Supporting Materials for Wang et al., 2016
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Figure S1 - GO classification of unigenes in seeds of B. napus. (.pdf, 111 KB)
- Figure S2 - COG function classification of transcriptome of genes in seeds of B. napus. (.pdf, 183 KB)
- Figure S3 - KEGG classification of unigenes in seeds of B. napus. (.pdf, 193 KB)
- Table S1 - Sequence data generated by llumina HiSeqTM 2000. (.pdf, 49 KB)
- Table S2 - Genes assembled by Trinity. (.pdf, 40 KB)
- Table S3 - Annotation of assembled genes. (.pdf, 46 KB)
- Table S4 - Gene specific primers used for qPCR verification. (.xlsx, 21 KB)
- Table S5 - Free amino acids content in Cy2B and Cy2Y testa and embryo. (.xlsx, 15 KB)
- Table S6 - All the Arabidopsis transparent testa genes and the orthologs in B. napus. (.xlsx, 14 KB)