Supplemental methods and Fig. S1 (Minimum-spanning tree of single nucleotide polymorphism-based typing of 32 A. baumannii isolates) and S2 (Minimum-spanning tree of the 14 outbreak isolates and 3 outgroup isolates from the study by Fitzpatrick et al., based on cgMLST analysis)
PDF, 193K
Tables S1 (List of 3,319 cgMLST target genes compared, with the “pairwise ignoring missing values” option in SeqSphere+ turned on during comparison, and allelic profiles of the 32 A. baumannii isolates investigated), S2 (SNP genotypes of the 32 A. baumannii isolates), and S3 (cgMLST allelic profiles of the 17 outbreak isolates from the study by Fitzpatrick et al.)
XLSX, 5.3M
Data Set S1 (Allelic sequences)