AnimaliaLepidopteraGracillariidaeBaiHaiyanXuJiashengDaiXiaohuaTwo new and one newly recorded species of Gracillariidae from China (Lepidoptera)Zookeys322016201655913915010.3897/zookeys.559.6812 Gibbovalva Kumata & Kuroko, 1988 Gibbovalva Kumata & Kuroko, 1988, In: Kumata, Kuroko and Ermolaev, 1988, Insecta Matsumurana (N.S.) 40: 3Type species.

Gracilaria (sic) quadrifasciata Stainton, 1862.


Stainton (1862: 295, pl. 10, fig. 5).

Key to the Chinese species of <italic><tp:taxon-name><tp:taxon-name-part taxon-name-part-type="genus">Gibbovalva</tp:taxon-name-part></tp:taxon-name></italic>
1Forewing with five white or ochreous yellow fasciae 2
Forewing with four white fasciae 5
2Forewing fuscous with ochreous yellow fasciae Gibbovalva civica (Meyrick, 1914)
Forewing ochreous yellow with white fasciae 3
3Antenna with flagellum white in several basal segments; aedeagus without cornutus Gibbovalva urbana (Meyrick, 1908)
Antenna with flagellum ochreous yellow to ochreous brown; aedeagus with cornutus 4
4Forewing with fifth fascia intercalated by a black narrow line in centre; aedeagus with a flap like process at basal 1/3 Gibbovalva kobusi Kumata & Kuroko, 1988
Fifth fascia without the aforementioned characteristic; flap like process of aedeagus absent Gibbovalva magnoliae Kumata & Kuroko, 1988
5Forewing fuscous, white fasciae with large evident fuscous spots, third fascia interrupted by ground color Gibbovalva quadrifasciata (Stainton, 1862)
Forewing ochreous yellow or distal 2/3 ochreous, fuscous spots in white fasciae obscure or absent, fasciae uninterrupted 6
6First fascia at base of forewing; three basal white fasciae wider than the fourth one, and almost equal in width; forewing with a black speck on dorsum between third and fourth fasciae, and a white speck above the black one Gibbovalva singularis Bai & Li, 2008
First fascia nearly at the middle of forewing, the first and the second fasciae wider than the third and the fourth fasciae; space between third and fourth fasciae without spots Gibbovalva clavata sp. n.