Evolution and Functional Trajectory of Sir1 in Gene Silencing

Supplemental material

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Fig. S1 (No-tag IP and input enrichment in S. cerevisiae), S2 and S7 (Sir1 enrichment at S. cerevisiae telomeres [S2] and centromeres [S7]), S3 (Kos3 enrichment at T. delbrueckii telomeres), S4 (Genes that significantly increased in expression in T. delbrueckii sir mutants), S5 (Sir2 and Sir4 enrichment in kos3Δ strains), S6 (Underenrichment of IP and input at S. cerevisiae centromeres), and S8 (Kos3, Sir2, and Sir4 enrichment at T. delbrueckii centromeres) and Tables S1 (Strains), S2 to S9 (Genes increasing and decreasing in expression in sir1Δ [S2], kos3Δ [S3], sir2Δ [S4], sir4Δ [S5], ago1Δ [S6], dcr1Δ [S7], ago1Δ dcr1Δ [S8], and sir [S9] mutants), and S10 and S11 (ChIP-Seq [S10] and RNA-Seq [S11] reads)

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