Allicin Induces Thiol Stress in Bacteria through S-Allylmercapto Modification of Protein Cysteines

Supplemental Data

  • Supplemental Table 1 (.xlsx, 38 KB) - Details about the mass spectrometric identification of protein spots from 2D-PAGE gels (additional information to Table 1 and Figure 3 of the main text).
  • Supplemental Table 2 (.xlsx, 85 KB) - Mass spectrometric identification data of S-allylmercapto-modified peptides.
  • Supplemental Table 3 (.xlsx, 92 KB) - S-allylmercapto-modified peptides quantified by OxICAT (sheet "all_quantified"). In the sheet "TOP12", the 12 peptides with a percentage change in modification above 10?% are displayed (see also Table 2).