Supplemental Material for Lashermes et al., 2016
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Figure S1 - Read depth measurements of genes of C. arabica (acc. Caturra) (.pdf, 191 KB)
- Table S1 - Total number of reads sequenced and mapped onto the C. canephora (acc. DH200-94) reference genome after sequencing of two accessions of C. arabica. (.xlsx, 10 KB)
- Table S2 - Identification of regions exhibiting putative homoeologous SNP deficit (HSD) in C. arabica (acc. Caturra). (.xlsx, 3 MB)
- Table S3 - Gene ontology enrichment analysis of genes exhibiting homoeolog silencing in C. arabica. (.xlsx, 10 KB)
- Table S4 - Genes investigated, pairs of oligonucleotides and SNP used to validate genes exhibiting homoeolog lost or silencing in C. Arabica. (.xlsx, 12 KB)
- Table S5 - List of C. arabica accessions used to validate the presence of genomic regions exhibiting homoeologous SNP deficit and to analyze their distribution among the C. arabica germplasm. (.xlsx, 13 KB)