Table S1. Primer sequences used to confirm transposon insertion of different STM mutants and to generate plasmid constructs for complementation as well as purification of CyaB. Table S2. Primer sequences used for qRT-PCR and qPCR analysis. Fig. S1. PCR assay to verify the insertion site and detect the presence of coisolated clones in different PEP-PTS and cyaB transposon mutants generated in a prior study. Fig. S2. B. burgdorferi burdens in skin and mouse tissues of different PEP-PTS mutants. Fig. S3. Parental 5A18NP1 and ptsG and fruA2 mutants of B. burgdorferi showed similar growth kinetics in BSKII and BSK basal medium containing low levels of glucose (BSK-Lite). Fig. S4. PCR assay to determine shuttle vector of ptsG complemented strain in BSKII medium after five passages of growth in the presence and absence of antibiotic selection. Fig. S5. RT-PCR to identify the transcripts of WT, cyaB mutants, and complemented strains of B. burgdorferi.
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Table S3. Transcriptome profiling of ptsG and wt B. burgdorferi using RNA-seq.
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