Table S1 (Summary of ChIP-seq read alignment and peak calling.)
Table S3 (Primer pairs used for qPCR in this study.)
Table S4 (Summary of the proportion of genes cobound by EBNA3s and EBNA2 in LCLs.)
Fig. S1 (Overlap of EBNA3 binding peaks with previously published data.)
Fig. S2 (Transcription factor cobinding at EBNA3A and EBNA3C bound sites.)
Fig. S3 (Motif enrichment at EBNA3A and EBNA3C bound sites.)
Fig. S4 (Western blot for IRF4 expression levels in multiple B cell lines.)
Fig. S5 (Characterization of BJAB stably expressing Flag-HA-tagged EBNA3A, EBNA3B, or EBNA3C with or without IRF4.)
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Table S2 (Complete listing of ChIP-seq peak calls and colocalized peaks from other datasets.)
XLSX, 1.9M