Supplementary Materials

This PDF file includes:

  • fig. S1. Rats learned to perform the task through a series of behavioral shaping stages.
  • fig. S2. Reward delivery was contingent on performance.
  • fig. S3. Fan speed was adjusted to determine rat localization thresholds.
  • fig. S4. Path length deviation was quantified on the basis of the rat?s trajectory.
  • fig. S5. Vibrissal removal does not affect the rats? ability to find a light source.
  • table S1. Descriptive statistics for locomotion.
  • table S2. Median values of the performance and deviation data.
  • table S3. Completion criteria for the localization threshold experiment vary by rat.
  • Legend for movie S1

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Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:

  • data file S1 (Microsoft Excel format). Data for Fig. 2 (A and C).
  • data file S2 (Microsoft Excel format).Data for Fig. 3 (B and C).
  • movie S1 (.mp4 format). The video shows 13 trials in which a rat localizes airflow emanating from one of five fans, arranged around the circumference of a table.

Files in this Data Supplement: