This PDF file includes:
- fig. S1. Outline of the quantitative analysis of cellular circadian rhythms.
- fig. S2. Temporal changes in amplitudes of cellular luminescence rhythms after release into LL or DD from LD.
- fig. S3. Results of FFT-NLLS analysis for cellular rhythms under LL.
- fig. S4. Time evolution of the spatial distribution of cellular circadian phases after release into LL from LD.
- fig. S5. Characteristics of asynchronous cellular rhythms under LL.
- fig. S6. Time evolution of the spatial distribution of cellular circadian phases under LL.
- fig. S7. Relationship between phase differences between cellular rhythms and cell-to-cell distances.
- fig. S8. Population-level dynamics of cellular clocks explained by an ANOVA model.
- fig. S9. Correlation between characteristic parameters for cellular bioluminescence rhythms under LL.
- fig. S10. Cellular rhythms were synchronized to LD cycles within 2 days.
- fig. S11. Cellular clocks respond to the first dark signal in a phase-dependent manner.
- fig. S12. Correlation between FRPs during the first 3 days and during the subsequent 5 days.
- fig. S13. Locked phases in LD were significantly different among cells in a frond.
- fig. S14. Spatial distribution of PLPTs under LD.
- fig. S15. FRPs of cellular clocks showed no clear spatial patterns as PLPTs did.
- fig. S16. Spatial distribution of PLPTs after repeated LD cycles.
- fig. S17. Spatial distribution of TTs of delayed fluorescence rhythms.
- table S1. Summary of the quantitative analysis of cellular luminescence rhythms.
- Legends for movies S1 to S3
- Reference (33)
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Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:
- movie S1 (.mp4 format). Desynchronization of cellular luminescence rhythms on a frond under LL.
- movie S2 (.mp4 format). Desynchronization and damping of cellular luminescence rhythms on a frond under DD.
- movie S3 (.mp4 format). Asynchronous cellular luminescence rhythms on a frond under LL and their synchronization to LD cycles.