Supplemental Material for Stroehlein, et al, 2016
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Figure S1 - Trees representing the phylogenetic relationship of eukaryotic protein kinase (ePK) sequences between Trichinella spiralis (T1) and T. pseudospiralis (T4A). Each ePK group is represented by an individual tree (A-I). Nodal support values (Bayesian inference) and sequence identifiers are given at the nodes and tips, respectively. (.pdf, 207 KB)
- Figure S2 - Clusters of orthologs among Trichinella spiralis (T1), T. pseudospiralis (T4.1), Caenorhabditis elegans (CEL) and Homo sapiens (HSA) based on orthoMCL clustering (E-value ≤ 1e-5; similarity ≥ 0.8). Individual sequence identifiers are given in Tables S3-S10. (.pdf, 61 KB)
- Table S1 - The Trichinella spiralis (T1) kinome, orthologs in T. pseudospiralis (T4.1), amino acid sequence identities and similarities, excretory/secretory prediction, functional annotations, and amino acid sequences. (.xlsx, 185 KB)
- Table S2 - The Trichinella pseudospiralis (T4.1) kinome, orthologs in T. spiralis (T1), amino acid sequence identities and similarities, excretory/secretory prediction, functional annotations, and amino acid sequences. (.xlsx, 216 KB)
- Table S3 - Clusters of orthologs among Trichinella spiralis (T1), T. pseudospiralis (T4.1), Caenorhabditis elegans (CEL) and Homo sapiens (HSA). (.xlsx, 13 KB)
- Table S4 - Clusters of orthologs among Trichinella spiralis (T1), T. pseudospiralis (T4.1) and Caenorhabditis elegans (CEL). (.xlsx, 36 KB)
- Table S5 - Clusters of orthologs among Trichinella spiralis (T1), T. pseudospiralis (T4.1) and Homo sapiens (HSA). (.xlsx, 44 KB)
- Table S6 - Clusters of orthologs between Trichinella spiralis (T1) and T. pseudospiralis (T4.1). (.xlsx, 22 KB)
- Table S7 - Trichinella pseudospiralis (T4.1) sequences without orthologs in other species. (.xlsx, 9 KB)
- Table S8 - Clusters of orthologs between Caenorhabditis elegans (CEL) and Homo sapiens (HSA). (.xlsx, 26 KB)
- Table S9 - Caenorhabditis elegans (CEL) sequences without orthologs in other species. (.xlsx, 125 KB)
- Table S10 - Homo sapiens (HSA) sequences without orthologs in other species. (.xlsx, 125 KB)