Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- fig. S1. Carbon sequestration potential during 2008–2048 for crop areas of a lowland Neotropical forest.
- fig. S2. Carbon sequestration potential during 2008–2048 for pasture areas of a lowland Neotropical forest.
- fig. S3. Carbon sequestration potential during 2008–2048 for areas of YSFs and MSFs (in 2008), crops, and pasture combined.
- table S1. Area, carbon stocks, and sequestration potential of different land cover types in lowland moist and dry tropical forest biomes.
- table S2. Area, carbon stocks, and sequestration potential of Latin American countries.
- table S3. Ranked area, carbon stocks, and sequestration potential of different land cover types in lowland moist and dry tropical forest biomes of the top 10 Latin American countries.
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