Supplemental Materials and Methods (metabolite detection by 1H NMR and statistical evaluation, proteome determination by MS analysis, transcriptome determination by microarray analysis, statistical analysis and evaluation of proteome and transcriptome data); time course of a turbidostat-controlled culture treated with a reoccurring diel light regime of 12 hours light and 12 hours darkness (Fig. S1); optical density recordings and OD680/OD735 ratios (Fig. S2); oxygen and carbon dioxide recordings (Fig. S3); pH and temperature recordings (Fig. S4); multivariate data analysis employing partial least-squares discriminant analysis of the metabolite signals collected by NMR analysis (Fig. S5); fraction of dynamic metabolites (Fig. S6); test for the occurrence of photoinhibition (Fig. S7); K-means clustering of transcripts which show time-dependent change (Fig. S8); clustering of dynamic proteins (Fig. S9).
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Synechocystis proteins quantified by mass spectrometry at all time points during the day-night turbidostat culture (Table S1); descriptions of the 45 proteins showing a significant change at one or more of the time points (Table S2); enrichment analysis of the 45 changing proteins (Table S3); normalized transcripts for all genes and ANOVA on all genes (Table S4); identified intracellular metabolites, ranked by their VIP scores, indicating their contributions to the separation of the sampling time points in the PLS-DA (Table S5); descriptions of the 19 nonchanging proteins (Table S6); enrichment analysis of the 19 nonchanging proteins (Table S7); K-means clustering of the set of 2,183 changing genes (Table S8); biological function(s) of the transcripts of the changing genes (Table S9); K-means clustering of the set of 45 proteins (Table S10); enrichment analysis of the K-means clustering of the set of 45 proteins (Table S11).
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