TVEMMixNormal <- function( dep, # The dependent variable as a vector, one # entry per assessment per subject id, # The subject ID as a vector, one # entry per assessment per subject # (could be integers or strings) numInteriorKnots, # The number of interior knots # for the splines representing # the time-varying coefficients. # Assumed to be the same # for each coefficient. numClasses, # Number of classes in the mixture model tcov, # Time-varying covariates as a matrix, one # row per assessment per person. Usually, # the first column should be a column of # ones representing an intercept. time, # Assessment time as a vector # These arguments have default values, given after the equal sign for each: convergenceCriterion=1e-6, # Convergence criterion for the # maximum absolute deviation of parameter # estimates between successive # steps of the EM algorithm deg=3, # Degree of the polynomial between # successive knots for the time- # varying coefficient functions. doPlot=TRUE, # Whether to draw a plot of the time- # varying coefficient functions. getSEs=TRUE, # Whether to calculate standard errors. # Setting this to FALSE would save # computational time. gridSize=1000, # The number of values of time for which # to obtain estimates of the coefficient # functions maxIterations=1000, # Maximum number of EM iterations # to attempt; maxVarianceRatio=10, # Maximum ratio between estimated # variances of different classes; min.time=NA, # beginning of interval of interest; if left # at NA, it will default to min(time) where # time is the time variable given above max.time=NA, # end of interval of interest; if left # at NA, it will default to max(time) where # time is the time variable given above numStarts=50, # Number of random starting values to use.; referenceClass=1, # Reference class. If it is not # specified here, then the first class # will be selected as the reference class. seed=NA, # The initial random seed. It will be used # to fit the model (if numStarts=1) or to # generate more seeds (if numStarts>1). scov=NULL, # Subject-level class membership prediction # covariates, as a matrix. A column of 1's # should not be provided for scov because, # unlike in the case of tcov, an intercept # column is included automatically # by the code. This should have the same # number of rows as tcov, but should be # identical on all observations within the # same person. xcov=NULL # Optional matrix of covariates assumed # to have time-invariant effects. ) { ################################################################## # MixTVEM macro Version 1.1 # By John DZIAK, Xianming TAN, and Runze LI # Fits a mixture of nonparametric trajectories to longitudinal data. # # Copyright: # (c) 2014 The Pennsylvania State University # # License: # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # Acknowledgments and references: # We fit a mixture of nonparametric varying-coefficient models, using # a penalized B-spline approach. See # Eilers, P.H.C. and Marx, B.D. (1996). Flexible smoothing using # B-splines and penalized likelihood. Statistical Science # 11(2): 89-121. # Hastie, T., & Tibshirani, R. (1993). Varying-coefficient models. # Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 55, 757-796. # Shiyko, M. P., Lanza, S. T., Tan, X., Li, R., Shiffman, S. (2012). # Using the Time-Varying Effect Model (TVEM) to Examine Dynamic # Associations between Negative Affect and Self Confidence on Smoking : # Urges Differences between Successful Quitters and Relapsers. # Prevention Science, 13, 288-299. # Ramsay, J., Hooker, G., & Graves, S. (2009). Functional Data Analysis # with R and MATLAB. New York: Springer. # Tan, X., Shiyko, M. P., Li, R., Li, Y., & Dierker, L. (2011, November 21). # A time-varying effect model for intensive longitudinal data. # Psychological Methods. Advance online publication. # doi: 10.1037/a0025814. # Estimation is done using the EM algorithm for finite mixtures. # McLachlan, G. J., and Peel, D. (2000). Finite mixture models. New York: # Wiley. # Dempster, A. P., Laird, N. M., and Rubin, D. B. (1977). Maximum # likelihood from incomplete data via the EM algorithm. Journal of # the Royal Statistical Society, B, 39, 1-38. # The standard error calculations for the mixture approach are based on # those used by Turner (2000) and Turner's mixreg R package, which are # based on the ideas of Louis (1982). # Louis, T. A. (1982). Finding the Observed Information Matrix when Using # the EM Algorithm. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B, 44, # 226-233. # Turner, T. R. (2000) Estimating the rate of spread of a viral infection # of potato plants via mixtures of regressions. Applied Statistics, # 49, pp. 371-384. # Turner, R. (2009). mixreg: Functions to fit mixtures of regressions. # R package version 0.0-3. # The use of a sandwich formula to adjust for within-subject correlation # when calculating the standard errors is inspired by # Liang, K.-Y., and Zeger, S. L. (1986). Longitudinal data analysis # using generalized linear models. Biometrika, 73, 13-22. # Clustering functional data modeled with splines is described in # James, G., and Sugar, C. (2003) Clustering for sparsely sampled # functional data. Journal of the American Statistical # Association 98, 397-408. # The model fit criteria used are adapted versions of the standard AIC, BIC # and GCV of: # Akaike, H. (1973). Information theory and an extension of the maximum # likelihood principle. In B. N. Petrov & F. Csaki (Eds.), Second # international symposium on information theory (p. 267-281). # Budapest, Hungary: Akademai Kiado. # Schwarz, G. (1978). Estimating the dimension of a model. Annals of # Statistics, 6, 461-464. # Craven, P., and Wahba, G. (1978). Smoothing noisy data with spline # functions: Estimating the correct degree of smoothing by the # method of generalized cross-validation. Numerische # Mathematik, 31, 377–403. ################################################################## library(splines); library(nlme); ## Define required helper functions: MixTVEMFitInner <- function(convergenceCriterion, intId, maxIterations=1000, maxVarianceRatio, proportionNugget=.5, numClasses, penaltyMatrix=NULL, referenceClass, rho=0, roughnessPenalty=0, S=S, time, X, Y ) { ## Prepare to begin loop; stopifnot(length(time)==length(intId)); theta <- matrix(0,ncol(X),numClasses); oldGamma <- Inf; oldtheta <- Inf; maxAbsDev <- Inf; numSubjects <- max(intId); numTotal <- length(intId); nonreferenceClasses <- (1:numClasses)[-referenceClass]; iteration <- 1; numObsBySub <- table(intId); # assumes that intId # consists of consecutive integers starting at 1; stopifnot(length(Y)==numTotal); stopifnot(length(unique(intId))==numSubjects); stopifnot(all.equal(unique(intId),1:numSubjects)); stopifnot(as.integer(rownames(numObsBySub))==1:numSubjects); stopifnot(identical(intId,sort(intId))); stopifnot(length(numObsBySub)==numSubjects); stopifnot(length(intId)==numTotal); stopifnot(identical(intId,sort(intId))); ## Initial E step (generate random posterior probabilities; temp <- matrix(rexp(numSubjects*numClasses), numSubjects, numClasses); postProbsBySub <- temp/apply(temp,1,sum); ## Calculate inverse covariance matrices; covMats <- list(); invCovMats <- list(); dets <- list(); <- rep(1,numClasses); # starting value; for (i in 1:numSubjects) { these <- which(intId==i); covMats[[i]] <- (1 - proportionNugget) * rho^(abs(outer(time[these],time[these],"-"))) + proportionNugget*diag(length(these)); invCovMats[[i]] <- solve(covMats[[i]]); dets[[i]] <- det(covMats[[i]]); } ## Begin loop; while ((iterationconvergenceCriterion)) { ## Initial work; iteration <- iteration+1; postProbsByAssessment <- matrix(0,numTotal,numClasses); for (k in 1:numClasses) { postProbsByAssessment[,k] <- rep(postProbsBySub[,k],numObsBySub); } ## M Step; ## Get new beta estimates; modelList <- list(); for (k in 1:numClasses) { denominator <- matrix(0,ncol(X),ncol(X)); numerator <- matrix(0,ncol(X),1); for (i in 1:numSubjects) { these <- which(intId==i); denominator <- denominator + t(X[these,,drop=FALSE])%*%(invCovMats[[i]]/[k])%*% (postProbsBySub[i,k]*X[these,,drop=FALSE]); numerator <- numerator + t(X[these,,drop=FALSE])%*% (invCovMats[[i]]/[k])%*% (postProbsBySub[i,k]*Y[these]); } theta[,k] <- solve(denominator + # negative Hessian as usual roughnessPenalty*penaltyMatrix, #+ # second order difference penalty #(1e-6)*roughnessPenalty*diag(as.integer(ncol(penaltyMatrix))), # small additional ridge penalty; numerator); } fittedY <- X%*%theta; # one column for each class; stopifnot(nrow(postProbsByAssessment)==nrow(fittedY)); stopifnot(length(Y)==nrow(fittedY)); residsY <- kronecker(t(rep(1,numClasses)),Y)-fittedY; ## Get new sigma estimates; f <- function(i) { return(apply(residsY[which(intId==i),,drop=FALSE]^2, 2,sum))}; rssBySubjectAndClass <- t(sapply(1:numSubjects,f)); if (nrow(rssBySubjectAndClass)==1) {rssBySubjectAndClass <- t(rssBySubjectAndClass);} # corrects for the unusual fact that # the result from sapply seems to come out # transposed when there is only 1 column, # relative to when there is >1; for (k in 1:numClasses) {[k] <- sum(rssBySubjectAndClass[,k]* postProbsBySub[,k]) / sum(numObsBySub*postProbsBySub[,k]); } if (! { if (max(> maxVarianceRatio) {[which(<(max( /maxVarianceRatio))] <- max(; } } ## Get new gamma estimates; SExtended <- kronecker(S,rep(1,numClasses)); colnames(SExtended) <- colnames(S); classForLR <- rep(1:numClasses,times=numSubjects); weightForLR <- as.vector(t(postProbsBySub)); dataForLR <- cbind(rep(1:numSubjects,each=numClasses), classForLR, weightForLR, SExtended); numGamma <- ncol(SExtended); gamma <- matrix(0,numGamma,numClasses); eta <- matrix(0,numSubjects,numClasses); for (k in nonreferenceClasses) { outcomeForLogisticRegression <- 1*(classForLR==k); outcomeForLogisticRegression[(classForLR!=k)& (classForLR!=referenceClass)] <- NA; warnOption <- getOption("warn"); options(warn=-1); thisModel <- glm(outcomeForLogisticRegression~ SExtended+0, family=binomial, weights=weightForLR); options(warn=warnOption); gamma[,k] <- thisModel$coef; eta[,k] <- S%*%gamma[,k]; } fittedProb <- exp(eta)/apply(exp(eta),1,sum); ## E Step (get new likelihood contributions ## and posterior probabilities); logProbability <- matrix(0,numSubjects,numClasses); wrssBySubjectAndClass <- matrix(0,numSubjects,numClasses); for (k in 1:numClasses) { f <- function(i,k) { these <- which(intId==i); return( drop(t(residsY[these,k,drop=FALSE])%*% (invCovMats[[i]]/[k])%*%residsY[these,k,drop=FALSE]) ); }; wrssBySubjectAndClass[,k] <- drop(sapply(1:numSubjects,f,k)); f <- function(i,k) { these <- which(intId==i); return( ([k]^length(these))*dets[[i]] ); }; determinantsBySubject.class.k <- drop(t(sapply(1:numSubjects,f,k))); if (sum(is.nan(log(determinantsBySubject.class.k+1e-30)))>0) { warning("Problem with covariance structure estimation"); print("log determinant NaN"); print("");print(; print("rho:");print(rho); } logProbability[,k] <- -(numObsBySub/2)*log(2*3.1415926535)- (1/2)*(log(determinantsBySubject.class.k+1e-30)) - wrssBySubjectAndClass[,k]/2; } tempMatrix <- logProbability; for (k in 1:numClasses) { tempMatrix[,k] = tempMatrix[,k] + log(fittedProb[,k]+1e-30); } logLikelihoodBySubject <- log(apply(exp(tempMatrix),1,sum)); logLik <- sum(logLikelihoodBySubject); tempMax <- apply(tempMatrix,1,max); for (k in 1:numClasses) { tempMatrix[,k] <- tempMatrix[,k] - tempMax; } expTempMatrix <- exp(tempMatrix); for (k in 1:numClasses) { postProbsBySub[,k] <- expTempMatrix[,k]/apply(expTempMatrix,1,sum); } maxAbsDev <- max(abs(c(as.vector(theta)-oldtheta, as.vector(gamma)-oldGamma))); oldGamma <- as.vector(gamma); oldtheta <- as.vector(theta); } ## Done with main loop enpByClass <- rep(0,numClasses); for (k in 1:numClasses) { denominator <- matrix(0,ncol(X),ncol(X)); for (i in 1:numSubjects) { these <- which(intId==i); denominator <- denominator + postProbsBySub[i,k]*t(X[these,,drop=FALSE])%*% (invCovMats[[i]]/[k])%*%X[these,,drop=FALSE]; } for (i in 1:numSubjects) { these <- which(intId==i); enpByClass[k] <- enpByClass[k] + postProbsBySub[i,k]*sum(diag(as.matrix((X[these,,drop=FALSE]%*% solve(denominator + roughnessPenalty*penaltyMatrix,# + # (1e-6)*roughnessPenalty*diag(as.integer(ncol(penaltyMatrix))), (t(X[these,,drop=FALSE])%*%(invCovMats[[i]]/[k]))))))); } } enp <- sum(enpByClass) + ncol(S)*(numClasses-1)+ numClasses +2; np <- ncol(X)*numClasses + ncol(S)*(numClasses-1)+ numClasses +2; converged <- maxAbsDev<=convergenceCriterion; weightedRSS <- sum(postProbsBySub*rssBySubjectAndClass); return(list(aic=-2*logLik+2*enp, # A statistic similar to AIC (Akaike, 1973) # but using the effective (penalized) number of # parameters instead of a count of parameters # (see Eilers and Marx, 1996) bic=-2*logLik+log(numSubjects)*enp, # A statistic somewhat analogous to BIC # (Schwarz, 1978). The effective (penalized) # number of parameters is used instead of a # count of parameters (see Eilers and Marx, # 1996). converged=converged, # Indicates whether the EM algorithm converged dep=Y, # The observed response for each assessment, # copied here for convenience when doing # fit diagnostics, follow-up analyses, etc. enp=enp, # The effective number of regression # parameters (see Eilers and Marx, 1996) # per class plus the number of free # gamma parameters plus the number of free # sigma parameters, summed across classes. fittedProb=fittedProb, # The fitted values for class probabilities # given the S covariates for each subject, # as given by the logistic regression model # for class membership. fittedY=fittedY, # The fitted values for the dependent # variable at each assessment. gamma=gamma, # The estimated logistic regression # parameters in the model for class # membership. intId=intId, # The internally assigned subject identification # number for each assessment, # copied here for convenience when doing # fit diagnostics, follow-up analyses, etc. iteration=iteration, # The number of iterations run by the EM # algorithm. lambda=roughnessPenalty, # The current candidate value of the penalty # weight for the roughness penalty logLik=logLik, # The fitted log-likelihood np=np, # The counted number of parameters, # ignoring shrinkage imposed by the penalty postProbsBySub=postProbsBySub, # Each subject's estimated posterior # probability of belonging to each class. postProbsByAssessment=postProbsByAssessment, # The same as postProbsBySub, except that # they are repeated within subject so that # there is one row per assessment rather than # only one row per subject. proportionNugget=proportionNugget, # The value assumed for the within-subject # proportion of error variance which is # idiosyncratic to a single time point residsY = residsY, # Residuals for each observation under the # model for each class; rho = rho, # The value assumed for the autocorrelation # parameter;, # Estimated sigma squared (variance) # parameters for each class. theta=theta, # Estimated regression coefficients for each # of the regression coefficients, including # spline basis coefficients weightedGCV=weightedRSS/(numTotal*((1-(enp/numTotal))**2)), # A statistic similar to GCV (see Wahba, 1990; # Eilers and Marx, 1996) but calculated # with the weightedRSS instead of an ordinary # residual sum of squares. weightedRSS=weightedRSS # The weighted residual sum of squares # error measure. It is like the classic # regression sum of squared residuals # (sum(y-yhat)^2), but it is weighted # by the posterior probabilities estimated # for each individual and class. )); } estimateRho <- function (thisFit, time) { ## Get new negLogRho estimate; <- thisFit$; numClasses <- ncol(thisFit$postProbsBySub); crossprods <- NULL; lags <- NULL; weights<- NULL; for (k in 1:numClasses) { for (i in unique(intId)) { these <- which(intId==i); temp1 <- outer(thisFit$residsY[these,k],thisFit$residsY[these,k],"*"); new.crossprods <- as.vector(temp1[upper.tri(temp1,diag=FALSE)] ) /[k]; crossprods <- c(crossprods,new.crossprods); temp1 <- abs(outer(time[these],time[these],"-")); new.lags <- as.vector(temp1[upper.tri(temp1,diag=FALSE)]); lags <- c(lags,new.lags); stopifnot(length(new.crossprods)==length(new.lags)); weights<- c(weights, rep(thisFit$postProbsBySub[i,k],length(new.crossprods))); } } initial.proportionNugget <- 1 / 2; average.cross.product <- weighted.mean(x=crossprods, w=weights); average.lag <- weighted.mean(x=lags, w=weights); if (average.cross.product <= 0) { proportionNugget <- .9999999; rho <- 1e-10; } else { initial.rho <-exp((log(average.cross.product) - log(1 - initial.proportionNugget))/average.lag); y.for.nlsfit <- crossprods; x.for.nlsfit <- lags; nlsfit1 <- nls(y.for.nlsfit ~ pnn*exp(logrho*x.for.nlsfit), weights=weights, control=nls.control(maxiter = 500, printEval=FALSE, warnOnly = TRUE), start=list(logrho=log(initial.rho), pnn=1-initial.proportionNugget)); rho <- exp(summary(nlsfit1)$coefficients["logrho","Estimate"]); proportionNugget <- 1-summary(nlsfit1)$coefficients["pnn","Estimate"]; } return(list(rho=rho,proportionNugget =proportionNugget)); } MixTVEMCovMats <- function( fittedProb, gamma, intId, mu, numSubjects, numTotal, penalty, postProb, proportionNugget, referenceClass, rho, S,, theta, X, Y) { numthetas <- nrow(theta); numClasses <- ncol(theta); stopifnot(numthetas==ncol(X)); numGammas <- nrow(gamma); stopifnot(numClasses==ncol(mu)); nonreferenceClasses <- (1:numClasses)[-referenceClass]; numParams <- (numClasses*numthetas) + (numClasses-1)*numGammas; thetaIndex <- matrix(0,numthetas,numClasses); if (numClasses>1) { gammaIndex <- matrix(0,numGammas,numClasses-1); } else {gammaIndex <- NULL;} for (k in 1:numClasses) { thetaIndex[,k] <- (((k-1)*numthetas+(k-1)*numGammas) + (1:numthetas)); if (k < numClasses) { gammaIndex[,k] <- (k*numthetas+(k-1)*numGammas) + (1:numGammas); } } y.inv.corrmats <- list(); for (i in 1:numSubjects) { y.inv.corrmats[[i]] <- solve((1 - proportionNugget)*rho^(abs(outer(time[which(intId==i)], time[which(intId==i)],"-"))) + proportionNugget*diag(length(which(intId==i)))); } # These calculations are based on the mixreg package in Turner # (2009) with some modifications as described in our paper; I1 <- matrix(0,numParams,numParams); I2 <- matrix(0,numParams,numParams); I3 <- matrix(0,numParams,numParams); # Calculate matrix I1 for (c in 1:numClasses) { for (i in 1:numSubjects) { these <- which(intId==i); xi <- X[which(intId==i),,drop=FALSE]; ni <- sum(intId==i); contrib <- postProb[i,c]* t(as.matrix(xi))%*%(y.inv.corrmats[[i]]/[c])%*%as.matrix(xi); I1[thetaIndex[,c],thetaIndex[,c]] <- I1[thetaIndex[,c],thetaIndex[,c]] + contrib; } I1[thetaIndex[,c],thetaIndex[,c]] <- I1[thetaIndex[,c],thetaIndex[,c]] + penalty; } if (numClasses>1) { for (c in 1:(numClasses-1)) { for (k in 1:(numClasses-1)) { for (i in 1:numSubjects) { nonrefc <- nonreferenceClasses[c]; nonrefk <- nonreferenceClasses[k]; Si <- S[i,,drop=FALSE]; contrib <- fittedProb[i,nonrefc]* (1*(nonrefc==nonrefk)-fittedProb[i,nonrefk])* crossprod(Si); I1[gammaIndex[,c],gammaIndex[,k]] <- I1[gammaIndex[,c],gammaIndex[,k]] + contrib; } } } } # Calculate matrix I2 (information lost due to not knowing true class labels) for (c in 1:numClasses) { for (k in 1:numClasses) { for (i in 1:numSubjects) { sigsqS <-[c]*(1 - proportionNugget); sigsqE <-[c]*proportionNugget; ni <- sum(intId==i); xi <- X[which(intId==i),,drop=FALSE]; yi <- Y[which(intId==i),drop=FALSE]; Si <- S[i,,drop=FALSE]; muic <- mu[which(intId==i),c,drop=FALSE]; hic <- t(xi)%*%(y.inv.corrmats[[i]]/[c])%*%(yi-muic); for (j in 1:numSubjects) { # Information loss in linear regression coefficients: nj <- sum(intId==j); xj <- X[which(intId==j),,drop=FALSE]; yj <- Y[which(intId==j),drop=FALSE]; Sj <- S[j,,drop=FALSE]; mujk <- mu[which(intId==j),k,drop=FALSE]; hjk <- t(xj)%*%(y.inv.corrmats[[j]]/[k])%*%(yj-mujk); Gckij <- postProb[i,c]*postProb[j,k]*(i!=j) + postProb[i,c]*(i==j)*(c==k); I2[thetaIndex[,c],thetaIndex[,k]] <- I2[thetaIndex[,c],thetaIndex[,k]] + Gckij * hic%*%t(hjk) - (1/(numSubjects^2))*postProb[i,c]*hic%*%t(theta[,k])%*%penalty - (1/(numSubjects^2))*postProb[j,k]*hjk%*%t(theta[,c])%*%penalty + (1/(numSubjects^2))*penalty%*%theta[,c]%*%t(theta[,k])%*%penalty; # Information loss in logistic regression coefficients: if ((c < numClasses)&(k < numClasses)) { nonrefc <- nonreferenceClasses[c]; nonrefk <- nonreferenceClasses[k]; Gcnonrefkij <- postProb[i,c]*postProb[j,nonrefk]*(i!=j) + postProb[i,c]*(i==j)*(c==nonrefk); Gnonrefcnonrefkij <- postProb[i,nonrefc]*postProb[j,nonrefk]*(i!=j) + postProb[i,nonrefc]*(i==j)*(nonrefc==nonrefk); contrib <- (Gnonrefcnonrefkij- postProb[i,nonrefc]*fittedProb[j,nonrefk]- postProb[j,nonrefk]*fittedProb[i,nonrefc] + fittedProb[i,nonrefc]*fittedProb[j,nonrefk])* (t(Si)%*%Sj); I2[gammaIndex[,c],gammaIndex[,k]] <- I2[gammaIndex[,c],gammaIndex[,k]] + contrib; } # Information loss in covariance between linear and # logistic regression coefficients: if (k < numClasses) { for (kprime in 1:numClasses) { nonrefk <- nonreferenceClasses[k]; Gcnonrefkij <- postProb[i,c]*postProb[j,nonrefk]+ postProb[i,c]*(i==j)* ((c==nonrefk)-postProb[j,nonrefk]); contrib = Gcnonrefkij*((k==kprime)-fittedProb[j,k])*hic%*%Sj + ( (1/numSubjects)*postProb[j,kprime] * ((k==kprime)-fittedProb[j,k])*penalty%*%theta[,c]%*%Sj) ; I2[thetaIndex[,c],gammaIndex[,k]] <- I2[thetaIndex[,c],gammaIndex[,k]] + contrib; I2[gammaIndex[,k],thetaIndex[,c]] <- t(I2[thetaIndex[,c],gammaIndex[,k]]); } } } } } } # Calculate matrix I3 for (i in 1:numSubjects) { scorei <- matrix(0,numParams,1); for (k in 1:numClasses) { ni <- sum(intId==i); xi <- X[which(intId==i),,drop=FALSE]; yi <- Y[which(intId==i),drop=FALSE]; Si <- S[i,,drop=FALSE]; muik <- mu[which(intId==i),k,drop=FALSE]; hik <- t(xi)%*%(y.inv.corrmats[[i]]/[k])%*%(yi-muik); scorei[thetaIndex[,k]] <- postProb[i,k]*hik - (1/numSubjects)*penalty%*%theta[,k]; if (k < numClasses) { nonrefk <- nonreferenceClasses[k]; scorei[gammaIndex[,k]] <- (postProb[i,nonrefk]- fittedProb[i,nonrefk])*Si; } } I3 <- I3 + crossprod(t(scorei)); } # Calculate naiveCovarianceMatrix (in theta and gamma) if (kappa(I1)0) { sandwichCovarianceThetaGamma <- correctedCovarianceThetaGamma%*% I3%*%correctedCovarianceThetaGamma; } # Calculate covarianceForPrevalences if (numClasses>1) { allGammas <- as.vector(gammaIndex); jacobian <- matrix(0,numClasses,(numClasses-1)*numGammas); for (m in 1:(numClasses-1)) { for (k in 1:numClasses) { for (q in 1:numGammas) { w <- (m-1)*numGammas + q; nonrefm <- nonreferenceClasses[m]; # Jacobian[m,i] = derivative of lambda[k] in gamma[m,q], ; # i.e., gamma[w] when the free gammas are all listed in a ; # vector, one class on top of another, excluding the # reference class. ; temp <- sum(((1*(k==nonrefm))-fittedProb[,k])* fittedProb[,nonrefm]*S[,q]); jacobian[k,w] <- temp/numSubjects; } } } uncorrectedCovariancePrevalence <- jacobian %*% uncorrectedCovarianceThetaGamma[allGammas,allGammas] %*% t(jacobian); correctedCovariancePrevalence <- jacobian %*% correctedCovarianceThetaGamma[allGammas,allGammas] %*% t(jacobian); sandwichCovariancePrevalence <- jacobian %*% sandwichCovarianceThetaGamma[allGammas,allGammas] %*% t(jacobian); } else { uncorrectedCovariancePrevalence <- NULL; correctedCovariancePrevalence <- NULL; sandwichCovariancePrevalence <- NULL; } return(list( uncorrectedCovarianceThetaGamma=uncorrectedCovarianceThetaGamma, # Similar to the covariance matrix, but without # correcting for missing class labels as in Turner correctedCovarianceThetaGamma=correctedCovarianceThetaGamma, # The estimated covariance matrix for all of # the model parameters, adjusting for the unknown # class labels sandwichCovarianceThetaGamma=sandwichCovarianceThetaGamma, # The sandwich covariance matrix for the model # parameters, which may be more robust to # misspecification of the within-subject # correlation (see Liang and Zeger 1986) uncorrectedCovariancePrevalence=uncorrectedCovariancePrevalence, # Estimators for the covariance of class prevalences (overall # proportions) based on the respective estimators for the # covariance of the model parameters. correctedCovariancePrevalence=correctedCovariancePrevalence, sandwichCovariancePrevalence=sandwichCovariancePrevalence, thetaIndex=thetaIndex, # Tells which rows and columns of the covariance # matrix refer to thetas (linear regression # parameters) gammaIndex=gammaIndex, # Tells which rows and columns of the covariance # matrix refer to gammas (logistic regression # parameters) I1=I1, I2=I2, I3=I3)); # I1, I2, and I3 are described in our paper # (Dziak et al) and are based on combining # the approach of Turner (2000) with a # sandwich estimation approach; } ##################################################################### ## Main body of MixTVEM function ## Process the subject ID's; if (!is.integer(id)) { <- as.integer(as.factor(id)); } else { <- id; } if ( {min.time <- min(time);} if ( {max.time <- max(time);} numTotal <- length(id); intId <- rep(0,numTotal); stopifnot(is.integer(unique(; numSubjects <- length(unique(; for (i in 1:numSubjects) { intId[which([i])] <- i; } stopifnot(length(unique(intId))==numSubjects); stopifnot(all.equal(unique(intId),1:numSubjects)); ## Decide on a reference class; if ( {referenceClass <- 1;} stopifnot(referenceClass>0); stopifnot(referenceClass<=numClasses); ## Process the class membership predictor variables S; if (!is.null(scov)) { scov <- as.matrix(scov); stopifnot(nrow(scov)==numTotal); S <- matrix(0,numSubjects,1+ncol(scov)); for (i in 1:numSubjects) { theseObs <- which(intId==i); S[i,] <- c(1, scov[min(theseObs),]); } } else { S <- matrix(1,numSubjects,1); } if (is.null(colnames(scov))) { colnames(S) <- paste("S",0:(ncol(S)-1),sep=""); }; ## Process the time variable; stopifnot(!is.null(time)); stopifnot((deg==1)|(deg==2)|(deg==3)); time <- as.matrix(time); stopifnot(nrow(time)==numTotal); stopifnot(ncol(time)==1); stopifnot(is.numeric(time)); if (is.null(colnames(time))) { colnames(time) <- "Time"; } timeBasis <- list(); designMatrix <- NULL; whichBeta <- NULL; ## Construct the first part of the design matrix including ... ; ## ... the intercept column if there are no time-varying covariates; if (is.null(tcov)) { interceptColumn <- matrix(1,numTotal,1); colnames(interceptColumn) <- "Intercept"; designMatrix <- cbind(designMatrix,interceptColumn); whichBeta <- c(whichBeta,0); } ## ... and the covariates without time-varying effects; if (!is.null(xcov)) { xcov <- as.matrix(xcov); if (min(apply(xcov,2,var))<1e-10) { stop("Please do not include a constant column in xcov."); } stopifnot(nrow(xcov)==numTotal); numXCov <- ncol(xcov); if (is.null(colnames(xcov))) { colnames(xcov) <- paste("X",1:ncol(xcov),sep=""); }; designMatrix <- cbind(designMatrix,xcov); } else { numXCov <- 0; } whichBeta <- c(whichBeta,rep(0,numXCov)); ## Get the tcov matrix ready; if (is.null(tcov)) { numTCov <- 0; stop(paste("tcov is null.", "No time-varying betas or effects are in the model.")); } else { tcov <- as.matrix(tcov); stopifnot(nrow(tcov)==numTotal); numTCov <- ncol(tcov); if (is.null(colnames(tcov))) { colnames(tcov) <- paste("TV",1:ncol(tcov),sep=""); }; ## Create the scale vector to be used with the penalty for the time-varying ## covariates; if (!identical(as.vector(tcov[,1]),rep(1,numTotal))) { warning("tcov does not seem to contain an intercept (trajectory) column."); } tcov.scale <- apply(tcov,2,sd); if (length(tcov.scale)>1) { if (min(tcov.scale[-1])<1e-10) { stop(paste("Please include the intercept column as the first", "column in tcov, and do not include any other columns", "which are constant across all", "subjects and assessments.")); } } if (identical(as.vector(tcov[,1]),rep(1,numTotal))) { tcov.scale[1] <- 1; # do not scale intercept column; } ## Create the basis functions; if (length(numInteriorKnots)!=1) {stop();} stopifnot(numInteriorKnots>0); num.intervals <- numInteriorKnots+1; dx <- (max.time-min.time)/num.intervals; all.knot.locations <- seq(min.time-(deg)*dx, max.time+(deg)*dx, by=dx); all.knot.locations[1] <- all.knot.locations[2]-1e-8; all.knot.locations[length(all.knot.locations)] <- all.knot.locations[length(all.knot.locations)-1]+1e-8; interior.knot.locations <- seq(min.time+dx, max.time-dx, by=dx); timeGrid <- seq(min.time,max.time,length=gridSize); timeBasis <- spline.des(all.knot.locations, time, deg+1, rep(0,length(time)), outer.ok=TRUE)$design; # Adapted from Eilers and Marx, 1996; colnames(timeBasis) <- paste(colnames(time),".Spline.", 1:ncol(timeBasis), sep=""); timeBasisByGrid <- spline.des(all.knot.locations, timeGrid, deg+1, rep(0,length(timeGrid)), outer.ok=TRUE)$design; # Adapted from Eilers and Marx, 1996; colnames(timeBasisByGrid) <- paste(colnames(time),".Spline.", 1:ncol(timeBasisByGrid), sep=""); # Now generate regression matrix; for (j in 1:numTCov) { covariateTimesTimeBasis <- tcov[,j,drop=TRUE]*timeBasis; # Elementwise product; colnames(covariateTimesTimeBasis) <- paste(colnames(tcov)[j], "times", colnames(timeBasis), sep="."); designMatrix <- cbind(designMatrix, covariateTimesTimeBasis); whichBeta <- c(whichBeta,rep(j,ncol(covariateTimesTimeBasis))); } stopifnot(sum(is.nan(designMatrix))==0); stopifnot(sum(is.null(designMatrix))==0); if(sum(>0) { stop("Missing data is not yet supported in this software."); } } ## Create the penalty weight matrix (see Eilers and Marx, 1996) diffMatrix <- crossprod(diff(diff(diag(rep(1,ncol(timeBasis)))))); penaltyMatrix <- matrix(0,ncol(designMatrix),ncol(designMatrix)); for (j in 1:numTCov) { indices <- numXCov+(j-1)*ncol(timeBasis)+(1:ncol(timeBasis)); stopifnot(length(indices)==nrow(diffMatrix)); stopifnot(length(indices)==ncol(diffMatrix)); penaltyMatrix[indices,indices] <- diffMatrix/(tcov.scale[j]^2); } ####################################################################### ## Run a loop to find the best seed; logLikBySeed <- rep(NA,numStarts); rhoBySeed <- rep(NA,numStarts); proportionNuggetBySeed <- rep(NA,numStarts); weightedRSSBySeed <- rep(NA,numStarts); if (numStarts > 1) { if (! { }; seeds <- round(runif(numStarts)*1e8); } else { if (! { seeds <- seed; } else { seeds <- round(runif(1)*1e8); } } postProbsList <- list(); for (i in 1:numStarts) { set.seed(seeds[i]); print(paste("Trying seed=",seeds[i])); thisFit <- MixTVEMFitInner(convergenceCriterion=convergenceCriterion, intId=intId, maxIterations=maxIterations/2, maxVarianceRatio=maxVarianceRatio, numClasses=numClasses, penaltyMatrix=penaltyMatrix, referenceClass=referenceClass, roughnessPenalty=(1e9)*sd(dep), rho=0, S=S, time=time, X=designMatrix, Y=dep); estimates <- estimateRho(thisFit, time); estimatedProportionNugget <- estimates$proportionNugget; estimatedRho <- estimates$rho; thisFit <- MixTVEMFitInner(convergenceCriterion=convergenceCriterion, intId=intId, maxIterations=maxIterations/2, maxVarianceRatio=maxVarianceRatio, numClasses=numClasses, penaltyMatrix=penaltyMatrix, proportionNugget=estimatedProportionNugget, referenceClass=referenceClass, roughnessPenalty=(1e9)*sd(dep), rho=estimatedRho, S=S, time=time, X=designMatrix, Y=dep); logLikBySeed[i] <- thisFit$logLik; rhoBySeed[i] <- estimatedRho; weightedRSSBySeed[i] <- thisFit$weightedRSS; postProbsList[[i]] <- thisFit$postProbsBySub; proportionNuggetBySeed[[i]] <- estimatedProportionNugget; } bestSeed <- seeds[which.max(logLikBySeed)]; bestRho <- rhoBySeed[which.max(logLikBySeed)]; bestProportionNugget <- proportionNuggetBySeed[which.max(logLikBySeed)]; ####################################################################### ## Find the best tuning parameter; f <- function(lambda) { set.seed(bestSeed); print(paste("Trying lambda=",round(lambda,5))); thisFit <- MixTVEMFitInner(convergenceCriterion=convergenceCriterion, intId=intId, maxIterations=maxIterations, maxVarianceRatio=maxVarianceRatio, numClasses=numClasses, penaltyMatrix=penaltyMatrix, proportionNugget=bestProportionNugget, referenceClass=referenceClass, roughnessPenalty=lambda, rho=bestRho, S=S, time=time, X=designMatrix, Y=dep); return(thisFit$bic); } # Find the right order of magnitude; lambdasSearch1 <- 10^(seq(-3,floor(log10(numTotal))))*sd(dep); resultsSearch1 <- sapply(lambdasSearch1, f); bestLambda1 <- lambdasSearch1[which.min(resultsSearch1)]; #print(cbind(lambdasSearch1,resultsSearch1)); # Find the right approximate value; lambdasSearch2 <- (10^seq(-0.6,0.6,length=5))*bestLambda1; resultsSearch2 <- sapply(lambdasSearch2, f); bestLambda2 <- lambdasSearch2[which.min(resultsSearch2)]; #print(cbind(lambdasSearch1,resultsSearch1)); # Zoom in closer; lambdasSearch3 <- (10^seq(-0.2,0.2,length=5))*bestLambda2; resultsSearch3 <- sapply(lambdasSearch3, f); bestLambda3 <- lambdasSearch3[which.min(resultsSearch3)]; #print(cbind(lambdasSearch1,resultsSearch1)); # Good enough; lambda <- bestLambda3; ## Finally do the analysis; set.seed(bestSeed); bestFit <- MixTVEMFitInner(convergenceCriterion=convergenceCriterion, intId=intId, maxIterations=maxIterations, maxVarianceRatio=maxVarianceRatio, numClasses=numClasses, penaltyMatrix=penaltyMatrix, proportionNugget=bestProportionNugget, referenceClass=referenceClass, rho=bestRho, roughnessPenalty=lambda, S=S, time=time, X=designMatrix, Y=dep); ## Now record the fitted values on the original assessment times; fitted <- designMatrix%*%bestFit$theta; fittedCoefficients <- list(); for (j in 1:numTCov) { fittedCoefficients[[j]] <- timeBasis%*% bestFit$theta[which(whichBeta==j),]; } estimate <- list(); for (which.coef in 1:numTCov) { estimate[[which.coef]] <- list(); for (which.class in 1:numClasses) { estimate[[which.coef]][[which.class]] <- fittedCoefficients[[which.coef]][order(time),which.class]; } } ## Record the fitted values on the fit grid; fittedCoefficientsByGrid <- list(); for (j in 1:numTCov) { fittedCoefficientsByGrid[[j]] <- timeBasisByGrid%*% bestFit$theta[which(whichBeta==j),]; } estimate <- list(); for (which.coef in 1:numTCov) { estimate[[which.coef]] <- list(); for (which.class in 1:numClasses) { estimate[[which.coef]][[which.class]] <- fittedCoefficientsByGrid[[which.coef]][order(timeGrid),which.class]; } } ## Get the standard errors; if (getSEs) { covarMats <- MixTVEMCovMats(fittedProb=bestFit$fittedProb, gamma=bestFit$gamma, intId=intId, mu=bestFit$fittedY, numSubjects=numSubjects, numTotal=numTotal, penalty=lambda*penaltyMatrix, postProb=bestFit$postProbsBySub, proportionNugget=bestFit$proportionNugget, referenceClass=referenceClass, rho=bestFit$rho, S=S,$, theta=bestFit$theta, X=designMatrix, Y=dep); if (sum($sandwichCovarianceThetaGamma))>0) { warning("Could not compute sandwich standard errors."); } fittedCoefficientsStdErrUncorrected <- list(); fittedCoefficientsStdErrCorrected <- list(); fittedCoefficientsStdErrSandwich <- list(); fittedCoefficientsStdErrUncorrectedByGrid <- list(); fittedCoefficientsStdErrCorrectedByGrid <- list(); fittedCoefficientsStdErrSandwichByGrid <- list(); for (j in 1:numTCov) { fittedCoefficientsStdErrUncorrected[[j]] <- matrix(NA,numTotal,numClasses); fittedCoefficientsStdErrCorrected[[j]] <- matrix(NA,numTotal,numClasses); fittedCoefficientsStdErrSandwich[[j]] <- matrix(NA,numTotal,numClasses); fittedCoefficientsStdErrUncorrectedByGrid[[j]] <- matrix(NA,gridSize,numClasses); fittedCoefficientsStdErrCorrectedByGrid[[j]] <- matrix(NA, gridSize,numClasses); fittedCoefficientsStdErrSandwichByGrid[[j]] <- matrix(NA, gridSize,numClasses); for (class in 1:numClasses) { thisCovmatUncorrected <- covarMats$uncorrectedCovarianceThetaGamma[ covarMats$thetaIndex[which(whichBeta==j),class], covarMats$thetaIndex[which(whichBeta==j),class]]; thisCovmatCorrected <- covarMats$correctedCovarianceThetaGamma[ covarMats$thetaIndex[which(whichBeta==j),class], covarMats$thetaIndex[which(whichBeta==j),class]]; thisCovmatSandwich <- covarMats$sandwichCovarianceThetaGamma[ covarMats$thetaIndex[which(whichBeta==j),class], covarMats$thetaIndex[which(whichBeta==j),class]]; fittedCoefficientsStdErrUncorrected[[j]][,class] <- sqrt(diag( as.matrix(timeBasis %*% thisCovmatUncorrected %*% t(timeBasis)))); fittedCoefficientsStdErrUncorrectedByGrid[[j]][,class] <- sqrt(diag( as.matrix(timeBasisByGrid %*% thisCovmatUncorrected %*% t(timeBasisByGrid)))); fittedCoefficientsStdErrCorrected[[j]][,class] <- sqrt(diag( as.matrix(timeBasis %*% thisCovmatCorrected %*% t(timeBasis)))); fittedCoefficientsStdErrCorrectedByGrid[[j]][,class] <- sqrt(diag( as.matrix(timeBasisByGrid %*% thisCovmatCorrected %*% t(timeBasisByGrid)))); fittedCoefficientsStdErrSandwich[[j]][,class] <- sqrt(diag( as.matrix(timeBasis %*% thisCovmatSandwich %*% t(timeBasis)))); fittedCoefficientsStdErrSandwichByGrid[[j]][,class] <- sqrt(diag( as.matrix(timeBasisByGrid %*% thisCovmatSandwich %*% t(timeBasisByGrid)))); } } } else { # Standard errors were not requested; covarMats <- NULL; fittedCoefficientsStdErrUncorrected <- NULL; fittedCoefficientsStdErrUncorrectedByGrid <- NULL; fittedCoefficientsStdErrCorrected <- NULL; fittedCoefficientsStdErrCorrectedByGrid <- NULL; fittedCoefficientsStdErrSandwich <- NULL; fittedCoefficientsStdErrSandwichByGrid <- NULL; fittedCoefficientsSEByGrid <- NULL; } if (doPlot==TRUE&length(time)>10) { stopifnot(numClasses<10); stopifnot(numTCov<4); theColors <- c("red","blue","darkgreen","purple","pink", "cyan","magenta","green","darkgray"); if (numTCov==2) {par(mfrow=c(2,1));} if (numTCov>2) {par(mfrow=c(2,2));} for (which.coef in 1:numTCov) { for (which.class in 1:numClasses) { if (which.class==1) { plot(x=timeGrid[order(timeGrid)], y=fittedCoefficientsByGrid[[which.coef]][order(timeGrid),which.class], ylim=c(min(unlist(fittedCoefficientsByGrid[[which.coef]])), max(unlist(fittedCoefficientsByGrid[[which.coef]]))), col=theColors[which.class],type="l", xlab="Time", ylab=paste("Coefficient",which.coef)); } else { lines(x=timeGrid[order(timeGrid)], y=fittedCoefficientsByGrid[[which.coef]][order(timeGrid),which.class], col=theColors[which.class]); } markers <- round(quantile(1:length(timeGrid),(1:9)/10)); text(x=timeGrid[order(timeGrid)][markers], y=fittedCoefficientsByGrid[[which.coef]][ order(timeGrid),which.class][markers], col=theColors[which.class], labels=which.class); if (getSEs) { if (sum([[which.coef]]))==0) { lines(x=timeGrid[order(timeGrid)], y=fittedCoefficientsByGrid[[which.coef]][order(timeGrid),which.class]+1.96* #fittedCoefficientsStdErrUncorrectedByGrid[[which.coef]][order(timeGrid),which.class], fittedCoefficientsStdErrSandwichByGrid[[which.coef]][order(timeGrid),which.class], col=theColors[which.class], lty="dotted"); lines(x=timeGrid[order(timeGrid)], y=fittedCoefficientsByGrid[[which.coef]][order(timeGrid),which.class]-1.96* #fittedCoefficientsStdErrUncorrectedByGrid[[which.coef]][order(timeGrid),which.class], fittedCoefficientsStdErrSandwichByGrid[[which.coef]][order(timeGrid),which.class], col=theColors[which.class], lty="dotted"); } } } } } <- mean(logLikBySeed>max(logLikBySeed)-.1); <- mean(weightedRSSBySeed1) { cat("Proportion of starting values giving approximately the best obtained ...\n"); cat(sprintf(" ... log-likelihood: %28.2f \n",; cat(sprintf(" ... weighted sum squared error: %20.2f \n",; if (!best.agree) { print("These criteria for the best starting value may not agree."); print("The starting value that gave the best log-likelihood was used."); } } cat(sprintf("Estimated autocorrelation parameter rho: %8.3f \n", bestFit$rho)); cat(sprintf("Estimated proportion nugget: %20.3f \n", bestFit$proportionNugget)); cat(sprintf("Count number of parameters: %21.2f \n", bestFit$np)); cat(sprintf("Smoothed number of parameters: %18.2f \n", bestFit$enp)); cat("Class proportions: \n"); cat(round(apply(bestFit$fittedProb,2,mean),4)); cat("\n"); cat("Total standard deviations: \n"); cat(round(sqrt(bestFit$,4)); cat("\n"); # Provide the logistic regression output; logisticRegOutput <- NULL; this.nonref.class.index <- 0; for (which.class in 1:numClasses) { if (which.class==referenceClass) {next;} this.nonref.class.index <- this.nonref.class.index +1; this.class.est <- as.vector(bestFit$gamma[,which.class]); if (getSEs) { <- as.vector(sqrt(diag(as.matrix( covarMats$uncorrectedCovarianceThetaGamma [covarMats$gammaIndex[,this.nonref.class.index,drop=FALSE], covarMats$gammaIndex[,this.nonref.class.index,drop=FALSE]])))); <- as.vector(sqrt(diag(as.matrix( covarMats$correctedCovarianceThetaGamma [covarMats$gammaIndex[,this.nonref.class.index,drop=FALSE], covarMats$gammaIndex[,this.nonref.class.index,drop=FALSE]])))); <- as.vector(sqrt(diag(as.matrix( covarMats$sandwichCovarianceThetaGamma [covarMats$gammaIndex[,this.nonref.class.index,drop=FALSE], covarMats$gammaIndex[,this.nonref.class.index,drop=FALSE]])))); this.class.z.sandwich <- this.class.est/; this.class.p.sandwich <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(this.class.z.sandwich))); } else { <- NA; <- NA; <- NA; this.class.z.sandwich <- NA; this.class.p.sandwich <- NA; } this.class.output <- data.frame(Column=paste("S",1:length(this.class.est), sep=""), Class=which.class, Estimate=this.class.est,,,, z=round(this.class.z.sandwich,8), p=round(this.class.p.sandwich,8)); logisticRegOutput <- rbind(logisticRegOutput,this.class.output); } cat("Logistic regression for class membership: \n"); print(logisticRegOutput); nontvem.reg.output <- NULL; if (!is.null(xcov)) { for (which.class in 1:numClasses) { if (which.class==referenceClass) {next;} this.class.est <- bestFit$theta[which(whichBeta==0),which.class]; these.indices <- covarMats$thetaIndex[which(whichBeta==0),which.class]; if (getSEs) { <- as.vector(sqrt(diag(covarMats$uncorrectedCovarianceThetaGamma[ these.indices, these.indices,drop=FALSE]))); <- as.vector(sqrt(diag(covarMats$correctedCovarianceThetaGamma[ these.indices, these.indices,drop=FALSE]))); <- as.vector(sqrt(diag(covarMats$sandwichCovarianceThetaGamma[ these.indices, these.indices,drop=FALSE]))); this.class.z.sandwich <- this.class.est/; this.class.p.sandwich <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(this.class.z.sandwich))); } else { <- NA; <- NA; <- NA; this.class.z.sandwich <- NA; this.class.p.sandwich <- NA; } this.class.output <- data.frame(Column=paste("X", 1:length(this.class.est),sep=""), Class=which.class, Estimate=this.class.est,,,, z.sandwich=round(this.class.z.sandwich,8), p.sandwich=round(this.class.p.sandwich,8)); nontvem.reg.output <- rbind(nontvem.reg.output,this.class.output); } cat("Non-time-varying coefficients: \n"); print(nontvem.reg.output); } # Return the answers; return(list( bestFit=bestFit, # Answer from the MixTVEMFitInner function, # as obtained for the best starting value. allBSplineKnots=all.knot.locations, # List of all knot locations for the spline bestSeed=bestSeed, # Selected random number seed for the best # solution obtained. covarMats=covarMats, # Answer from MixTVEMCovMats for the # estimates obtained by the best starting values. dep=dep, # The dependent variable as a vector; if there # are no NA's (missing data) in the data provided # in the input, then this is the same as the dep # vector that was provided. It is provided again # here in the output list for convenience in # comparing observed to fitted values. # Also included as a member of bestFit. beta=fittedCoefficients, # The fitted values for the coefficient functions # at each assessment time value betaByGrid=fittedCoefficientsByGrid, # The fitted values for the coefficient functions # at time value on a regular grid of GridSize points betaSEUncorrected=fittedCoefficientsStdErrUncorrected, betaSECorrected=fittedCoefficientsStdErrCorrected, betaSESandwich=fittedCoefficientsStdErrSandwich, # The standard errors for the coefficient functions # at each assessment time value betaSEUncorrectedByGrid=fittedCoefficientsStdErrUncorrectedByGrid, betaSECorrectedByGrid=fittedCoefficientsStdErrCorrectedByGrid, betaSESandwichByGrid=fittedCoefficientsStdErrSandwichByGrid, # The standard errors for the coefficient functions # at time value on a regular grid of GridSize points fittedValues=fitted, # The fitted values for the dependent variable # for each class, at each assessment time value. # Also included as a member of bestFit. id=id, intId=intId, # The identification variable provided and the # possibly recoded interior version. knotLocations=interior.knot.locations, # Interior knots of the spline. This may differ # from allBSplineKnots because a B-spline may have # invisible "exterior" knots which help to make the # math work. logisticRegOutput=logisticRegOutput, # Information on the logistic regression for # predicting class memberships. logLikBySeed=logLikBySeed, # Fitted log-likelihood for each random seed which was # tried. penaltyMatrix=penaltyMatrix, referenceClass=referenceClass, # The reference class for the logistic regression for # predicting class memberships. rhoBySeed=rhoBySeed, # Estimated correlation parameter for each random # seed which was tried. S=S, # The matrix of subject-level covariates. For # convenience, they are presented in a one-row-per # subject format without duplication; an intercept # column is also included. Multiplying these # by the fitted gammas from bestFit obtains the # generalized linear model linear predictors # for class membership. time=as.vector(time), # The vector of assessment times. It is provided again # here in the output list for convenience. timeBasis=timeBasis, # The basis matrix used to express the effect # of time. timeGrid=timeGrid, # The time values used to arrange predictions # on a regular set of points for graphing. weightedRSSBySeed=weightedRSSBySeed, # Fitted weighted RSS for each random seed # tried. whichBeta=whichBeta, # Used for interpreting the results of bestFit and # covarMats. It tells which time-varying coefficient # is represented by each column of the design matrix. X=designMatrix # The design matrix used in the regression, including # all of the columns for all of the splines. )); } ##################################################################