Supplementary Materials

This PDF file includes:

  • Materials and Methods
  • Fig. S1. Structure and dynamics of tropoelastin constructs.
  • Fig. S2. Association by coacervation of WT and WT+22 tropoelastin solutions.
  • Fig. S3. Cross-linking, elastic fiber assembly, and cell attachment of tropoelastin constructs.
  • Fig. S4. Comparative mass spectrometry spectra of WT and WT+22 tropoelastin.
  • Legends for videos S1 and S2
  • References (48–57)

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Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:

  • Video S1 (.mpg format). The WT elastic network model displays a scissors-like motion between the hinge and foot regions, and a twisting motion in the N-terminal coil region.
  • Video S2 (.mpg format). The mutant WT+22 displays dynamics that significantly diverge from the WT.

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