Determination of the Stoichiometry of the Complete Bacterial Type III Secretion Needle Complex Using a Combined Quantitative Proteomic Approach

Supplemental Data

  • Tables S1-3, 5, 6 (.pdf, 177 KB) - Tables S1: Strains and plasmids Table S2: Oligonuceotides used for cloning of the peptide concatenated standards into pMAL-c5x Table S3: Composition of defined M9 for expression of MBP-PCS in E. coli AT713 Table S5: List of peptides of the proteins of interest used for the construction of PCS1 and PCS2 Table S6: Light-isotope fraction of PCS peptides
  • Table S4 (.xlsx, 32 KB) - Table S4: Raw data IDs used for calculating the mean stoichiometry of each protein