library(TCC) # v1.7.15 library(samr) # v2.0 library(PoissonSeq) # v1.1.2 library(EBSeq) # v1.6.0 library(limma) # v3.22.2 library(VennDiagram) # 1.6.9 library(gclus) # 1.3.1 ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## paramter ## ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## #in_f <- "" in_f <- "suppTable1.xls" # input file param_FDR <- 0.05 # FDR shreshold methods <- c("EEE-E", "DDD-D", "SSS-S", "E-E(edgeR)", "edgeR_robust", "D-D(DESeq)", "S-S(DESeq2)", "voom", "SAMseq", "PoissonSeq", "baySeq", "EBSeq") couple <- matrix(1:6, nrow=3, byrow=T) ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## data ## ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## dataOri <- read.table(in_f, header=TRUE) data36 <- dataOri[,21:56] rownames(data36) <- dataOri[, 1] Ngene <- nrow(dataOri) data.ori <- cbind( dataOri$R1L4.HSF1 + dataOri$R4L2.HSF1, dataOri$R2L7.HSF2 + dataOri$R3L2.HSF2, dataOri$R8L1.HSF3 + dataOri$R8L2.HSF3, dataOri$R1L1.HSM1 + dataOri$R5L2.HSM1, dataOri$R2L3.HSM2 + dataOri$R4L8.HSM2, dataOri$R3L6.HSM3 + dataOri$R4L1.HSM3, dataOri$R1L2.PTF1 + dataOri$R4L4.PTF1, dataOri$R2L4.PTF2 + dataOri$R6L6.PTF2, dataOri$R3L7.PTF3 + dataOri$R5L3.PTF3, dataOri$R1L6.PTM1 + dataOri$R3L3.PTM1, dataOri$R2L8.PTM2 + dataOri$R4L6.PTM2, dataOri$R6L2.PTM3 + dataOri$R6L4.PTM3, dataOri$R1L7.RMF1 + dataOri$R5L1.RMF1, dataOri$R2L2.RMF2 + dataOri$R5L8.RMF2, dataOri$R3L4.RMF3 + dataOri$R4L7.RMF3, dataOri$R1L3.RMM1 + dataOri$R3L8.RMM1, dataOri$R2L6.RMM2 + dataOri$R5L4.RMM2, dataOri$R3L1.RMM3 + dataOri$R4L3.RMM3) rownames(data.ori) <- dataOri[, 1] colnames(data.ori) <- c( "HS_rep1", "HS_rep2", "HS_rep3", "HS_rep4", "HS_rep5", "HS_rep6", "PT_rep1", "PT_rep2", "PT_rep3", "PT_rep4", "PT_rep5", "PT_rep6", "RM_rep1", "RM_rep2", "RM_rep3", "RM_rep4", "RM_rep5", "RM_rep6") HS <- data.ori[, 1:6] PT <- data.ori[, 7:12] RM <- data.ori[, 13:18] data18 <- data.ori colnames(data18) <- c( "HSF1", "HSF2", "HSF3", "HSM1", "HSM2", "HSM3", "PTF1", "PTF2", "PTF3", "PTM1", "PTM2", "PTM3", "RMF1", "RMF2", "RMF3", "RMM1", "RMM2", "RMM3") ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## Sample clustering of raw count data ## ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## png(file = "Additional6a.png", width = 800, height = 350) hc <- clusterSample(data36, dist.method = "spearman", hclust.method = "average", unique.pattern = TRUE) par(mar=c(0, 4, 0, 0)) plot(hc, sub="", xlab ="", ylab="Height", main="", cex=1.3, cex.lab=1.2) png(file = "Additional6b.png", width = 800, height = 350) hc <- clusterSample(data18, dist.method = "spearman", hclust.method = "average", unique.pattern = TRUE) par(mar=c(0, 4, 0, 0)) plot(hc, sub="", xlab ="", ylab="Height", main="", cex=1.3, cex.lab=1.2) png(file = "Additional6c.png", width = 800, height = 350) hc <- clusterSample(data.ori, dist.method = "spearman", hclust.method = "average", unique.pattern = TRUE) par(mar=c(0, 4, 0, 0)) plot(hc, sub="", xlab ="", ylab="Height", main="", cex=1.3, cex.lab=1.2) ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## Main process ## ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## list <- list() for(m in 1:length(methods)) { if(length(grep(methods[m], names(list))) == 0) { list[[methods[m]]] <- matrix(0, nrow = Ngene, ncol = 4) } } for(p in 1:4) { if (p == 4) { Nrep <- 6 data <- data.ori }else{ Nrep <- 2 data <- cbind(HS[, couple[p, ]], PT[, couple[p, ]], RM[, couple[p, ]]) } group <- gl(3, Nrep) design <- model.matrix(~ group) tcc <- new("TCC", data, group) ## EEE-E eeee <- calcNormFactors(tcc, norm.method = "tmm", test.method = "edger", iteration = 3) DE <- estimateDE(eeee, test.method = "edger", design = design, coef = 2:3) res <- getResult(DE) FDR <- res$q.value rank <- res$rank res.eeee <-, rank)) rownames(res.eeee) <- rownames(data) degs.eeee <- rownames(data[FDR < param_FDR, ]) list[["EEE-E"]][ , p] <- rownames(res.eeee[order(res.eeee$rank), ]) ## DDD-D dddd <- calcNormFactors(tcc, norm.method = "deseq", test.method = "deseq", iteration = 3) DE <- estimateDE(dddd, test.method = "deseq", full = count ~ condition, reduced = count ~ 1) res <- getResult(DE) FDR <- res$q.value rank <- res$rank res.dddd <-, rank)) rownames(res.dddd) <- rownames(data) degs.dddd <- rownames(data[FDR < param_FDR, ]) list[["DDD-D"]][ , p] <- rownames(res.dddd[order(res.dddd$rank), ]) ## SSS-S ssss <- calcNormFactors(tcc, norm.method = "deseq2", test.method = "deseq2", iteration = 3) DE <- estimateDE(ssss, test.method = "deseq2", full = ~ group, reduced = ~ 1) res <- getResult(DE) FDR <- res$q.value rank <- res$rank res.ssss <-, rank)) rownames(res.ssss) <- rownames(data) degs.ssss <- rownames(data[FDR < param_FDR, ]) list[["SSS-S"]][ , p] <- rownames(res.ssss[order(res.ssss$rank), ]) ## E-E(edgeR) #ee <- calcNormFactors(tcc, norm.method = "tmm", test.method = NULL, iteration = FALSE) #DE <- estimateDE(ee, test.method = "edger", design = design, coef = 2:3) ee <- DGEList(counts = data, group = group) ee <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(ee, method = "TMM") ee <- edgeR::estimateGLMCommonDisp(ee, design, method = "CoxReid") ee <- edgeR::estimateGLMTrendedDisp(ee, design, method = "auto") ee <- edgeR::estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(ee, design) ee <- edgeR::glmFit(ee, design) ee <- edgeR::glmLRT(ee, coef = 2:3, test = "chisq") res <- ee$table pval <- res$PValue pval[] <- 1 FDR <- p.adjust(pval, method = "BH") rank <- rank(pval) <-, rank)) rownames( <- rownames(data) <- rownames(data[FDR < param_FDR, ]) list[["E-E(edgeR)"]][ , p] <- rownames([order($rank), ]) ## edgeR_robust er <- DGEList(counts = data, group = group) er <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(er, method = "TMM") er <- edgeR::estimateGLMRobustDisp(er, design = design, prior.df = 10, maxit = 6, record = FALSE) er <- edgeR::glmFit(er, design = design) er <- edgeR::glmLRT(er, coef = 2:3, test = "chisq") res <- er$table pval <- res$PValue pval[] <- 1 FDR <- p.adjust(pval, method = "BH") rank <- rank(pval) <-, rank)) rownames( <- rownames(data) <- rownames(data[FDR < param_FDR, ]) list[["edgeR_robust"]][ , p] <- rownames([order($rank), ]) ## D-D(DESeq) #dd <- calcNormFactors(tcc, norm.method = "deseq", test.method = NULL, iteration = FALSE) #DE <- estimateDE(dd, test.method = "deseq", full = count ~ condition, reduced = count ~ 1) dd <- newCountDataSet(data, group) dd <- DESeq::estimateSizeFactors(dd, locfunc = median) #sizeFactors(dd) <- sizeFactors(dd)/mean(sizeFactors(dd)) dd <- DESeq::estimateDispersions(dd, method = "pooled", sharingMode = "maximum", fitType = "parametric") reduced <- DESeq::fitNbinomGLMs(dd, modelFormula = count ~ 1) full <- DESeq::fitNbinomGLMs(dd, modelFormula = count ~ condition) pval <- DESeq::nbinomGLMTest(resFull = full, resReduced = reduced) pval[] <- 1 FDR <- p.adjust(pval, method = "BH") rank <- rank(pval) res.dd <-, rank)) rownames(res.dd) <- rownames(data) degs.dd <- rownames(data[FDR < param_FDR, ]) list[["D-D(DESeq)"]][ , p] <- rownames(res.dd[order(res.dd$rank), ]) ## S-S(DESeq2) #ss <- calcNormFactors(tcc, norm.method = "deseq2", test.method = NULL, iteration = FALSE) #DE <- estimateDE(ss, test.method = "deseq2", full = ~ group, reduced = ~ 1) colData <- data.frame(condition = group) ss <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = data, colData = colData, design = ~ condition) ss <- DESeq2::estimateSizeFactors(ss, type = "ratio") #sizeFactors(ss) <- sizeFactors(ss)/mean(sizeFactors(ss)) ss <- DESeq2::estimateDispersions(ss, fitType = "parametric") ss <- DESeq2::nbinomLRT(ss, full = ~ condition, reduced = ~ 1, modelMatrixType = "standard") res <- pval <- res$pvalue pval[] <- 1 FDR <- res$padj FDR[] <- 1 rank <- rank(pval) <-, rank)) rownames( <- rownames(data) <- rownames(data[FDR < param_FDR, ]) list[["S-S(DESeq2)"]][ , p] <- rownames([order($rank), ]) ## voom in limma li <- DGEList(count = data) li <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(li, method = "TMM") li <- voom(li, design, plot = FALSE) li <- lmFit(li, design = design) li <- eBayes(li) res <- topTable(li, coef = 2:3, n = nrow(data), = "none") pval <- res$P.Value pval[] <- 1 FDR <- res$adj.P.Val FDR[] <- 1 rank <- rank(pval) <-, rank)) rownames( <- rownames(data) <- rownames(data[FDR < param_FDR, ]) list[["voom"]][ , p] <- rownames([order($rank), ]) ## SAMseq in samr set.seed(2015) sa <- SAMseq(data, group, nperms = 100, nresamp = 20, geneid = rownames(data), genenames = rownames(data), resp.type = "Multiclass", fdr.output = 1.0) sa <- rbind(sa$siggenes.table$genes.up, sa$siggenes.table$genes.lo) FDR <- rep(1, nrow(data)) FDR[match(sa[,1], rownames(data))] <- as.numeric(sa[,7])/100 rank <- rank(FDR) <-, rank)) rownames( <- rownames(data) <- rownames(data[FDR < param_FDR, ]) list[["SAMseq"]][ , p] <- rownames([order($rank), ]) ## PoissonSeq set.seed(2015) dat <- list(n = data, y = as.numeric(group), type = "multiclass", pair = FALSE, gname = rownames(data)) para <- list(trans = FALSE, npermu = 500, ct.sum = -1, ct.mean = -1) res <- PS.Main(dat = dat, para = para) res <- res[rownames(data),] pval <- res$pval pval[] <- 1 FDR <- res$fdr rank <- rank(pval) res.po <-, rank)) rownames(res.po) <- rownames(data) degs.po <- rownames(data[FDR < param_FDR, ]) list[["PoissonSeq"]][ , p] <- rownames(res.po[order(res.po$rank), ]) ## baySeq NDE <- factor(c(rep("NDE", Nrep * 3))) DE <- factor(c(rep("G1", Nrep), rep("G2", Nrep), rep("G3", Nrep))) ba <- new("countData", data = data, replicates = group, groups = list(NDE = NDE, DE = DE)) libsizes(ba) <- getLibsizes(ba, estimationType = "edgeR") ba <- getPriors.NB(ba, samplesize = 5000, estimation = "QL", cl = NULL) ba <- getLikelihoods(ba, pET = "BIC", nullData = FALSE, cl = NULL) res <- topCounts(ba, group = "DE", normaliseData = T, number = nrow(data)) res <- res[rownames(data),] FDR <- res$FDR.DE rank <- rank(FDR) <-, rank)) rownames( <- rownames(data) <- rownames(data[FDR < param_FDR, ]) list[["baySeq"]][ , p] <- rownames([order($rank), ]) ## EBSeq Conditions <- c(rep("G1", Nrep), rep("G2", Nrep), rep("G3", Nrep)) PosParti <- GetPatterns(Conditions) MultiSize <- MedianNorm(data) eb <- EBMultiTest(data, NgVector = NULL, Conditions = Conditions, AllParti = PosParti, sizeFactors = MultiSize, maxround = 5, Qtrm = 1.0, QtrmCut = -1) eb <- GetMultiPP(eb) FDR <- eb$PP[, 1] rank <- rank(FDR) res.eb <-, rank)) rownames(res.eb) <- rownames(data) degs.eb <- rownames(data[FDR < param_FDR, ]) list[["EBSeq"]][ , p] <- rownames(res.eb[order(res.eb$rank), ]) } ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## Sample clustering of ranked gene lists (Figure1) ## ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## data_rank <- cbind(res.eeee$rank, res.dddd$rank, res.ssss$rank,$rank,$rank, res.dd$rank,$rank,$rank,$rank, res.po$rank,$rank, res.eb$rank) rownames(data_rank) <- rownames(data.ori) colnames(data_rank) <- methods data.dist <- as.dist(1 - cor(data_rank, method="spearman")) hc <- hclust(data.dist, method="average") png(file = "Figure1.png", width = 800, height = 500) par(mar=c(0, 4, 0, 0)) plot(hc, sub="", xlab ="", ylab="Height", main="", cex=1.3, cex.lab=1.2) ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## Numbers of DEGs and overlaps between all pairs of pipelines (Additional8) ## ## common genes ## ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## degs <- list(degs.eeee, degs.dddd, degs.ssss,,, degs.dd,,,, degs.po,, degs.eb) names(degs) <- methods shared <- matrix(0, length(methods), length(methods)) colnames(shared) <- rownames(shared) <- methods for(m in 1:length(methods)){ hoge <- NULL for(n in 1:length(methods)){ x <- length(intersect(degs[[m]], degs[[n]])) hoge <- c(hoge, x) } shared[m, ] <- hoge } tmp <- cbind(rownames(shared), shared) write.table(tmp, "Additional8_Sheet1.txt", sep="\t", append=F, quote=F, row.names=F) ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## Numbers of DEGs and overlaps between all pairs of pipelines (Additional8) ## ## Jaccard coefficient ## ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## shared <- matrix(0, length(methods), length(methods)) colnames(shared) <- rownames(shared) <- methods for(m in 1:length(methods)){ hoge <- NULL for(n in 1:length(methods)){ x <- length(intersect(degs[[m]], degs[[n]])) / length(union(degs[[m]], degs[[n]])) hoge <- c(hoge, x) } shared[m, ] <- hoge } tmp <- cbind(rownames(shared), shared) write.table(tmp, "Additional8_Sheet2.txt", sep="\t", append=F, quote=F, row.names=F) ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## Classification of expression patterns of DEGs based on baySeq (Table4) ## ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## hoge <- table(unlist(degs)) common <- names(hoge)[hoge == length(methods)] classification <- rbind(table(res$ordering), table(res[common, ]$ordering), table(res[degs.eeee, ]$ordering), table(res[degs.dddd, ]$ordering), table(res[degs.ssss, ]$ordering), table(res[, ]$ordering), table(res[, ]$ordering), table(res[degs.dd, ]$ordering), table(res[, ]$ordering), table(res[, ]$ordering), table(res[, ]$ordering), table(res[degs.po, ]$ordering), table(res[, ]$ordering), table(res[degs.eb, ]$ordering)) rownames(classification) <- c("all_genes", "common", methods) total <- rowSums(classification) classification <- classification / total classification <- cbind(classification, total) tmp <- cbind(rownames(classification), classification) write.table(tmp, "Table4.txt", sep="\t", append=F, quote=F, row.names=F) ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## Classification of expression patterns of DEGs based on EBSeq (Additional9)## ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## hoge <- table(unlist(degs)) common <- names(hoge)[hoge == length(methods)] classification <- rbind(table(eb$MAP), c(0, table(eb$MAP[common])), table(eb$MAP[degs.eeee]), table(eb$MAP[degs.dddd]), table(eb$MAP[degs.ssss]), table(eb$MAP[]), table(eb$MAP[]), table(eb$MAP[degs.dd]), table(eb$MAP[]), table(eb$MAP[]), table(eb$MAP[]), table(eb$MAP[degs.po]), table(eb$MAP[]), c(0, table(eb$MAP[degs.eb]))) rownames(classification) <- c("all_genes", "common", methods) total <- rowSums(classification) classification <- classification / total classification <- cbind(classification, total) tmp <- cbind(rownames(classification), classification) write.table(tmp, "Additional9.txt", sep="\t", append=F, quote=F, row.names=F) ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## Reproducibility for ranked gene lists (Figure2) ## ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## methods_tmp <- c("EEE-E", "DDD-D", "SSS-S", "E-E", "edgeR_robust", "D-D", "S-S", "voom", "SAMseq", "PoissonSeq", "baySeq", "EBSeq") top_num <- 100 color <- c("black", "gray", "blue", "red") hoge <- matrix(0, nrow = 4, ncol = length(methods)) for (i in 1:length(methods)) { x <- list[[methods[i]]] hoge[1,i] <- length(intersect(head(x[,4], n=top_num), head(x[,1], n=top_num))) hoge[2,i] <- length(intersect(head(x[,4], n=top_num), head(x[,2], n=top_num))) hoge[3,i] <- length(intersect(head(x[,4], n=top_num), head(x[,3], n=top_num))) hoge[4,i] <- length(intersect(head(x[,1], n=top_num), intersect(head(x[,2], n=top_num), head(x[,3], n=top_num)))) } colnames(hoge) <- methods_tmp png("Figure2a.png", width = 1000, height = 550) barplot(hoge, beside=TRUE, las=1, main=paste("Top", top_num, sep=""), cex.main=1.5, cex.sub=1.2, ylab="Number of common genes", ylim=c(0, top_num), cex.lab=1.3, col=color) legend("topright", legend = c("rep1-6 vs. rep1-2", "rep1-6 vs. rep3-4", "rep1-6 vs. rep5-6", "rep1-2 vs. rep3-4 vs. rep5-6" ), col = color, pch = 15, cex = 1.2) abline(h=c(20, 40, 60, 80, 100), col = "gray", lty=3) top_num <- 1000 color <- c("black", "gray", "blue", "red") hoge <- matrix(0, nrow = 4, ncol = length(methods)) for (i in 1:length(methods)) { x <- list[[methods[i]]] hoge[1,i] <- length(intersect(head(x[,4], n=top_num), head(x[,1], n=top_num))) hoge[2,i] <- length(intersect(head(x[,4], n=top_num), head(x[,2], n=top_num))) hoge[3,i] <- length(intersect(head(x[,4], n=top_num), head(x[,3], n=top_num))) hoge[4,i] <- length(intersect(head(x[,1], n=top_num), intersect(head(x[,2], n=top_num), head(x[,3], n=top_num)))) } colnames(hoge) <- methods_tmp png("Figure2b.png", width = 1000, height = 550) barplot(hoge, beside=TRUE, las=1, main=paste("Top", top_num, sep=""), cex.main=1.5, cex.sub=1.2, ylab="Number of common genes", ylim=c(0, top_num), cex.lab=1.3, col=color) legend("topright", legend = c("rep1-6 vs. rep1-2", "rep1-6 vs. rep3-4", "rep1-6 vs. rep5-6", "rep1-2 vs. rep3-4 vs. rep5-6" ), col = color, pch = 15, cex = 1.2) abline(h=c(200, 400, 600, 800, 1000), col = "gray", lty=3) ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## POG figure (Additional10) ## ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## size <- 500 color <- c("black", "gray", "blue", "red") hoge <- c(1:200, seq(202, 1000, by=2), seq(1010, 10000, by=10), seq(10030, Ngene, by=30)) for (m in 1:length(methods)) { x <- list[[methods[m]]] png(file = paste("Additional10_", methods[m], ".png", sep=""), width = size, height = size) for(p in 1:3){ j <- NULL for (i in hoge) { temp <- length(intersect(head(x[, 4], n = i), head(x[, p], n = i))) percent <- temp / i * 100 j <- c(j, percent) } par(mar=c(4.2, 4.0, 1.2, 0.1)) plot(hoge, j, log = "x", col = color[p], cex = 0.6, xlim = c(1, Ngene), ylim = c(0, 100), ylab = '', xlab = '', axes = T) par(new=T) } j <- NULL for (i in hoge) { temp <- length(intersect(head(x[, 1], n = i), intersect(head(x[, 2], n = i), head(x[, 3], n = i)))) percent <- temp / i * 100 j <- c(j, percent) } par(mar=c(4.2, 4.0, 1.2, 0.1)) plot(hoge, j, log = "x", col = color[4], main = methods[m], ylab = "POG(%)", xlab = "Number of top-ranked genes", cex = 0.6, xlim = c(1, Ngene), ylim = c(0, 100), axes = FALSE, cex.lab=1.3, cex.main=1.3) axis(1, at = c(1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000)) axis(2, at = c(0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100)) legend("bottomright", legend = c("rep1-6 vs. rep1-2", "rep1-6 vs. rep3-4", "rep1-6 vs. rep5-6", "rep1-2 vs. rep3-4 vs. rep5-6" ), col = color, pch = 1, cex = 1.2) abline(v = c(1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000), h = c(20, 40, 60, 80, 100), col = "gray", lty=3) box() }