########## markerData_chrX.txt ################ Are 26 files, for chromosomes 1 to 15, 17 to 23 and 25 to 28. Each file contains a p x 2n table, rows correspond to SNPs, where p corersponds to number of SNPs and n corresponds to sample size There are two columns per individual, containing alleles coded as 1 or 0. This data is phased. ########## markerInfo_chrX.txt ################ Are 26 files, for chromosomes 1 to 15, 17 to 23 and 25 to 28 Each file contains a p x 4 table: column 1 contains chromosome numbers (chr) column 2 contains SNP names (SNP) column 3 contains indicator variable (gene) column 4 contains relative position in bp rows correspond to SNPs.