Functional Selectivity of CB2 Cannabinoid Receptor Ligands at a Canonical and Noncanonical Pathway

Data Supplement

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    Supplementary Fig 1 - Cyclase assay: The classical cannabinoids, (A) L759656 (■) and L759633 (▲) failed to significantly affect cAMP levelss...

    Supplementary Fig 2 -Cyclase assay: (A) The non-classical cannabinoid, HU308 (■) (EC50 30 nM) was less potent than its congener...

    Supplementary Fig. 3 - Cyclase assay: (A) The cannabilactone, AM1710 (■) (EC50 11nM) was as potent and efficacious as CP55940...

    Supplementary Fig. 4 - Arrestin recruitment assay: (A) Aminoalkylindoles WIN55212-2 (■) (EC50 7.2 nM) and JWH015 (▲) (EC50 160 nM); (B) STS135 (▲) (EC50 1.5 nM) and AM1248 (■) (EC50 71 nM); and (C) UR144 (■) (EC50 95 nM) were low efficacy agonists...

    Supplementary Fig. 5 - Arrestin recruitment assay: (A) A836339 (■) (EC50 0.7 nM) was equipotent and equi-efficacious to CP55940 (●) (EC50 1.5 nM) in recruiting arrestins...

    Supplementary Fig. 6 - Bar graph depicting bias factors for select active compounds for inhibition of adenylyl cyclase compared to beta arrestin recruitment