Supplementary Materials

This PDF file includes:

  • table S1. Clinical information of tumors.
  • table S2. PCR primers for ChIP-PCR and reChIP-PCR.
  • table S3. PCR primers for CATCH chromosome capture.
  • Legends for tables S4 to S6
  • table S7. Summaries of patient cohorts.
  • fig. S1. Progestin is a genomic agonist of estrogen-regulated gene expression.
  • fig. S2. Progestin is a phenotypic antagonist of estrogen-induced cell proliferation, invasion, and migration.
  • fig. S3. Progestin modulates estrogen-regulated gene expression.
  • fig. S4. PR redirects ER to sites enriched for motifs of PR and PR-associated cofactors.
  • fig. S5. Noncompetitive interactions between ER and PR.
  • fig. S6. Depletion of FOXA1 or NF1C insignificantly impacts the effects of PR on ER-regulated gene expression.
  • fig. S7. PR-regulated genes are enriched for breast cancer signatures, and PR contributes to the prognostic value of ER.

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Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:

  • table S4 (Microsoft Excel format). Gene expression changes observed in eight ER+/PR+ patient tumors and three ER+/PR+ cell models in response to various combinations of estrogen and progestin treatments.
  • table S5 (Microsoft Excel format). Gene expression changes observed in four ER+/PR? patient tumors and two ER+/PR-deficient cell models in response to various combinations of estrogen and progestin treatments.
  • table S6 (Microsoft Excel format). Binding sites for ER, PR, and ER/PR complexes in ER+/PR+ T47D and ER+/PR-deficient T47D cells.

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