplemental file 4 -

    Variable genomic regions in Bin 1 population genome (File S3).

    XLSX, 33K