% Pool model with PF odes, along with a PK model are coded in this file. % The file runs with run_pool_model_withPK.m % Author: Suruchi Bakshi, LACDR, Leiden University function dy = pool_pf_odes_wo_if_condition(t,y) global ks kel kr ec50_de emax_de ec50_prl emax_prl bsl k_a Cl V1 V2 Cl12 dy=zeros(5,1); % PK equations dy(1) = -k_a.*y(1);% depot comptmnt dy(2) = k_a.*y(1) + (Cl12/V2).*y(3) - (Cl/V1 + Cl12/V1).*y(2); % central comptmnt dy(3) = (Cl12/V1).*y(2) - (Cl12/V2).*y(3); % peripheral comptmnt % PD equations dy(4) = ks.*(1 + emax_prl.*(y(5)-bsl)./(ec50_prl + y(5) - bsl)) - kr.*y(4).*(1 + emax_de.*(y(2)./V1)./(ec50_de+(y(2)./V1))); % Lactotroph PRL dy(5) = kr.*y(4).*(1 + emax_de.*(y(2)./V1)./(ec50_de+(y(2)./V1))) - kel.*y(5);% Plasma PRL