Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Supplementary Materials and Methods
- table S1. Details of the station locations, temperature, and salinity of bottom waters, total phytopigment (CPE) and biopolymeric C (BPC) concentrations, and protein-to-carbohydrate ratio (PRT/CHO) in surface sediments (0 to 1 cm), net photosynthetic primary production (NPP), and organic C fluxes (OC fluxes).
- table S2. Output of the in silico analysis dealing with the coverage of probes targeting 16S rRNA used in the present study.
- table S3. Statistical analysis testing for differences in the distribution of the different microbial components.
- fig. S1. Depth-related patterns of total prokaryotic abundances (obtained using SYBR Green I) in the top 1 cm of sediments collected in the different oceanic regions.
- fig. S2. Comparison of the abundances of bacteria and archaea obtained by CARD-FISH, with the number of 16S rDNA copies of bacteria and archaea obtained in surface sediments of different oceanic regions.
- fig. S3. Output of the regression tree analysis carried out to identify environmental factors explaining the distribution of MG-I Thaumarchaeota in the top 1 cm of sediments collected in the different oceanic regions.
- fig. S4. Output of the regression tree analysis carried out to identify environmental factors explaining the distribution of MG-II Euryarchaeota in the top 1 cm of sediments collected in the different oceanic regions.
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