Supporting Information for Goeres-Miller et al., 2016
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Figure S1 - Recombination mapping of dpl-1(bs21). (.tif, 880 KB)
- Figure S2 - Early embryogenesis defects in dpl-1(bs21) mutants. (.tif, 1149 KB)
- Table S1 - EFL-1-DPL-1 consensus binding sequence and putative EFL-1-DPL-1 binding sites in zyg-1, spd-2, sas-5, and sas-6 promoters. (.docx, 166 KB)
- Table S2 - Table of strains used in this work. (.docx, 106 KB)
- Table S3 - Oligos used in CRISPR genome editing experiments. (.docx, 66 KB)
- Table S4 - Primers used for qRT-PCR experiments. (.docx, 61 KB)