Table S1. Optical density readings obtained at different dilutions of mouse anti-sheep IgM– and anti-mouse IgG–HRP on positive controls and blank samples during optimization of the IDEXX ELISA for detection of IgM antibodies to C. burnetii. Table S2. Prior probability distributions placed on parameters to inform Bayesian latent class analysis to estimate diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the IFA, CFT, ELISA, and modELISA for detection of C. burnetii antibodies in goat sera. Table S3. Bayesian estimates of diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the IFA in comparison to those of the ELISA and modELISA in detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to phase 1 and 2 Coxiella burnetii at 1:160 serum dilution. Table S4. Prior sensitivity analysis.
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